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Nux Vomica constitution
If someone is a Nux Vomica constitutional type, should Nux be given for mental issues, such as these and what potency?MIND:
Ambitious, COMPETITIVE to a pathological degree.
Self-reliant. Matter of fact.
Dictatorial. Arrogant.
Responsible. Efficient.
Strong values to work. Becomes workaholic.
Gets overwhelmed by his work. Cannot accept a limitation. Fear of marriage.
Stimulates himself with coffee, alcohol, drugs, etc.
Over-stressed. Oversensitive.
IRRITABILITY. Sometimes kept inside. Weeping from anger.
Impatient. Hurried.
Cursing and scolding.
Can become real agressive. Violent impulses.
Malicious. Cruel.
Suicidal disposition (shooting or jumping), but lacks courage.
Mental disorder. Aversion to answer.
cicka on 2009-04-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nux is not a constitutional remedy.
Read up Nitric Acid as the above are extremely strong indications for it.
Read up Nitric Acid as the above are extremely strong indications for it.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer!
Thanks for the answer! I also thought Nux was not a constitutional remedy, but according to this website those were the symptoms.
Maybe they meant Nux state as opposed to constitution...?
Thanks for the answer! I also thought Nux was not a constitutional remedy, but according to this website those were the symptoms.
Maybe they meant Nux state as opposed to constitution...?
cicka last decade
Also, I have searched the internet, but I cannot find any sourse that would indicate the above description is Nit. Ac.
Do you have any source?
Do you have any source?
cicka last decade
Nux is not a remedy which will cure a chronic case unless the cause of the problems is stimulant abuse.
You can start with 3 doses of Nitric Acid 30c to be taken for 1 day only.
Report in 10 days after the 3 doses.
You can start with 3 doses of Nitric Acid 30c to be taken for 1 day only.
Report in 10 days after the 3 doses.
sameervermani last decade
I can try that, but as far as I know, for deep seated emotional issues, there is a need for higher potencies....
cicka last decade
Yea sure, go ahead, take 10M, or 50M and then ask for anti-dotes on this forum when an aggravation occurs. That is what you normally do.
When you know better, why do ask for help on this forum ?
When you know better, why do ask for help on this forum ?
sameervermani last decade
That's interesting as I have been given Nux Vom as a constitutional remedy and I have paid a lot of money for her expertise
That's interesting as I have been given Nux Vom as a constitutional remedy and I have paid a lot of money for her expertise
TheresaW last decade
♡ kadwa last decade
my homeopath gave me three tablets 1st day 30c 2nd day 200c and third day 1M. The day I took the 1M I felt extremely tired and out of sorts - that was yesterday. I dropped off to sleep much easier for the first time in years and I could write a book on my dreams it felt that long and vivid. Constitutional remedy I am sure you are aware tackles the dis-ease in your body so I have yet to see. I will be speaking to my homeopath to advise her that someone on this site has stated that NV is not a constitution remedy and I will post her comments on this site.
TheresaW last decade
The word 'constitutional' is used to describe different things amongst homoeopaths. To say that a remedy is not 'constiutional' may not mean the same thing to every homoeopath you speak to.
I have used Nux-vomica many times over the years for chronic conditions, and our literature has such examples as well. I prefer to use the word 'chronic' over 'constitutional' as there is less argument about the meaning.
I have used Nux-vomica many times over the years for chronic conditions, and our literature has such examples as well. I prefer to use the word 'chronic' over 'constitutional' as there is less argument about the meaning.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yes, thank you for clearing that up for me.
Is there such a thing as a constitutional remedy then?
I have read various comments on the site and I noticed one in particular that stated if the remedy is the correct one it acts immediately. I am a bit disheartened as I am now on day 2 and no miracle (smiles). I will just have to be patient as I feel sure we will get there.
Is there such a thing as a constitutional remedy then?
I have read various comments on the site and I noticed one in particular that stated if the remedy is the correct one it acts immediately. I am a bit disheartened as I am now on day 2 and no miracle (smiles). I will just have to be patient as I feel sure we will get there.
TheresaW last decade
Remedies only act immediately for acutes, and even then it may be 24 hours before something is seen.
For chronic cases, it might be days before a reaction starts, and even then it is most likely to be an aggravation (temporary worsening) not improvement.
Typically, aggravations may start anytime within the first 5 days or so, and may peak at about 3-7 days. After that improvement usually begins to show itself, most commonly in the general levels (energy, mood, sleep, appetite etc) before trickling down to your local symptoms (symptoms in centred on a specific body part).
A single dose of a medicine might feasibly create ripples in your health for weeks afterwards. The benefits might be 2-3 weeks after. It requires patience and careful observing by someone who knows what they are looking for, to manage and sit with a remedy.
For chronic cases, it might be days before a reaction starts, and even then it is most likely to be an aggravation (temporary worsening) not improvement.
Typically, aggravations may start anytime within the first 5 days or so, and may peak at about 3-7 days. After that improvement usually begins to show itself, most commonly in the general levels (energy, mood, sleep, appetite etc) before trickling down to your local symptoms (symptoms in centred on a specific body part).
A single dose of a medicine might feasibly create ripples in your health for weeks afterwards. The benefits might be 2-3 weeks after. It requires patience and careful observing by someone who knows what they are looking for, to manage and sit with a remedy.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I have been taking nux vomica in a slowly increasing dosage for over a year with great results. I started at the 12c level. I recently (3 months ago) took a 10M dose. It is definitely my 'constitutional' remedy. It helped immediately with my acute symptoms and over time has greatly helped with the deeper traits as well.
I actually got onto the forums here to ask a question about mint exposure. I recently, accidentally ingested mint. I am wondering if this could have an adverse effect upon my 10M dose of Nux Vomica? If so, what in the world do I do? I would think that repeating a 10M dose so soon would not be wise. It is my allergy season where I live now, and I am feeling more susceptible than I had, but it could simply be the level of stressors on my system.
What do I do?
I actually got onto the forums here to ask a question about mint exposure. I recently, accidentally ingested mint. I am wondering if this could have an adverse effect upon my 10M dose of Nux Vomica? If so, what in the world do I do? I would think that repeating a 10M dose so soon would not be wise. It is my allergy season where I live now, and I am feeling more susceptible than I had, but it could simply be the level of stressors on my system.
What do I do?
psarib last decade
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you Brisbane - your answer has been most helpful as I have been extremely tired these past few days to the point I could have phoned my homeopath to 'moan' - instead I have gone with my body and taken extra naps. It is my hope that she has chosen the right remedy for me and I am on the road to recovery.
How does the body know when the difference between acute and chronic remedy?
Kind regards,
How does the body know when the difference between acute and chronic remedy?
Kind regards,
TheresaW last decade
Hi psarib, thank you for sharing your journey with me - it is lovely to hear you are feeling better and on the right track.
TheresaW last decade
An acute state comes from the outside - it is not dependent on the individual's weaknesses and susceptibilities. It tends to come and then go, relying on external influences for its existance (accidents, epidemics, poisonings etc). You either die or recover with no ill effects.
A chronic state comes from the inside. It tends to always have the same qualities, the same flavor of symptoms, even when external triggers change. It is completely dependent on the individual's weaknesses, it does not cure itself but either remains the same or returns periodically or continually adds new symptoms to its picture. Chronic disease does not cure itself, it goes on debilitating the patient until they die from it.
A chronic state comes from the inside. It tends to always have the same qualities, the same flavor of symptoms, even when external triggers change. It is completely dependent on the individual's weaknesses, it does not cure itself but either remains the same or returns periodically or continually adds new symptoms to its picture. Chronic disease does not cure itself, it goes on debilitating the patient until they die from it.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
TheresaW last decade
Internal in homoeopathy doesn't mean the organs - internal causes come from a disordered Vital Energy (life force). An acute illness can affect the internal locations of the body like the heart or even the brain. Chronic refers to the pattern - chronic does not cure itself, it goes on until the patient dies in one form or another. Acute cures itself either by killing you or vanishing never to be seen again.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
So, in essence, the chronic or constitutional remedy works on the vital energy force which in turn aids the body to heal?
Acute works on the organs if there is a virus or an injury?
Acute works on the organs if there is a virus or an injury?
TheresaW last decade
All remedies are Acute or Chronic - it is how they are used that matters, not which remedy you use. All remedies work on the vital force equally. All disease comes from the disordered vital force. The only difference between Acute and Chronic is what is powering the disease - in acute it is external, in chronic it is internal. Chronic diseases will not heal themselves, Acutes will (as long as you survive long enough).
Thoughts are a relatively superficial level of a human being. Our medicines directly affect the Vital Energy which lies far below and out of reach of mere thinking.
The hierarchy of the human state is:
Local (the indiviual parts of your body)
General or Instinctive(the functions of your body that affect the whole person ie. hormones, nerves)
Energetic (the life energy itself)
These levels are all interconnected though and form a whole interdependent system. We tend to use hierarchy more to help us understand the importance of particular symptoms or to understand the direction that a disease or cure is moving in.
Thoughts are a relatively superficial level of a human being. Our medicines directly affect the Vital Energy which lies far below and out of reach of mere thinking.
The hierarchy of the human state is:
Local (the indiviual parts of your body)
General or Instinctive(the functions of your body that affect the whole person ie. hormones, nerves)
Energetic (the life energy itself)
These levels are all interconnected though and form a whole interdependent system. We tend to use hierarchy more to help us understand the importance of particular symptoms or to understand the direction that a disease or cure is moving in.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you Brisbane, this was most helpful for my new journey into homeopathic treatment.
What else can I do to help myself maintain an optimum healthy lifestyle
I have been using homeopathic toothpaste but it doesn't clean my teeth as well as ordinary toothpaste :
What else can I do to help myself maintain an optimum healthy lifestyle
I have been using homeopathic toothpaste but it doesn't clean my teeth as well as ordinary toothpaste :
TheresaW last decade
Homoeopathic toothpaste is a nonsensical idea - pure marketing to make you buy it. A substance is only homoeopathic by way of its ability to produce similar symptoms to those you have (the Law of Similars). Is the toothpaste homoeopathic? No it is not - unless a homoeopath chooses a medicine specifically on the basis of your individual symptoms, a substance cannot be called homoeopathic.
Otherwise I would say some general rules are:
1. Eat as much raw food as you can.
2. Take all things in moderation.
3. Avoid orthodox medicine unless your life depends on it.
4. Remain physically active.
5. Go outside often and interact with other human beings.
6. Choose to live somewhere that is as unspoiled by technology and pollution as possible.
Otherwise I would say some general rules are:
1. Eat as much raw food as you can.
2. Take all things in moderation.
3. Avoid orthodox medicine unless your life depends on it.
4. Remain physically active.
5. Go outside often and interact with other human beings.
6. Choose to live somewhere that is as unspoiled by technology and pollution as possible.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you for your reply - I will follow your advice:
So the mint in ordinary toothpaste is okay? I gathered it would be as I guess if the remedy works then no - thing will stop it ?
I take a multivitamin, fish oil and co-enzyme Q10 and I have found a DVD on eating RAW.
Point 3 -Apart from my usual orthodox medicine for blood pressure : so, if I have a headache what remedy should I use and in what dose?
If I feel anxious say when I go to the dentist what remedy and in what dose?
I think paracetamol and the odd mild tranq that is about all I take for acute.
With kind regards,
So the mint in ordinary toothpaste is okay? I gathered it would be as I guess if the remedy works then no - thing will stop it ?
I take a multivitamin, fish oil and co-enzyme Q10 and I have found a DVD on eating RAW.
Point 3 -Apart from my usual orthodox medicine for blood pressure : so, if I have a headache what remedy should I use and in what dose?
If I feel anxious say when I go to the dentist what remedy and in what dose?
I think paracetamol and the odd mild tranq that is about all I take for acute.
With kind regards,
TheresaW last decade
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