The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Guinea Pigs with hair loss
I have a couple of cages with a total of 10 guinea pigs in that are all losing their coat underneath. Some have white flaky bits, some are just bald with red skin that feels hot to the touch and others have scabs where they have nibbled at their skin I am guessing because it is itchy.Is there anything that could help clear this up please?
Thanks Dawn
cutiecavies on 2008-09-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Are they packed together without too much room? Or is something in the enviroment that was not there before this began? You could try a nat mur 6x a few drops in the water might help, but this is only a guess at a remedy.
parachute last decade
It almost sounds like a food allergy, a stress-induced allergy,or there's something missing from their diet, ie, fatty acids.
Consider adding something like sunflower seeds(unsalted) to their diet.Also wheatgrass is excellent. It's available in tablet, powder)from a health food store) but best when grown from seed, like cat grass. Try adding some to the food,water,etc, or if you can grow it,just leave a pot of it where they can get to it.Also brewer's yeast-the powder is quite bitter so try to get the tablet form for this.
If you can locate Transfer Factor Plus- consider adding 1/2 capsule or so to the water supply.
Are you giving them a general multi-vitamin.mineral for guinea pigs?
BTW, ten guinea pigs in a couple of cages is far too crowded- there should be no more than one to a cage- depending on the size of the cage. Even with putting two to a cage, if you put two males together you will have fights for dominance and if you put males and females together- well, that's probably how you ended up with 10 guinea pigs in a couple of cages. You need to do something and you need to do it now to correct this. Your guinea pigs cannot continue to live in this way. They each need space. If you want to have guinea pigs then give them what they need and what they need is adequate food, water, and SPACE. If you can't give each of your guinea pigs this then you are harming them- you may not mean to, but you are. There is no use doing any of the above if you cannot provide your guinea pigs with space.
Note: on this link. A minimum of 4 square feet of space is required for ONE guinea pig:
Some excellent links:
(note, there are several links on this page that deal with building larger cages,etc, but you might also want to seriously look into adopting some of your guinea pigs out to good homes)
Consider adding something like sunflower seeds(unsalted) to their diet.Also wheatgrass is excellent. It's available in tablet, powder)from a health food store) but best when grown from seed, like cat grass. Try adding some to the food,water,etc, or if you can grow it,just leave a pot of it where they can get to it.Also brewer's yeast-the powder is quite bitter so try to get the tablet form for this.
If you can locate Transfer Factor Plus- consider adding 1/2 capsule or so to the water supply.
Are you giving them a general multi-vitamin.mineral for guinea pigs?
BTW, ten guinea pigs in a couple of cages is far too crowded- there should be no more than one to a cage- depending on the size of the cage. Even with putting two to a cage, if you put two males together you will have fights for dominance and if you put males and females together- well, that's probably how you ended up with 10 guinea pigs in a couple of cages. You need to do something and you need to do it now to correct this. Your guinea pigs cannot continue to live in this way. They each need space. If you want to have guinea pigs then give them what they need and what they need is adequate food, water, and SPACE. If you can't give each of your guinea pigs this then you are harming them- you may not mean to, but you are. There is no use doing any of the above if you cannot provide your guinea pigs with space.
Note: on this link. A minimum of 4 square feet of space is required for ONE guinea pig:
Some excellent links:
(note, there are several links on this page that deal with building larger cages,etc, but you might also want to seriously look into adopting some of your guinea pigs out to good homes)
orian last decade
Thanks anyway but I don't think any of you know anything about Guinea Pigs. They are sociable animals and like to be in groups. I have 5 in each cage and they are big cages so they can run about and they also have huts that they can hide in. They have a very varied diet with plenty of hay pellets and veggies so I don't thinki it is anything lacking in their diet.
I now have a patch on my arm that looks the same as what they have. I think I have caught it from them. Could it be Ringworm do yout think?
I now have a patch on my arm that looks the same as what they have. I think I have caught it from them. Could it be Ringworm do yout think?
cutiecavies last decade
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