The ABC Homeopathy Forum
stomach pain
i have a stomch pain which start suddenly no fixed or not any fixed reason also from this stomach pain my head also start paining its from a very long time i took so many medicine but to no avail and i also have a back pain plzz suggest me some medicine and also tell what is the problemkhushi010 on 2009-06-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
whats the location,
describe how exactly the pain feels like, whats the sensation,
what makes the pain better and what makes it worse,
what time its the worst,
whats the cause,
where does it pain in the head and what it feels like,
what other physical ailments do you have along with this,
since when, what all medicines have you taken,
describe yourself and your personality.
describe how exactly the pain feels like, whats the sensation,
what makes the pain better and what makes it worse,
what time its the worst,
whats the cause,
where does it pain in the head and what it feels like,
what other physical ailments do you have along with this,
since when, what all medicines have you taken,
describe yourself and your personality.
♡ rishimba last decade
normally it pains at the centre of stomach sometimes at left hand side it feels like someone is punching on my stomach, i don't know the fixed reason but when i drink cold water or cold drink it gives some relief, on my forehead as if something is piercing on my head i also get back pain with all this i have taken lycopodium ,nux vom i am 24 yrs old 5,4 ft weight 49kg
khushi010 last decade
if you want a permanent cure, i need to know your constitution type.
please write an essay on yourself, your psychology, your likes and dislikes, your views about this world and life in general.
try to give all information about your past, how the disease first started etc.
do you have any other problem in your body.
please write an essay on yourself, your psychology, your likes and dislikes, your views about this world and life in general.
try to give all information about your past, how the disease first started etc.
do you have any other problem in your body.
♡ rishimba last decade
based on the modalities, PHOSPHORUS seems to be the remedy. but need to confirm with your mentals.
♡ rishimba last decade
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