The ABC Homeopathy Forum
nerve compression at L4-L5
I am suffering from pain under my hip and left leg goes down while sitting and moving with some numbness. I am 52+ and inspite of 2 month allopathic treatment no releif. Last week i took injection (epidorial) in my spine but conditions remain the same. Any one suggest homeo remedy for releasing nerve compression at L4-L5. I get relief while lying down. Urgent reply will be highly appreciated.deepak
oberoidk on 2008-06-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear patient
please take as under:
Medhoranium-1M (Single dose 5 drops at night)
Calc.Four-6x (2 tablets after 3 hours daily) for a week and report.
please take as under:
Medhoranium-1M (Single dose 5 drops at night)
Calc.Four-6x (2 tablets after 3 hours daily) for a week and report.
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dear patient please follow the advice of Dr.Mahfoozurrehman.The second suggesstion of mine,you can use lumber corset belt so long u can wear and try to avoid weight lifting and sleep on hard bed,please avoid the work that increase pain in hip and legs.Thanks,malaker
♡ Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
is the remedy name Medhoranium-1M spelling are correct? i do not found this remedy. However, i have reckweig Calc.Flour 200 can i take this and in what doses?
oberoidk last decade
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
thanks dr.mahfooz, can i take remedy suggested by you alongwith my alopathic remedy. I am getting acute pain when nerve pressed while sitting and when i stand all load on left leg gives lot of senstation of current and unbearable pain. Although i am not getting any relief with allopathic medicines but no excuse for this. even epidoreal injection in spine did not work to relieve pain. Hope your remedy works wonder for me. I have take colsynth 1M and single doze for three consecutive days and Hypericum pert.200 morning evening but no releif.
oberoidk last decade
This book just changed my life. Basically, you don't have to buy the book bc here's the gist of it. Whenver you're in pain, walk. Yes, walk. I walk for an hour a day now (after being on pills and pain for the last 8 years) and I have no pain now. If I do have pain, I walk and it goes away within the hour.
I wasted years of my life listening to doctors. I think this works better with people that have a herniated disk. Mine is at my L5
This book just changed my life. Basically, you don't have to buy the book bc here's the gist of it. Whenver you're in pain, walk. Yes, walk. I walk for an hour a day now (after being on pills and pain for the last 8 years) and I have no pain now. If I do have pain, I walk and it goes away within the hour.
I wasted years of my life listening to doctors. I think this works better with people that have a herniated disk. Mine is at my L5
socratesthegreat last decade
How did the medicine work for you. my mother has same problem and i am wondering what will be the solution for her
How did the medicine work for you. my mother has same problem and i am wondering what will be the solution for her
snasir last decade
Dear Doctor:
please take as under:
Medhoranium-1M (Single dose 5 drops at night)
Calc.Four-6x (2 tablets after 3 hours daily) for a week and report.
Is Medhoranium 1M Single dose only once in a week or every night for one week. Also Calc Flour 6x 3 hours daily - mean 8 time each day for a week. Kindly clarify. Mohansharma
please take as under:
Medhoranium-1M (Single dose 5 drops at night)
Calc.Four-6x (2 tablets after 3 hours daily) for a week and report.
Is Medhoranium 1M Single dose only once in a week or every night for one week. Also Calc Flour 6x 3 hours daily - mean 8 time each day for a week. Kindly clarify. Mohansharma
MOHANSHARMA last decade
This prescription is specific to the patient who posted.
Everyone does not get the same prescription! What is good
for one person can be totally wrong for another person.
Dr. Mahfooz is advising this patient only to take 5 drops only ONCE
and to report after a week. And the Cal Flour is probably not more
than 4 doses, spaced out by 3 hour gaps in one day and that is
for only a week also. Please post about your problem and someone
will help you with a prescription that is designed for you.
This prescription is specific to the patient who posted.
Everyone does not get the same prescription! What is good
for one person can be totally wrong for another person.
Dr. Mahfooz is advising this patient only to take 5 drops only ONCE
and to report after a week. And the Cal Flour is probably not more
than 4 doses, spaced out by 3 hour gaps in one day and that is
for only a week also. Please post about your problem and someone
will help you with a prescription that is designed for you.
♡ simone717 last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.