The ABC Homeopathy Forum
skin complexion
i m 18 yr girl.i have varied skin complexion through out my body. my face is a kind of honey color , where as my body is white in color . i apply a sunscreen of 25+ spf while going out. but after half an hour my skin grows darker than normal something like dark gray. when i wash my face without using any soap, it is back to normal color. i also have a few small dark spots on my skin which begins like a mosquito bite pimple and as it subsides leaves a dark spot which is painless and the spot is not deep inside my skin. my mother's complexion is bright as that of my body and she has even complexion . my father's is brown complexion and he also has the same problem, he has also has black sun burns on his face and he also uses sun screen. what should i do to get an even skin complexion? i want my face to look bright and white as my mother. please help me.honey fly on 2009-02-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
thuja 200 one dose one drop on tongue evening for three month berberis aquafolium q 8 drops once daily in two table spoon of water for three month
♡ akshaymohl last decade
Thank you. I forgot to mention that i stil hav black marks of the wounds on my skin (on my legs) since my childhood. none of them have faded away, even the small ones. Please suggest remedy for this too.
honey fly last decade
sunny31 last decade
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