The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Arnica overdose ??
I was recommended to use arnica for a tumor following injury in 200c daily two doses i swallow five to eight drop each dose oral direct. At fifth day i got serve pain on my neck toward left which got serve day by day now its very hard to sleep or lay or move , each and every moment is serve painful.Can somebody think this is due to arnica 200c as allopathic medicines like diclofenic sodium or Tizanidine or piroxicam is not effecting a little bit.
If someone thinks its an overdose reaction then plz recommend me antidote plz help as early as possible i haven't slept since three days not even lay down.
Or if it is due to pillow problem then recommend powerful remedy for this which acts in half hour
patient123 on 2008-10-04
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