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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

chronic stomach pain

I have had chronic stomach pain for years - it started after being on nsaids for arthritis and also after some antibiotic treatments. Initially it healed in between treatments, but eventually stayed and now it is constant....24 hours per day, every day. There is never a time it goes away. I have had scans which were normal. A endoscopy showed red stomach irritation in bottom half of my stomach. The only foods that make it worse is chocolate. No food or drink makes it worse. I do not have any diarhea, no gas, no constipation. I have had this now for about 2 years. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I should note that I make my own kefir, and eat that daily, take some probiotics, have started DGL, and digestive enzymes. So far, no change.

Any thoughts on homeopathics? Other?
  meddy2 on 2008-07-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pls try the following four medicine.. continue for a month and report me..(I got very good result from a chronic stomach pain- this is my personal experience.. I treated no. of patient from following medicine..)

1. Sulpher 200 2drops weekly one dose (every sunday morning empty stomach)
2. Pulsatilla 200c 2 drops three times ina day..
3. Mag. phos3x 4 tab three times ina day
4. Berberis V. Q 10 drops three times in a day.. for a month only....

report after a month..

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Thank you for replying!

Some follow up questions...

1.) re. Sulphur....is that 200C or 200X?.

2.).I noticed on the website that there is a choice of 'liquid' or 'mother tincture' for sulphur. Which should I use?

3.) Is 'Mag. Phos.' - Magnesia Phosphorica ?
What strength should I use?

4.) Is 'Berberis V.' - Berberis Vulgaris?
What does the 'Q' mean?
What strength should I use?
meddy2 last decade

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