The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Anaemia, hair loss, falling breasts, early periods, fear...
Dear Doctor,I've been anaemic for nearly all my life. The color of my face is yellowish. My breasts became quite little suddenly around 21 with hormonal disfunction continuing until now (34). Periods always started early, sometimes even within 16 days, under stress within 14 days. Sometimes the bleeding is very heavy, with clots, sometimes no clots. Sometimes the stomach is very painful on the days preceding the period.
Recently I realised I'm very moody and quite resentful, jealous, quick to criticize, irritable, with spurs of peevishness and I cannot rest until things are not in their place. I've never had that in the past and I hate the fact that I have it.
I developed allergies to dust with constantly clogged nose in my workplace and couth attach in places with cold, dry air conditioning.
I cannot feel any satisfaction and nothing pleases me any more. I start to hate life. I have suicidal thoughts. As child I was abandoned and closed alone in the house, because mother did not have anyone to leave me with and father died when I was 2 after 2-year fight with cancer. I have very little energy (stamina) and get tired easily. I have problems with getting through with my opinion even if I am right, I begin to tremble. I cannot continue doing one thing, I give up, lose track and easily forget. I get hysteric and am nervously extremely tired... I want someone to hold me tight and sleep with me (my boyfrined is working in another city and we see once a week which I hate and resent although I know we cannot help here). Please help...
Marishka on 2009-03-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Faisal,
no homeopathic remedy so far. I had gluten enteropathy for years, not diagnosed correctly until 4 years ago. Lactose intolerance. Yesterday diagnosed (bioresonance) to be allergic to almost all fungi, moulds, arachnids - because I was tested with regard to fungi, moulds, arachnids. I realise my intestines are still very weak and I am probably allergic also to chemical substances, because I react badly to clothes washed in washing powder etc. I can't smell, but water trickles from the nose.
I have been feeling very lonely and I tend to feel so even when there are people around me, as if I could not get through to them or felt nothing in common. I have problems with forgiving and tend to reproach. I want peace but the flat I live in is very noisy and can't afford another. Can't sleep propelry at night, wake up very frequently, am very sleepy during the day and pale. It has been like this for years, I am very tired...
no homeopathic remedy so far. I had gluten enteropathy for years, not diagnosed correctly until 4 years ago. Lactose intolerance. Yesterday diagnosed (bioresonance) to be allergic to almost all fungi, moulds, arachnids - because I was tested with regard to fungi, moulds, arachnids. I realise my intestines are still very weak and I am probably allergic also to chemical substances, because I react badly to clothes washed in washing powder etc. I can't smell, but water trickles from the nose.
I have been feeling very lonely and I tend to feel so even when there are people around me, as if I could not get through to them or felt nothing in common. I have problems with forgiving and tend to reproach. I want peace but the flat I live in is very noisy and can't afford another. Can't sleep propelry at night, wake up very frequently, am very sleepy during the day and pale. It has been like this for years, I am very tired...
Marishka last decade
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