The ABC Homeopathy Forum
hair loss and acidity-Help!
Hi evryone and anyone who can lend me pc of advice...I am 25...female....i am having hairloss...recently i am also diagnosed with hyper acidity...i had been taking homepathy medicine ferro phos 6x,natmur and flouric acid200..but to no help.....though my doctor hav asked me to stop the homepathy medicine now till my acid problem subside....
pls advice...i am getting married in this year end...
beckons on 2008-09-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please describe the exact sensations you are feeling due to acidity.
what times of the day is it worst.
what makes it worst and what makes it better.
if there is heartburn, pain, bloating, eructation and flatulance, please describe.
what other symptoms do you have apart from the above.
do you think, the hair loss is connected to your gastric problems.
what times of the day is it worst.
what makes it worst and what makes it better.
if there is heartburn, pain, bloating, eructation and flatulance, please describe.
what other symptoms do you have apart from the above.
do you think, the hair loss is connected to your gastric problems.
♡ rishimba last decade
hi rishimba
I feel my thrpat is choked..find it difficult to swallow..i have bloaked nose i sufered from hyperventilation when i felt so much choked in my throa it happened in the last week..i was in hospital...they said blood report,lungs,heart is fine,its GERD dey say and am on medication.
Well,evrytime i eat..i think i feel ,half n hour,or hour hroat is choked badly..i am not able to burp or vomit..
pain ya..i feel congested chest..pains when i try to inhale deeply...else dr is little gas pain smties in my left abdomen but tis due to gas cos i can feel its travelling down,,
i feel bloated,little constipated..
my face has shrunk my,skin doesnt glow,my eyes are going deep inside...thouth my blood reports are fine,my physsician says its genral weakness...but i dont have much work stress also!
i am not sure if my hair loss is conneced...but i am eating well..i know dey say 'u r not what u eat,u r what u digest'
so...any clue...?
I feel my thrpat is choked..find it difficult to swallow..i have bloaked nose i sufered from hyperventilation when i felt so much choked in my throa it happened in the last week..i was in hospital...they said blood report,lungs,heart is fine,its GERD dey say and am on medication.
Well,evrytime i eat..i think i feel ,half n hour,or hour hroat is choked badly..i am not able to burp or vomit..
pain ya..i feel congested chest..pains when i try to inhale deeply...else dr is little gas pain smties in my left abdomen but tis due to gas cos i can feel its travelling down,,
i feel bloated,little constipated..
my face has shrunk my,skin doesnt glow,my eyes are going deep inside...thouth my blood reports are fine,my physsician says its genral weakness...but i dont have much work stress also!
i am not sure if my hair loss is conneced...but i am eating well..i know dey say 'u r not what u eat,u r what u digest'
so...any clue...?
beckons last decade
please take NUX VOMICA 30C three times a day for some days till you feel a change in your digestive system.
please taper down the dosage as soon as you see a change.
please report after 10 days.
please taper down the dosage as soon as you see a change.
please report after 10 days.
♡ rishimba last decade
Hi rishimba....
So is my hairloss have any relation to acidity,i did my throid check also,it is proper..what else reason can be...?my hair fall from the root....
does the medicine i have recived for hairloss will work on me?
So is my hairloss have any relation to acidity,i did my throid check also,it is proper..what else reason can be...?my hair fall from the root....
does the medicine i have recived for hairloss will work on me?
beckons last decade
digestive disturbances do have some link with other parts of the body.
maybe maybe not.
however, please start treatment with nux vom and post response. i have suggested this based on your presented symptoms. if you do not get relief in your digestive system with nux, we will probe further.
maybe maybe not.
however, please start treatment with nux vom and post response. i have suggested this based on your presented symptoms. if you do not get relief in your digestive system with nux, we will probe further.
♡ rishimba last decade
I live in Brunei ,and so far havnt found any homeo shops here,i will be leaving for india in 10 days time..i will take up Nux...
my chest feels way lot congested and dr is constant discomfort in my throat..i get incomplete burps...Will Nux help in all dis?
and my hair...does d doses are right should i continue wid the homeo medicine,sp the flouric acid 200?will it cause any acidity trouble?
my chest feels way lot congested and dr is constant discomfort in my throat..i get incomplete burps...Will Nux help in all dis?
and my hair...does d doses are right should i continue wid the homeo medicine,sp the flouric acid 200?will it cause any acidity trouble?
beckons last decade
please dont take any other remedy other than nux now.
also, if you do not know the basic principles of homepathy, you should not take up self treatment..
yes, nux will especially help you to get rid of the incomplete burps and give you better digestion.
you need to stop the remedy as soon as you get relief.
if you get the symptoms again, you should take some doses of nux 200c.
also, if you do not know the basic principles of homepathy, you should not take up self treatment..
yes, nux will especially help you to get rid of the incomplete burps and give you better digestion.
you need to stop the remedy as soon as you get relief.
if you get the symptoms again, you should take some doses of nux 200c.
♡ rishimba last decade
thans a lot rishimba...i will take up Nux as soon as i reach india...
but i just want to know if the doses(for the hair fall) are of the homeo doctor have recomneded dem...
can i have low iron absorpion or vitamin deficiency even if the blood reports are fine?
but i just want to know if the doses(for the hair fall) are of the homeo doctor have recomneded dem...
can i have low iron absorpion or vitamin deficiency even if the blood reports are fine?
beckons last decade
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