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penis enlargement
Dear Sir,Thank You very much.Please can you give one treatment.I want to increase my penis more then 2' more and also want sex more time with my partner.It is possible.If possible please give medicine name and how to use.Im 32 years old and married person.If any body give any answer.
funenjoy6 on 2012-11-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take a single dose of Agaricus Mus 1M (only one, not daily) and see how that affects in next 1 month.
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
♡ kadwa last decade
we don't use this medicine Agaricus Mus 1M for only one time not to use it for whole month.Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine this restriction is for whole month or for that time only.
[message edited by Qasim98 on Sun, 11 Nov 2012 13:39:48 GMT]
[message edited by Qasim98 on Sun, 11 Nov 2012 13:39:48 GMT]
Qasim98 last decade
Dear Doctor,
Thank You very much.Please can you give one treatment.I want to increase my penis more then 2' more and also want sex more time with my partner.It is possible.So I want increase my Penis and also improve my sex drive(It means doing sex long time) If possible please give medicine name and how to use.My Name is Shojiv ,Im 33 years old and married person,My weight is 80KG and height 5'.7'.
If any doctor give good advices.
Thank You very much.Please can you give one treatment.I want to increase my penis more then 2' more and also want sex more time with my partner.It is possible.So I want increase my Penis and also improve my sex drive(It means doing sex long time) If possible please give medicine name and how to use.My Name is Shojiv ,Im 33 years old and married person,My weight is 80KG and height 5'.7'.
If any doctor give good advices.
funenjoy6 last decade
Please take cydonia-Q (10drops per dose thrice a day after meal) and mix its 30 drops in dessert spoon olive oil and have message at night but do not start masturbation.
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Agaricus 1M is specified on the basis of your state of mind. There is no need to take it daily. The remedy suggested by Dr Mahfooz may be taken daily from 2nd day onwards.
♡ kadwa last decade
so my dear doctor First day im taken Agaricus 1M as suggested by doctor Kadwa and then 2nd day we can start cydonia-Q (drops per dose thrice a day after meal) and mix its 30 drops in dessert spoon olive oil as suggest Doctor Mahfoozurrehman.Can you tel me one thing more cydonia-Q it is increase my sex drive.
Thank You for all.
Thank You for all.
funenjoy6 last decade
Cydonia is considered as a sex tonic. Agaricus 1M should set your mind right and will effect changes in the way you look at these things.
♡ kadwa last decade
Dear Kadwa,
Thank You very much.Please can you give one treatment.I want to increase my penis more then 2' more It is possible.If possible please give medicine name and how to use.Im 32 years old and married person.If any body give any answer.Last one month i will take medicine as your suggestion.Not yet get any result.
Please take a single dose of Agaricus Mus 1M (only one, not daily) and see how that affects in next 1 month.
Waiting your reply.
[message edited by funenjoy6 on Sat, 12 Jan 2013 05:35:27 GMT]
Thank You very much.Please can you give one treatment.I want to increase my penis more then 2' more It is possible.If possible please give medicine name and how to use.Im 32 years old and married person.If any body give any answer.Last one month i will take medicine as your suggestion.Not yet get any result.
Please take a single dose of Agaricus Mus 1M (only one, not daily) and see how that affects in next 1 month.
Waiting your reply.
[message edited by funenjoy6 on Sat, 12 Jan 2013 05:35:27 GMT]
funenjoy6 last decade
Dear Kadwa,
Thank You very much.Please can you give one treatment.I want to increase my penis more then 2' more It is possible.If possible please give medicine name and how to use.Im 32 years old and married person.If any body give any answer.
Thank You
Thank You very much.Please can you give one treatment.I want to increase my penis more then 2' more It is possible.If possible please give medicine name and how to use.Im 32 years old and married person.If any body give any answer.
Thank You
funenjoy6 last decade
Hi I m Raj.i m 30 years old,height 5feet 5inches.weight 60 .i have a one pblm since 6 or 7 years..I m doing too much masterbuting,I can't stop.sometimes I m watching porn movie.also my pennies r8 now small and lil bit bent.i have a girl friend but i cant sex long time,my comb out within 2 or 4 min.also how I can change my bad habbit and how I can enlarge my pennies.if u give me nice advice or email me,it will be great 4 me..thank u and have a gd day...
Rajin last decade
Dear Kadwa,
Last one month i will take medicine as your suggestion.Not yet get any result.
Your advice medicine is :Please take a single dose of Agaricus Mus 1M (only one, not daily) and see how that affects in next 1 month.
Can You advice new medicine.
Waiting your reply.
Last one month i will take medicine as your suggestion.Not yet get any result.
Your advice medicine is :Please take a single dose of Agaricus Mus 1M (only one, not daily) and see how that affects in next 1 month.
Can You advice new medicine.
Waiting your reply.
funenjoy6 last decade
Dear Mahfoozurrehman,
Last one month i will take medicine as your suggestion.Not yet get any result.
Your advice medicine is :Please take a single dose of Agaricus Mus 1M (only one, not daily) and see how that affects in next 1 month.
Can You advice new medicine.
Waiting your reply.
Last one month i will take medicine as your suggestion.Not yet get any result.
Your advice medicine is :Please take a single dose of Agaricus Mus 1M (only one, not daily) and see how that affects in next 1 month.
Can You advice new medicine.
Waiting your reply.
funenjoy6 last decade
I am Kishore from India, age of 35 yrs. I have married 6 months ago. After marriage I found that my I am able to foreplay with my wife more time 1Hrs. but whenever I start intercource its just take 1-2 min to ejaculate. Its very shameful for me in front of my wife. I could never done intercourse more that 2 minuts in last 6 month. I am feeling very unsecured. My wife is very good girl but I am feeling she is depressed for my problem as she need some more time or pressure from me during intercourse. I also noticed there is no force in ejaculation of sperm. I am also noticed that my penis is getting small day by day.
Please help me by suggesting any homeopathy remedy to reduce the problem and finish the problem. I want to go long with my wife during intercourse. Also if possible please suggest any medicine to enlarge the penish with width.
Please save me and my family.
Thanks in Advance.
I am Kishore from India, age of 35 yrs. I have married 6 months ago. After marriage I found that my I am able to foreplay with my wife more time 1Hrs. but whenever I start intercource its just take 1-2 min to ejaculate. Its very shameful for me in front of my wife. I could never done intercourse more that 2 minuts in last 6 month. I am feeling very unsecured. My wife is very good girl but I am feeling she is depressed for my problem as she need some more time or pressure from me during intercourse. I also noticed there is no force in ejaculation of sperm. I am also noticed that my penis is getting small day by day.
Please help me by suggesting any homeopathy remedy to reduce the problem and finish the problem. I want to go long with my wife during intercourse. Also if possible please suggest any medicine to enlarge the penish with width.
Please save me and my family.
Thanks in Advance.
kishorebarik26 last decade
There is no medicine, homeopathy or allopathy or herbs or whatever, that can enlarge a penis.
Either one must be born with a big penis, or you have to transplant, which is definitely not rekomandere.
These people, who are proposing to use one or the other remedy for this 'problem', should be thrown out of this forum, if ABC forum want to be considered a serious homeopathic forum.
Parakletos; practioner of classical homeopathy.
Either one must be born with a big penis, or you have to transplant, which is definitely not rekomandere.
These people, who are proposing to use one or the other remedy for this 'problem', should be thrown out of this forum, if ABC forum want to be considered a serious homeopathic forum.
Parakletos; practioner of classical homeopathy.
♡ Parakletos last decade
Thanks Parakletos for reply. I got your point. But I have other problem of quick ejaculation, in which I need some remedy.
Hope someone can help me in this forum.
Thanks Parakletos for reply. I got your point. But I have other problem of quick ejaculation, in which I need some remedy.
Hope someone can help me in this forum.
kishorebarik26 last decade
Can anyone give me some advice or what remedies I should buy? I'm 22 yrs old and my penis is 4.5' erect. It is very stiff when it is erect but I want to increase length and width if possible. I'm reading all these posts and it's all very confusing on what to do. So please can someone point me in the right direction on what I should take/do to increase length and width?? And I'm not asking for extreme lengths, I just want something realistic like 1 maybe 2 inches if possible
Jamie12345 last decade
The correct advice is on this thread
just one post up by Parakletos, a
homeopath in Norway.
If you take medicines, they will not be
indicated and they can cause you
major problems. Devices to buy are
scams and can injure you- we have
had people on here for help from
using devices and for help taking medicines that caused them problems
they never had before.
just one post up by Parakletos, a
homeopath in Norway.
If you take medicines, they will not be
indicated and they can cause you
major problems. Devices to buy are
scams and can injure you- we have
had people on here for help from
using devices and for help taking medicines that caused them problems
they never had before.
♡ simone717 last decade
Simone & Parakletos have written spot on.
Also I will add, Stop watching too much porn. Seeing the porn stars gives you the idea that you have a small penis.
Learn to enjoy what you have. You may loose it trying to make it bigger.
Also I will add, Stop watching too much porn. Seeing the porn stars gives you the idea that you have a small penis.
Learn to enjoy what you have. You may loose it trying to make it bigger.
fitness last decade
halo doc...plz must reply
my name is saeed & i m 31 year old.
I m having erectile penis is not erect until i dont use hand. kindly suggest me some think good,ho realy work .....
my name is saeed & i m 31 year old.
I m having erectile penis is not erect until i dont use hand. kindly suggest me some think good,ho realy work .....
saeed... last decade
Hello Dr. sb
Can you give me the name of the medicine and its usages,
I want to increase my penis more then 2' more and also want sex more time with my partner.I m 36 years old and married person.
Can you give me the name of the medicine and its usages,
I want to increase my penis more then 2' more and also want sex more time with my partner.I m 36 years old and married person.
kashifsapple last decade
Hello Doctor(s),
Myself Sanjay age 34... My Penis size was very good (8') & erection few months back... then found I'm type II diabetic... Which medicines should i take to get back my normal size penis that was 8' measured by My Partner now its not reaching 6'... Tell me some medicines.
Thank you,
Myself Sanjay age 34... My Penis size was very good (8') & erection few months back... then found I'm type II diabetic... Which medicines should i take to get back my normal size penis that was 8' measured by My Partner now its not reaching 6'... Tell me some medicines.
Thank you,
sanjay32 last decade
There is no treatment for penis enlargement in my experience too and yet, but you can prevent micropenis if you know facts about it so please read this article and improve your knowledge about small penis and micropenis.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
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