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Nux Vomica:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Nux Vomica constitution Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thank you for your reply - I will follow your advice:

So the mint in ordinary toothpaste is okay? I gathered it would be as I guess if the remedy works then no - thing will stop it ?

I take a multivitamin, fish oil and co-enzyme Q10 and I have found a DVD on eating RAW.

Point 3 -Apart from my usual orthodox medicine for blood pressure : so, if I have a headache what remedy should I use and in what dose?


If I feel anxious say when I go to the dentist what remedy and in what dose?

I think paracetamol and the odd mild tranq that is about all I take for acute.

With kind regards,
TheresaW last decade
afterthought re: fancy toothpaste. There is no flouride in it - maybe that is why it comes recommended over here
TheresaW last decade
I don't use remedies that way - one for this situation one for that situation. I try to thread everything togther, and one remedy will handle all those problems.

I always look for a change of state, not just a change in the name. The state of the patient is a whole person thing, the name is just the specific situation they find themselves in.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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