The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Male with very high sex drive
I am a 45 year old male and have a very high sex drive. I find myself bored with my spouse, irritable and moody. I am addicted to all kinds of pornographic websites and have cheated on my wife multiple times. My ideas about sex are getting kinky and I am eager to explore group sex.Please help me with a remedy which can control my sexual deviations and sex drive. My marriage is under a lot of pressure because my wife found out about my sexual activities.
Johndoesh on 2009-06-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ deoshlok last decade
Angus Castus was used by celebate monks to control their sex drive and I use it for male dogs with great success when I have females in season and it also works for aggresion and to control female hormones too. I also read somewhere that evening primrose is good as this is also supposed to be good for prostrate cancer??
Tryfan last decade
Take one dose of Staphysagria-LM-3 potency. 3 or four tiny pellets of no 10 to be dissolved in a tea spoon of water and drink only once. report after 15 days.
Take one dose of Staphysagria-LM-3 potency. 3 or four tiny pellets of no 10 to be dissolved in a tea spoon of water and drink only once. report after 15 days.
sarup last decade
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