The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Binge Eating
Hello I am a female 26 years old. Since i gave birth to my son 3 years ago, I have been having these uncontrollable urges to eat. I am usually very controlled and I exercise a too. Lately, the urges are becoming stronger and I do not spare anything and eat everything that i can see. I start out the day with a strong resolution to stay on track but as the day goes on around 11 or so it starts and i eat like almost 1000-1200 calories in about an hour or so... and then try very hard via exercise to undo all that.. My guilt kills me at that point. But when i am eating nothing can stop me. I typically eat when no one is around me or I tend to hide food that i am eating from everyone around me.I have lost interest in everything as well. I am usually a very outgoing person but recently i do not want to go out or meet anyone. I am totally ashamed of how i look. I weigh 160 pounds and if i try not to binge eat, I know i can still lose... but my will power is only there a a couple of days or a week and then i fall into the trap again.
I was recetly diagnosed with wheat/gluten allergy. Not sure if that is related.
Is there anything in Homeopathy that can help me stop binge eating? I want to stop binge eating for good and get back to my normal weight which is 30lbs away.
wanttostop on 2010-03-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You would need to give a lot more information:
1) So, you can surely link this to the birth of your child ?
2) Describe your mental state in greater detail. In particular your fears, anxieties, anger and other negative feelings. How is your behaviour with family and children ?
3) Diseases you have suffered since childhood ?
4) Any other odd feelings, sensations or pain in any other body part ?
5) general preferences and aversions in food, weather, times of the day , and effect of environmental triggers on you must be mentioned.
6) Diseases that run in your family ?
You would need to give a lot more information:
1) So, you can surely link this to the birth of your child ?
2) Describe your mental state in greater detail. In particular your fears, anxieties, anger and other negative feelings. How is your behaviour with family and children ?
3) Diseases you have suffered since childhood ?
4) Any other odd feelings, sensations or pain in any other body part ?
5) general preferences and aversions in food, weather, times of the day , and effect of environmental triggers on you must be mentioned.
6) Diseases that run in your family ?
sameervermani last decade
Dr. Sameer, thanks for your reply. Here is the information you have asked me.
1. To be honest, even as a child I did love junk compared to real food. I always had a big inclination to sweets. After marriage I started exercising and learning more and more about healthy eating. I started tracking everything and eating right. There were still sometimes when i used to feel a little out of control. But nothing to a point where i am today. When i was pregnant with my son, I felt the feeling of out of control eating. but I thought it is regular pregnancy thing and did not try to control or even pay attention. But after his birth and when i was trying to lose weight is when it started getting worse.I am obsessed about my weight and keep thinking that i should not eat certain foods but end up eating more of them.
2. My mental state i think is very unstable and volatile right now. I am constantly unhappy. Sometimes I am not sure what i am unhappy about. I feel very angry, sense of unaccomplishment, I have no interest in anything. I want to just sit at home. I always used to steal the attention when i walk into the room without effort. I do that even today but there is a ton of effort from me. it drains my energy to talk to people. I quit work because i did not want to work anymore. There are a lot of negative feelings regarding my relationship that are lingering. I know my husband is a very very nice person but i still find faults with him. I am very expressive and he is 0 expressive, that bothers me a lot. We do not do any activities, nothing together. we do not share a common interest. We are 2 extreme ends of the spectrum. All that brings anger in me as I always feel alone in our relationship. I am very irritated at home with family and children. I snap very fast at a lot of things. I pull myself together and put a different face outside but at home i am very dominant, agressive and maybe everyone is scared of me ( I was not like this before)
3.I am quiet a healthy person since childhood. I had chickenpox and Thyphoid when i was a child. My dad is asthmatic. my parents have diabetes as well. I am a person who even if i am sick tend to ignore and go out and have fun kind of person. I am totally consumed with my weight and consuming all kinds of things today.
4. After the delivery i had these odd pains that none of them understodd. I had unbearable pain in the bottom of my foot, both of them and could not even walk sometimes. I also had wrist pain on both of my wrists. Everyone thought i had Rheumatoid Arthritis and the tests came negative.I sprained my ankle 4 years ago when i was training for a marathon and it never was fixed since. It still lingers around quiet a bit. Finally my naturopath did a food allergy test and told me that i was allergic to wheat and gluten. Since i have stopped eating wheat, all the above mentioned pains have reduced.
5. I love anything that is sweet. There is nothing i can think of that i do not like. I used to eat tons and tons of vegetables... Since my pregnancy , I have an aversion to them. However because i know i should have them, I try to have them as some way or the other. I hate salads somehow. I do not like hot weather. I like the weather to be somewhat mild like August to December in India. Any kind of stress makes me go to food. Boredom, anger, anxiety, stress, happy , sad you name it food is the answer.
6. My grandmother was asthmatic so is my dad. My mom and dad are overweight.Both are diabetic. that is all i can think of about the family history.
Thanks again and please let me know if you need more information
1. To be honest, even as a child I did love junk compared to real food. I always had a big inclination to sweets. After marriage I started exercising and learning more and more about healthy eating. I started tracking everything and eating right. There were still sometimes when i used to feel a little out of control. But nothing to a point where i am today. When i was pregnant with my son, I felt the feeling of out of control eating. but I thought it is regular pregnancy thing and did not try to control or even pay attention. But after his birth and when i was trying to lose weight is when it started getting worse.I am obsessed about my weight and keep thinking that i should not eat certain foods but end up eating more of them.
2. My mental state i think is very unstable and volatile right now. I am constantly unhappy. Sometimes I am not sure what i am unhappy about. I feel very angry, sense of unaccomplishment, I have no interest in anything. I want to just sit at home. I always used to steal the attention when i walk into the room without effort. I do that even today but there is a ton of effort from me. it drains my energy to talk to people. I quit work because i did not want to work anymore. There are a lot of negative feelings regarding my relationship that are lingering. I know my husband is a very very nice person but i still find faults with him. I am very expressive and he is 0 expressive, that bothers me a lot. We do not do any activities, nothing together. we do not share a common interest. We are 2 extreme ends of the spectrum. All that brings anger in me as I always feel alone in our relationship. I am very irritated at home with family and children. I snap very fast at a lot of things. I pull myself together and put a different face outside but at home i am very dominant, agressive and maybe everyone is scared of me ( I was not like this before)
3.I am quiet a healthy person since childhood. I had chickenpox and Thyphoid when i was a child. My dad is asthmatic. my parents have diabetes as well. I am a person who even if i am sick tend to ignore and go out and have fun kind of person. I am totally consumed with my weight and consuming all kinds of things today.
4. After the delivery i had these odd pains that none of them understodd. I had unbearable pain in the bottom of my foot, both of them and could not even walk sometimes. I also had wrist pain on both of my wrists. Everyone thought i had Rheumatoid Arthritis and the tests came negative.I sprained my ankle 4 years ago when i was training for a marathon and it never was fixed since. It still lingers around quiet a bit. Finally my naturopath did a food allergy test and told me that i was allergic to wheat and gluten. Since i have stopped eating wheat, all the above mentioned pains have reduced.
5. I love anything that is sweet. There is nothing i can think of that i do not like. I used to eat tons and tons of vegetables... Since my pregnancy , I have an aversion to them. However because i know i should have them, I try to have them as some way or the other. I hate salads somehow. I do not like hot weather. I like the weather to be somewhat mild like August to December in India. Any kind of stress makes me go to food. Boredom, anger, anxiety, stress, happy , sad you name it food is the answer.
6. My grandmother was asthmatic so is my dad. My mom and dad are overweight.Both are diabetic. that is all i can think of about the family history.
Thanks again and please let me know if you need more information
wanttostop last decade
sameervermani last decade
Hi ,
Please take 3 doses of Sepia 30c, for 1 single day only spaced by 1 hour.
The doses are to be taken for 1 day only, and after that no more doses are to be taken.
Report in 1 week after the doses.
Please take 3 doses of Sepia 30c, for 1 single day only spaced by 1 hour.
The doses are to be taken for 1 day only, and after that no more doses are to be taken.
Report in 1 week after the doses.
sameervermani last decade
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