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Eczema and Nail Psoriasis 14



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Eczema and Nail Psoriasis

I am 27 year old single male suffering from eczema and now i see some pits on my finger nails though that is not bothering me as of now.

THe eczema started a year on my right leg ankle to mental stress at my workplace. IT become red and a white furry layer was formed on it which lead to scratch a lot and effectively lead to bleeding.
I used to take Vitamin B complex and the white furry layer would reduce thereby itcihng.
I then decided to take professional guidance from a renowned homeopath in india.

For the past 3 months they have give n a dosage of 2 pills per day of Natrum Sulphur 6X and Silicea 6X. However, the eczema is increasing it has now formed some reddish marks on the inner edges of the ears.
Today it has a formed a small red part on my nose also.
I have been complaining to them about this but they persist the medecine given to me is constitunal in accordance with my nature and other habits.

BY nature i am a very negative person and also hide my worries and a great worrier. I have a severe back (upper) problem as a result the back of my head used to pain a lot. THis was due to wrong posture while working on the computer. i sit around 14 hours a day.

After consulting a physio my back pain has virtually gone.
I have quit my job since 6 months hence the stress factor has also gone.

I am taking Dried Yeast tablets ( cont. VIt B and enzymes) after which the scratchiung on the leg has reduced and the red inflamation on the leg has also gone low looking browinsh.
the doc claims it is due to the medecines but i think it is due to the Vitamin tablets ( 5 in the morn and 5 in the eve) that has made a diff.
If the medecines perscribed by them are working then why is the eczema increasing? Also i have noticed whencer i have spicy food my ear where the eczema is present starts buring from inside though uptill now the furriness hasnt formed out there.

Is my homeopath correct in suggesting SIlicea 6X and Natrum Sulphur 6X? If, not what med would stop the eczema from spreading? Help i feel like commiting suicide.

  mitul_mehta on 2004-12-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You are NOT your body, do not let this end your life that you will just have to DO OVER to learn whatever this means. Keep trying to find the clues!!

Get some wheat germ oil tabs and cut tip of one and squeeze on the affected areas. See if it helps....May need to take it internally.

No more Silicea. Natrum hasn't seemed to help??

You haven't mentioned about digestion and urine, etc. Do you like beer? What do you really like to eat a lot? What do you really dislike? What made you decide to take yeast tablets??

Talk to us some more. If I can survive 35 years of unreal migraines with vomiting and sleeping in a sitting position most of my life, you can overcome this.......Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
I like junk food. I am over weight since i am computer proff i rarely get time to exercise. BUt i am getting my self undercontrol.
I drink socially i.e. once in a year.
I am not a very social person and usually at house.
REgarding since they are natural form of vitamin B ( atleast that what the bottle says) the doc (the prev homeopath had suggested) after which the scales and white furriness has reduced which means rare scratching.
yestrday when i posted about eczema on my nose i had gone out in the afternoon to buy BAch Flower remedies. IT was really hot outside. When i came back the red spot on my nose had gone though on closer loook i see there a little growth of eczmea but a first time person meeting me would make out.
WOrst is the ledt ear which has eczema on the inner part is burning since yesterday.
INfact it is still burining while i am writing this.
need any more info let me know.
I am going t oviist the doc again if he doesnt change the medecine i will leave him.
mitul_mehta 2 decades ago
Please read the post that I have made at:


It is possible that Arnica 6c can help your Eczema.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
long time back i had these scales on my head i had litertally pluck them out. I find the scales are the same on the leg which has eczema.
At that point of time i didnot realise that it was eczema.
THe homoepath i used to visit prev for my leuco, now cured she had suggested Thuja. SInce i was taking ASF she told me to take 3 doses of thuja once a week.
within the 1 mont h the scales went off. THe next month the skin of my scalp smoothene out and all my dandruff was also gone.
Should i take THuja again?
Help on this required.
mitul_mehta 2 decades ago
If you wish to be cured of your eczema, I suggest that you stop all other remedies that you are now taking and give the Arnica 6 a chance to cure your problem, hopefully on a permanent basis. If you find that your condition is improving within the week, you can continue to use it and you may then have to take it for a long period after on a reduced dosage.

Arnica 6 has helped one case of chronic eczema and it is likely that it can also help you. If it does not help you, you can always go back to the other remedies.

Remember that you should place the little balls under the tongue. No coffee, cola drinks may be used during treatment.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago

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