The ABC Homeopathy Forum
unexplained hair loss
My hair has been thinning for the past 7 years which started following the death of my father and I also deal with CFS so just thought it was too much stress. However, it has never returned to normal. To add to the frustration, all three of my kids (teens) starting losing hair about 14 months ago. We've had our house tested for radon and mold but tests are negative. Also had extensive blood work done. Nothing shows up. Kinesiology shows they might have a candida overgrowth. Everything I have done personally to get rid of candida has not stopped hair loss so I'm unsure about that. Feeling desperate to help my kids keep their hair. They all seem fairly healthy other than getting tired easily. I would appreciate ANY help from someone who might know what could be going onsgirl on 2009-05-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
take weisberdon-200/weekly
>also tell me whether u feel more cold or hot?
>also follow the homoeo restrictions-no raw onion,no tea ,coffee,and dont take anything half an hour before and after the medicine.
>also tell me whether u feel more cold or hot?
>also follow the homoeo restrictions-no raw onion,no tea ,coffee,and dont take anything half an hour before and after the medicine.
♡ priyanka sharma last decade
I feel more cold than hot, but not extremely cold. I take a thyroid supplement which probably helps with that. How much weisbaden do you recommend? Is it better in liquid or tablet form? What other symptoms does this homeopathic address? Is is okay for kids? Do you know how long it can take to see results? I appreciate your help!
sgirl last decade
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