The ABC Homeopathy Forum
accutane and hair loss
Hi all,i took a 6 month course of accutane for acne at the age of 21,soon afterwards i started to loose hair on the top of my head and also developed ezcema on my hands and feet which later progressed to my face.I was told these symtoms were only temporary and would soon pass but years later they have still persisted and am continuing to loose hair.Would someone please be as kind as to inform me what kind of fertilizer i can purchase to regrow my failing folecules and 2ndly pse recomend a quality potion to deal with this irritating ezcema.Any and all advice will be hugely appreciated ...deto1 on 2008-07-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
advise to take one dose of psorinum 200 of two drops and report me you eczema and hair problem...
dr.deoshlok sharma
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
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