The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Im 23 young girl suffering from dry cough during climate change from past 7 years and recently i have noticed alopaecia and severe hair loss Page 2 of 2
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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
As you have already been taking the indicated homeopathic remedies and as you have also taken a course of heavy antibiotics, you should not take anything extra for Swine Flu.
♡ kadwa last decade
Hello Dr,
I took sepia 200 two days back and i have one loose motion. Know im taking biochemic salts. I noticed regular stool out put. Previously it is irregular. I will inform you my condition in 15 days dr.
I took sepia 200 two days back and i have one loose motion. Know im taking biochemic salts. I noticed regular stool out put. Previously it is irregular. I will inform you my condition in 15 days dr.
chinimilli last decade
Hello Dr,
First of i have thank you a lott Dr. Iam feeling good. My cough has gone and my alopaecia patch has gone. But my skin is very scaly and dry.As i have lost 60% of my hair it is very thin and receeding lines are visible.As im allergic to winter climate i have to continue the treatment or anything u want me to take along with these pills?
First of i have thank you a lott Dr. Iam feeling good. My cough has gone and my alopaecia patch has gone. But my skin is very scaly and dry.As i have lost 60% of my hair it is very thin and receeding lines are visible.As im allergic to winter climate i have to continue the treatment or anything u want me to take along with these pills?
chinimilli last decade
You may take the tissue salts (thrice a day as suggested earlier) as and when required. Sepia should be repeated only when you find that your irritability and anger towards your family members have increased. Sepia should be repeated only after 15 day (minimum) gap. Please do the breathing exercises regularly.
♡ kadwa last decade
Hello Dr,
My cough has been cured and this is my first winter that i didnt cough for a single time. But i want to inform you that, Know a days i observed that by taking that tissue salts im getting irritated and getting angry frequently. So i stopped them. My allopathy treatment has been completed and im suffering from sleeplessness and iam awaked from midnight and also i dream alot know a days. I also suffer from constipation and itching of anus after stool output some times. My hair again started falling. No alopaecia is observed.iam feeling happy if i stopped taking that biochemic salts
My cough has been cured and this is my first winter that i didnt cough for a single time. But i want to inform you that, Know a days i observed that by taking that tissue salts im getting irritated and getting angry frequently. So i stopped them. My allopathy treatment has been completed and im suffering from sleeplessness and iam awaked from midnight and also i dream alot know a days. I also suffer from constipation and itching of anus after stool output some times. My hair again started falling. No alopaecia is observed.iam feeling happy if i stopped taking that biochemic salts
chinimilli last decade
day 1
please take a single dose of Sulphur 200c
day 2 to day 15
please take 20-30 ml Aloe Vera juice with equal amount of hot(tolerable) water in the morning on empty stomach and at night.
Please report after 15 days.
please take a single dose of Sulphur 200c
day 2 to day 15
please take 20-30 ml Aloe Vera juice with equal amount of hot(tolerable) water in the morning on empty stomach and at night.
Please report after 15 days.
♡ kadwa last decade
Hello Dr,
i took sulphur 4 days back and i noticed my hair fall has increased a lot and i cried twice. My hair coming out in hand fulls. Its falling from the root tip and i can see white substance at the tip.
i took sulphur 4 days back and i noticed my hair fall has increased a lot and i cried twice. My hair coming out in hand fulls. Its falling from the root tip and i can see white substance at the tip.
chinimilli last decade
Please take a single dose of Nux Vomica 200c on one day (not daily) and report after 10 days.
♡ kadwa last decade
Hello Dr,
i got dandruff with itching and my hair breaks. Hair fall has not controlled and my hair gets oily in 2 days from hair wash. Iam using egg shampoo and arnica hair oil. Suggest me if i can continue using that oil.
i got dandruff with itching and my hair breaks. Hair fall has not controlled and my hair gets oily in 2 days from hair wash. Iam using egg shampoo and arnica hair oil. Suggest me if i can continue using that oil.
chinimilli last decade
chinimilli last decade
Forgot to mention that i also got 5-6 white hairs and my skin peels, may be due to winter.Actually i have dry skin but i have oily skin when iam kid. I work in A.C room
chinimilli last decade
i have suggested earlier Mahabhringraj Hair Oil, you may try and use that if you like. If you like arnica hair oil, you may use that. You may also take 1 tsp chyawanprash twice a day. i hope that you are continuing with Kumari Asava.
If you feel irritable towards your family members, you may take a single dose of Sepia 200c. This is not to be repeated within 15 days.
You may also take the tissue salts whenever you like taking them, you need'nt take them continuosly. Please do the breathing exerises regularly.
If you feel irritable towards your family members, you may take a single dose of Sepia 200c. This is not to be repeated within 15 days.
You may also take the tissue salts whenever you like taking them, you need'nt take them continuosly. Please do the breathing exerises regularly.
♡ kadwa last decade
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