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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Severe hair loss/ Scalp sensitivity in Teen

I have some extreme hair loss all over my head. I'm 18 years old i lead a fairly active lifestyle i dont always sleep well and eat well but im in fairly good shape. when i turned 15 i noticed my hairline sorta went from being flat to a V and ever since them i've been shedding hair like mad. my hairline has shifted back about 1.5 inches in the very front and at the tops of the V points its only about an inch from the back. (like 3 inches from when i was 15.) I have gold/white blond hair that i have always kept in a medium/long style.. i am a male by the way :). The hairloss is pretty devastating throughout my entire scalp. also i had bad flaking/scaling for a while but it went away. i also have this deal where when i brush my hair my hair roots hurt and if the wind goes through my hair it is uncomfortable. on my senior trip i opened the window on the bus ride and wind pulled my hair back and everyone said my hair was really creepy. someone actually took a picture of it brushed back and put it on the internet. it's devastating because girls have always loved my hair. when i was like 12-15 i would always wear a beanie after showering and sometimes while sleeping because my hair volume was so thick that i needed the beanie to condense it. now my hair volume is so thin i can no longer hide anything. i wish i could get a picture on here as no one can really grasp how bad it really is. it is now immediately noticable to anyone. i started at a new job at a golf course and on the first day at lunch the first thing i talked about with anyone was if i was a 'kemo' patient. the whole staff joined in. i have tried rogaine/provillus(sort of they only sent me the pills)/propecia/alot of shampoos/this expensive oil stuff called 'natural synthesis' and a whole lot more thats not coming to mind. i dunno what to do. my hair was my selling point up until i turned about 17. since then i haven't had any dates mostly because i've become so self conscious. i dont even feel like doing things with people anymore....thin hair/high hairline is in my family but my hair loss pattern is much different from my relatives. all my cousins/siblings have full heads of hear and some are in there 30s. except ONE cousin whose head looks identical to mine. very odd...
  skatesforcandy on 2008-07-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
im gonna throw as much information about myself in here as i can. since ive been like 12 i had some sort of insomnia. when i was 15 i was missing alot of sleep due to not wanting to go to sleep. when i turned 16 it peaked where i was not sleeping at all 2-3 nights a week. after about 4 months of that i sort of collapsed and missed 2-3 days of school a week because i was sleeping so much. like 14 hours a day. another bit more embarrasing issue ive had... when i turned like 12 i went like halfway bulimic. i only digested like 2/3 of the meals i ate. i would not puke for a few days then i would start again. i still ate and digested food but for some reason i felt the need to binge and purge from time to time. it persisted until i was halfway through 17 when i finally completly stopped vomiting after eating. like i said i wasnt really completly bulimic as i didnt throw up all the time but its still a big deal i think. so yah theres some stuff i dont tell people ever.....please help
skatesforcandy last decade
please take PHOSPHORUS 200C twice a week at equal intervals. that is, take one dose every 3rd or 4th day.

take the doses early morning in empty stomach.

carry on this for some weeks and note changes.

if this doesnt help at all in a month's time, you may try SILICEA 200C same dosage for some weeks.
rishimba last decade
sorry hadnt been at a computer in a long time. should i buy liquid dilutions or pellets in 200c?
skatesforcandy last decade
any one type.
rishimba last decade

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