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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Type 2 Diabetic

I was diagnosed Type 2 Diabetic 3 months back.
Since then I have reduce my weight, I try to eat less carbohydrates like white bread sweet, sugar etc. I check my blood sugar couple of times a week and it is generally less than 110. I do NOT take any medicine. But sometime if I eat sweet I feel dizzy and next day my blood sugar with be around 130.

Please advice what else I should do to get rid of this disease.
Is there any medicine in homeopathy that I can take for few months and cure my disease? As like eating sweets.

  amit777 on 2005-02-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Phos Acid 3x daily for a week should help . Do not take continually . Only as required
passkey 2 decades ago
I used to take glucophage 850 mg twice a day. Currently, I skip my medication and my morning fasting blood sugar level is between 95 to 118. The secret is that I drink bitter melon tea instead. It cost me $3 per 2.2 oz package and last about 4 days. I am researching the magic behind that vegetable and will introduce it in my website later. Since the cost is so low and effect verifiable (by pricking your fingertip), I strongly encourage you visit your local Asian supermarket to buy a package and experiment it.
bitter last decade
I am copying my post on another thread on Diabetes which may be of interest to those who are on this thread:

Bitter Gourd has been in use for centuries as an Ayurvedic remedy for diabetes in Sri Lanka. I was intrigued by the reference to Bitter Lemon and discovered that both are one and the same.

It is boiled and the liquid is used like tea and those who use it testify to its remarkably property of reducing blood sugar.

You can read more about this vegetable on:

Another remedy is Cinnamon which is also grown here in Sri Lanka. This is best used in powder form and the dose is 1/4 teaspoonful twice daily. It can be taken as a tea which can be brewed in boiling water or sprinkled in food. Please note that the dose must not be exceeded.
Joe De Livera last decade

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