The ABC Homeopathy Forum
help my penis enlargement
penis hardly 4 inches when erected and hardly in 1 inch in girth , i can satisfy my girl friend, help me enlarge it for god sakebrave on 2010-04-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
i advise u to use pitutry glan 1m once in month 5 drops in spring water . use lyco 30 and nupher lut6c daily 3drops in little spring water 3 time daily after 1 moth repot dr ahmed
drahmedaslam last decade
daily massage and penis exercise and jumping will give better result to enlarge your penis 1-2 inch easily and cydonia/Q and lyco/Q is helpful for you.
waddood last decade
Hi. I'm a 36 years old engaged man & very soon I'm going to get married with a beautiful girlfrend. We never had sex cuz we really love each other & don't want to have sex before marriage. We both love each other a lot but I'm worried cuz my penis is not so long. As girls like long penis while having sex. Please give me some suggestion, which homeopathic medicine I can take to make my penis bigger? What are the charges for the medicine & what is the process is all about? Please give me some advice.
Thanks & Regards
Thanks & Regards
coolguyvick2018 7 years ago
Look up anatomy of the vagina. Only the outer third
Has the nerve endings for stimulation. A long penis is not needed -
It is knowing what pleases your partner and your technique.
Homeopathy or any other drug besides surgery
Cannot change the size of any organ. This is regulated by your DNA-
And homeopathy IS medicine to cure a REAL illness.
Look up materia medica of any remedy and see
All the mental and physical symptoms it is used for. If you are taking a remedy when it Does not match illness it will start giving you
Symptoms( mental and physical) of things you never had .
[Edited by simone717 on 2018-02-05 15:42:09]
Has the nerve endings for stimulation. A long penis is not needed -
It is knowing what pleases your partner and your technique.
Homeopathy or any other drug besides surgery
Cannot change the size of any organ. This is regulated by your DNA-
And homeopathy IS medicine to cure a REAL illness.
Look up materia medica of any remedy and see
All the mental and physical symptoms it is used for. If you are taking a remedy when it Does not match illness it will start giving you
Symptoms( mental and physical) of things you never had .
[Edited by simone717 on 2018-02-05 15:42:09]
♡ simone717 7 years ago
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