The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hair loss - 39 years old female (for rishimba)
Hi rishimba,I have read many of your posts on your forum and thought that maybe you can help me. I've been suffering hairloss since the birth of my first child. This would go away after a while. Always had issues with mens cramps and cycles before my pregnancy. What helped my cramping and cycle were bcp. The real problem with my hairloss started about 2 years after the birth of my second child which was about 8 years ago. Have been shedding on and off like crazy, tried everything, monoxidil, finasteride and arnica. Nothing is helping. I feel depressed all the time and don't know what to do. Have lots of other issues with my family and this is causing lots of stress on me emotionally. I just want to tell you a little bit of my health history. Back in 1996 I had my gallbladder removed due to gallstones. Have had diahrrea-like symptons since then. My doctor told me this was normal due to my gallbladder being removed. I don't know if this could be the cause. My diahrrea has gotten much better over the years, just a little cramping before a bowel movement every morning. I was wondering if Sepia 200c would help me? I stopped taking my bcp on April 5th, 2010, I am shedding more now. Everytime I put my hand in my hair, like 3-5 hairs come out everytime. The hair is on my clothes, on the floor and when I take a shower I have to pick up the clump of hair so it won't clogg my bathtub. I have shedding all over. My mom is 70 years old she still has a pretty good head of hair, but my father became bald at a young age. Please let me know if you need more information. This is just a start, willing to try anything you recommend at this point - I am desperate!
thanks so much
jandar80 on 2010-04-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Rishimba, I tried Sepia 30c for 2 days and it seems to be helping. I would really like to know what next step to take. Can you help me?
jandar80 last decade
if sepia is really helping you, please take SEPIA 200C once a week for some weeks.
♡ rishimba last decade
Hi rishimba,
thanks so much for replying to my post. I'm sorry if i seemed a little impatiet.
I used 3 doses of Sepia 30c for two days and i have to say that my head just feels better. There is still shedding but it seems less. I noticed the difference when I showered, there was a little less shedding. I would really like to try the next step and see if this can really work for me. I already ordered sepia 200c and will use it as per your recommendation. I will keep you posted with any changes and pray that this will help!
One more questions: I also ordered nat mur 200c, should i take this as well or should i just try the sepia for now?
thanks so much for replying to my post. I'm sorry if i seemed a little impatiet.
I used 3 doses of Sepia 30c for two days and i have to say that my head just feels better. There is still shedding but it seems less. I noticed the difference when I showered, there was a little less shedding. I would really like to try the next step and see if this can really work for me. I already ordered sepia 200c and will use it as per your recommendation. I will keep you posted with any changes and pray that this will help!
One more questions: I also ordered nat mur 200c, should i take this as well or should i just try the sepia for now?
jandar80 last decade
i dont know if you are a sepia or a natmur patient. however, sepia is helping you, stick to it.
take it only once a week in 200c or 1m potency.
continue for some weeks and you should be getting back your hair.
take it only once a week in 200c or 1m potency.
continue for some weeks and you should be getting back your hair.
♡ rishimba last decade
rishimba, just recieved my sepia 200c. Before I start taking it i just want to make sure I'm taking the right dose. Should I dissolve 4 pellets in 15ml of water?
jandar80 last decade
you can either pop 4 pellets under the tongue and chew on it...or dissolve them in some 10 ml water and take the water sip by sip.
more importantly, you should not take anything in your mouth one hour before or after.
more importantly, you should not take anything in your mouth one hour before or after.
♡ rishimba last decade
I took sepia 200c today as per your directions. How long should I take this? My hair was shedding a lot yesterday and today I showered there was quite an amount in the bathtub. I feel like I've been shedding much more since I have stopped taking my bcp on April 5th, do you think this could be the cause of more shedding?
jandar80 last decade
Rishimba, I take cod liver oil and an iron supplement. Is this okay to take with the weekly dose of sepia 200c, will these counteract?
I took my first dose of sepia 200c on Saturday. I washed my hair today and I feel tingling and some irritation on my scalp like something is crawling. Could this be a side effect?
I took my first dose of sepia 200c on Saturday. I washed my hair today and I feel tingling and some irritation on my scalp like something is crawling. Could this be a side effect?
jandar80 last decade
you can take iron tablets and cod liver oil as usual.
tingling of the scalp after taking sepia 200c is a good sign. this will soon be over and you will see the changes in a week.
tingling of the scalp after taking sepia 200c is a good sign. this will soon be over and you will see the changes in a week.
♡ rishimba last decade
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