The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Fear, Anxiety, Stress, Hair Loss, Acidity
I have been suffering from very sever stress, exhausted since 4 years. I have acidity problem and cannot take any citrus or pickles etc. Always have a fear to future uncertainty. My hairs are losing quickly and soon I will be bald.I usually take Kali Phos 6X and find help to me. Can I take Kali Phos whole life and what should be the dose? Also can I take Arnica 6C to stop hair falling along with Kali Phos 6X.
Please advise which medicines are good for me for all conditions (Fear, Anxiety, Stress, Hair Loss, and Acidity)
Bunty on 2005-10-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
i think you should take "nat phos" 6x alternately with kali phos ,with an interval of 3 hours between each remedy.
dr sajid.
dr sajid.
♡ drsajid last decade
Thanks a lot for your rely Dr Sajid. Can I take "nat phos" 6x alternately with kali phos ,with an interval of 3 hours as long as I need? One think I forget to mention that I have depression since many years.
Bunty last decade
Why are you stressed, Bunty? What happened 4 years ago? It's OK to talk here - nobody knows who you really are anyway!
"Don't distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness"
"Don't distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness"
monza last decade
Dr Sajid,
I think stess is due to overwork and working in the field which I don't like. So mainly depression is due to dissatisfaction and frustraction in family life and work.
I think stess is due to overwork and working in the field which I don't like. So mainly depression is due to dissatisfaction and frustraction in family life and work.
Bunty last decade
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