The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Binge eating
Hello! I´m 19 years old, I was bulimic for 5 years, now I keep bingeing but I only take exlaxx once in a while so i guess I´m not bulimic anymore (right?). I took antidepressants for a few months but i got sick of all the side effects, so I want to switch to homeopathy.I know I should "seek professional medical advice" but I can´t afford it...a woman in the forum was given Nux Vomica twice a day for overeating, and her symptoms are similar to mine, do you think I should take it too? Are there any other remedies for binge eating?Thanks a lot!!
Barcelona (Spain)
susantrek on 2004-09-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please inform what complaints are you facing due to binge eating(if any?) ?
Since you have been sufferring from side effects due to allopathic anti deppressents it is suggestive for you to take
NuX Vom. 30,
liquid one drop twice daily
for 4 days .
This will repair damages that have been effected due to the allopathic medication and complication thereof.
Since you have been sufferring from side effects due to allopathic anti deppressents it is suggestive for you to take
NuX Vom. 30,
liquid one drop twice daily
for 4 days .
This will repair damages that have been effected due to the allopathic medication and complication thereof.
freeservice 2 decades ago
The side effects of Sertralin (basically insomnia and trouble
concentrating) are gone since I stopped taking it 4 months ago. Should
I take NuxVom.30 anyway?
I used to binge only at night and then I couldn´t sleep because I felt
very anxious and because of the stomach pain. Now I also do it during
the day and it´s very hard for me to focus on my normal activities, I
feel very depressed and self-conscious. I cry all the time and I can´t
stop thinking how fat I am becoming.
Since during my binges I eat mainly chocolate and ice-cream,
sometimes I get asthma attacks afterwards (I´m not supposed to eat
white sugar).
Thank you
concentrating) are gone since I stopped taking it 4 months ago. Should
I take NuxVom.30 anyway?
I used to binge only at night and then I couldn´t sleep because I felt
very anxious and because of the stomach pain. Now I also do it during
the day and it´s very hard for me to focus on my normal activities, I
feel very depressed and self-conscious. I cry all the time and I can´t
stop thinking how fat I am becoming.
Since during my binges I eat mainly chocolate and ice-cream,
sometimes I get asthma attacks afterwards (I´m not supposed to eat
white sugar).
Thank you
susantrek 2 decades ago
Yes you can still take Nux Vom !
guest user 2 decades ago
If you have excess fat on your body, get the Thyroid Glands checked for mal-function.
Depression is some-times co-linked with it !
Pankaj Varma
Depression is some-times co-linked with it !
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Nux Vom for 4 days only??I´ve had this problem for so many years...Tomorrow will be my 4th day but I´m afraid that if I stop the treatment I will start bingeing again. Besides, it hasn´t worked on my depresseion yet.
PS: Pankaj Varma my thyroid glands are fine, got them checked before I took the antidepressants ;)
PS: Pankaj Varma my thyroid glands are fine, got them checked before I took the antidepressants ;)
susantrek 2 decades ago
Please get checked up with a medicine specialist if you have "GASTRITIS"?? And inform me about the result. Regarding Nux Vom kindly stop it after 4 days . If you still continue binge eating inform accordingly and oblige.
guest user 2 decades ago
For your depression I would request you to point out what mind symptoms you feel. Like what is going all along in your mind that depresses you. What causes depression? What other associated symptoms you experience regarding your depression.? If you have any thing disorderd in your health regarding your head, hair, eyes, nose, stomach, abdomen , rectum, extremeties(pain / burning) skin etc. Please clarify in detail and as specifically as possible. For your depression your mind symptoms would be the most wanted.
I would spot out some out of many many mind symptoms to help you out.
1. some people have thought of killing / murdering.
2.some people think of performing great things.
3. some people have delusions of being murdered or being killed.
4. some people always have tendency to tell lies.
and etc. etc.
Awaiting your reply...
I would spot out some out of many many mind symptoms to help you out.
1. some people have thought of killing / murdering.
2.some people think of performing great things.
3. some people have delusions of being murdered or being killed.
4. some people always have tendency to tell lies.
and etc. etc.
Awaiting your reply...
guest user 2 decades ago
what occur prior to the "bulimic' phase of your life (5 years ago)? please explain this as thorough as possible
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
Yes, I´ve had gastritis for several years (even before taking laxatives) so I try to eat regularly and avoid spicy food.
Concerning depression: I was the typical fat girl with low
self-esteem, sometimes boys would make fun of me, I was very sad but I wouldn´t let notice, everyone thought I was doing great...I was a straight A student, had a lot of friends, won all those piano
contests...but I didn´t feel good, I wanted to be perfect and I was so far from it!! At age 10 I started dieting and at age 14 I became bulimic. Actually I think I wasn´t very depressed at that time (just
frustrated because losing weight didn´t make my life any better), it probably started a couple of years later when my father went broke and
was pursued because of his debts, so we had to move to another country.
Sometimes I get depressed when something bad happens to me (like having an argument with someone, or failing an exam), but sometimes it can be something really silly such as eating a cookie .
My main "mind symptoms": no, I would not kill myself when I´m
depressed, I just need to be alone, I hate hearing other people´s voices so I go away from home and I look for a quiet place where I can eat a lot of junk food without people bugging me.
Other health problems: asthma (very allergic to dog hair and dust), nose running and blocked every single day (even though I had my adenoids removed), eyes itching frequently. I also broke my right anckle 2 years ago and it still hurts when I walk for more than 15 minutes (so...almost every day). My periods are irregular, and I´m
usually tired in the morning and need a lot of sleep.
I don´t know if it´s important but I can´t bare being cold, I´m literally terrified of cold wheather, and it puts me in a bad mood besides making me cough. I feel cold even when it´s warm (according to
other people).
Please let me know if you need more information.
Concerning depression: I was the typical fat girl with low
self-esteem, sometimes boys would make fun of me, I was very sad but I wouldn´t let notice, everyone thought I was doing great...I was a straight A student, had a lot of friends, won all those piano
contests...but I didn´t feel good, I wanted to be perfect and I was so far from it!! At age 10 I started dieting and at age 14 I became bulimic. Actually I think I wasn´t very depressed at that time (just
frustrated because losing weight didn´t make my life any better), it probably started a couple of years later when my father went broke and
was pursued because of his debts, so we had to move to another country.
Sometimes I get depressed when something bad happens to me (like having an argument with someone, or failing an exam), but sometimes it can be something really silly such as eating a cookie .
My main "mind symptoms": no, I would not kill myself when I´m
depressed, I just need to be alone, I hate hearing other people´s voices so I go away from home and I look for a quiet place where I can eat a lot of junk food without people bugging me.
Other health problems: asthma (very allergic to dog hair and dust), nose running and blocked every single day (even though I had my adenoids removed), eyes itching frequently. I also broke my right anckle 2 years ago and it still hurts when I walk for more than 15 minutes (so...almost every day). My periods are irregular, and I´m
usually tired in the morning and need a lot of sleep.
I don´t know if it´s important but I can´t bare being cold, I´m literally terrified of cold wheather, and it puts me in a bad mood besides making me cough. I feel cold even when it´s warm (according to
other people).
Please let me know if you need more information.
susantrek 2 decades ago
susantrek 2 decades ago
please explain the history concrning asthma...when strat ?how treated?....etc
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
As a child I had asthma attacks from humidity and dog hair, or after exercising, but wasn´t on any treatment (just Ventolin when I needed it). Then at 12-13 I started to take a lot of useless medication such as Theophylline, Pulmicort, Ketotiphen, Prednisone...I never finished any treatment. Now I only take Seretide (Salmeterol/Fluticasone), but I try to use it the least possible.
susantrek 2 decades ago
to your knowledge ---what occur prior to asthma starting (as a child)?
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
I don´t know...I´ve had pets since I was born, maybe that was the cause. According to my mother I might have asthma because from 0 to 3 I lived in my father´s foundry and there was a lot of smoke. Sorry, don´t have any more information.
susantrek 2 decades ago
Before exercise only (so 4 times a week). I try not to use it for allergic asthma attacks..I just wait untill they go away, unless it´s a big one (3-4times a month)
susantrek 2 decades ago
Because otherwise I get spasms quickly (first 10-15min of aerobics or spinning) and I don´t like to stop in the middle of the class.
It´s not an asthma attack, it´s just a little more difficult to breathe.
It´s not an asthma attack, it´s just a little more difficult to breathe.
susantrek 2 decades ago I´m not sure that´s the technical name!I meant I start breathing heavily, making a noise that seems like a donkey that a spasm?
susantrek 2 decades ago
Dear Dr Stanton,
Before you give me a remedy...I forgot to tell you my anckle bothers me as much as asthma, so I hope you´ll find a remedy for asthma and allergies that is also a pain killer...if that´s possible
I fell 2 years ago playing soccer and broke the fibula. It was in plaster for 6-7 weeks (more time than expected because I didn´t rest much; jumped a lot the first weeks because I was on a trip). Then did 3 months rehab + ultrasounds but it kept hurting (insurance only paid 3 months).
It´s more painful when it´s cold or wet. I didn´t take any medicine.
Before you give me a remedy...I forgot to tell you my anckle bothers me as much as asthma, so I hope you´ll find a remedy for asthma and allergies that is also a pain killer...if that´s possible
I fell 2 years ago playing soccer and broke the fibula. It was in plaster for 6-7 weeks (more time than expected because I didn´t rest much; jumped a lot the first weeks because I was on a trip). Then did 3 months rehab + ultrasounds but it kept hurting (insurance only paid 3 months).
It´s more painful when it´s cold or wet. I didn´t take any medicine.
susantrek 2 decades ago
what was dates of last month's menses (period) ? started?ended?
when (date) next upcoming menses due?
menses--what characteristics of menses? is it regular?how many days in between menses ?how long last? what are characteristics of flow?clotting..heavy..dark..light...odor...etc what complaints just prior to menses?what complaints during menses? what complaints just after menses?
how do you feel during menses?compared to no menses?
when (date) next upcoming menses due?
menses--what characteristics of menses? is it regular?how many days in between menses ?how long last? what are characteristics of flow?clotting..heavy..dark..light...odor...etc what complaints just prior to menses?what complaints during menses? what complaints just after menses?
how do you feel during menses?compared to no menses?
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
Weight: 125 lbs
Height: 1m.55 m (don´t have a converter...but it´s 61 inches aprox.)
Last period: 08/27 to 08/31
Next one...don´t know, probably this week. 32-35 days between menses, sometimes more.
Very little flow, no clots. Dark red. Normal odor I guess
No pain during menses. No PMS, although I tend to cry (more than usual) the days before.
During menses I feel the same way, I don´t have any complaints.
Height: 1m.55 m (don´t have a converter...but it´s 61 inches aprox.)
Last period: 08/27 to 08/31
Next one...don´t know, probably this week. 32-35 days between menses, sometimes more.
Very little flow, no clots. Dark red. Normal odor I guess
No pain during menses. No PMS, although I tend to cry (more than usual) the days before.
During menses I feel the same way, I don´t have any complaints.
susantrek 2 decades ago
what condition of complexsion?
any Moles, warts or freckles? where?how many?
what condition of hair?color..texture..length..dry..oily...odor..tangles....etc
have any unnatural body or facial hair?...
how fast grow?
any eye/vision faults/complaints?
any ear/hearing faults/compaints?
what condition of teeth? color?
how many fillings?
root canal? wisdom teeth still in?extracted?
how often to dentist?
any Moles, warts or freckles? where?how many?
what condition of hair?color..texture..length..dry..oily...odor..tangles....etc
have any unnatural body or facial hair?...
how fast grow?
any eye/vision faults/complaints?
any ear/hearing faults/compaints?
what condition of teeth? color?
how many fillings?
root canal? wisdom teeth still in?extracted?
how often to dentist?
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
No moles, a few freckles in the face (5 or 6).
Dark brown hair, very dry, no tangles. Grows...normally
Eyes: itching all the time. Sometimes they hurt and I can´t wear contact lenses. Currently with a minor infection.
Ears are fine, hearing is too good, which bothers me because I hear too many voices.
Teeth: a little yellowish, no cavities. Very sensitive to cold.
One root canal but tooth was too damaged and was extracted. Don´t have wisdom teeth yet. Dentist once a year.
Dark brown hair, very dry, no tangles. Grows...normally
Eyes: itching all the time. Sometimes they hurt and I can´t wear contact lenses. Currently with a minor infection.
Ears are fine, hearing is too good, which bothers me because I hear too many voices.
Teeth: a little yellowish, no cavities. Very sensitive to cold.
One root canal but tooth was too damaged and was extracted. Don´t have wisdom teeth yet. Dentist once a year.
susantrek 2 decades ago
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