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10month old, teething, fever, cough (vomiting) Page 4 of 5
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Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
She anyways has a broken sleep. so whenever she wakes up (usually around 12-1a.m) she is unable to settle back and then every 2-3 hrs.
Her wakings have increased due to this.
Her wakings have increased due to this.
Indu04 last decade
Okay gave her Nux Vomica 30C one dose in evening and one dose at night before sleep.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Sorry to interupt your thought proces..
We had given her Nux Vom few days back and it had not helped.I feel calc carb helps her ..shd I try 30c or perhaps ammounium carb?
Pls let me have your thoughts..
We had given her Nux Vom few days back and it had not helped.I feel calc carb helps her ..shd I try 30c or perhaps ammounium carb?
Pls let me have your thoughts..
Indu04 last decade
Please give her Nux Vomica.
There is a certain order for a homeopathic medicine should be given.
After Merc Sol Nux Vomica works better along with some others, but in this situation Nux seems indicated.
There is a certain order for a homeopathic medicine should be given.
After Merc Sol Nux Vomica works better along with some others, but in this situation Nux seems indicated.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
By yesterday evening, her nasal discharge had completely stopped and chest congestion had also reduced. Gave her one dose of Nux V. before she slept - no nasal obstruction at night.
Today again no nasal discharge/ congestion though chest rattles occasionally (intensity much less.)
thanks for your help.
Today again no nasal discharge/ congestion though chest rattles occasionally (intensity much less.)
thanks for your help.
Indu04 last decade
Repeat same medicine in same manner today too i.e. Nux Vomica 30c
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Just wanted to clarify further on my earlier post. When I said - nasal discharge had stopped (as against thick, occassional earlier) & chest congestion had reduced by evening - this improvement was before Nux V. was given before she went to bed i.e on July 14th. So am not sure clearing of nasal congestion at night was due to Mux V or Mer Sol had already done the job...
As told - gave her Nux V yesterday (so second dose) i.e July 15th.
Now there is no nasal congestion at all. She is breathing normally.
Chest congestion is there. Infact over the last 2 days, her voice is heavier and particularly so when she is vocalising/ crying loudly. She at time needs to clear her throat while babbling..seems a little bit more today than yesterday.
As told - gave her Nux V yesterday (so second dose) i.e July 15th.
Now there is no nasal congestion at all. She is breathing normally.
Chest congestion is there. Infact over the last 2 days, her voice is heavier and particularly so when she is vocalising/ crying loudly. She at time needs to clear her throat while babbling..seems a little bit more today than yesterday.
Indu04 last decade
congestion has completely cleared up. Her appetite was never better.. thanks a lot!
Just to understand though --which medicine you think needs to be kept in mind next time she has a congestion? or is it difficult to generalise.
Also now she is facing a new would recall I had mentioned she had developed a lesion for which dr had prescribed an antibiotic..I forgot to mention, it had dried the day after we gave her Merc Sol.
However similar infection has now developed (on the knee) close to where the earlier was (shin). It start with a minor swelling like a mosquito bite, then fills up like a boil which bursts to resemble just like a ringworm wound - round bright pink with active edges which keep eating the skin. There is also a marked nucleus or a centre. the entire wound oozes liquid. Difficult to say that infection spread from the 1st wound as that dried up on Mon itself while this new one became a boil yesterday.. the wound grows rather fast. In a day it is size of a 50p coin. and today we have noticed a mosquito bite resemblance on her chest.
Is it that internal problems surfaced because of the homeo medicines she has been taking?
Her father has had similar skin eruptions as a child (6-6 yrs) and was put on topical steriods and oral antibiotics. He still suffers from skin wounds (had started a different thread for this)..Can this be hereditary?
PLs advice what to do.
(this one is a bit selfish ...she has had been a poor sleeper since she was born. ON this forum Dr rishimba guided us to Calc Carb which helped a lot. OWing to her health over the last month, her sleep has been really restless & broken. Yesterday though she was well, she kept waking up every hour and would sleep when patted for 2-3 mins. Can i give her calc carb for a day? Though shd mention that for two nights on Nux V, she slept much better.)
Just to understand though --which medicine you think needs to be kept in mind next time she has a congestion? or is it difficult to generalise.
Also now she is facing a new would recall I had mentioned she had developed a lesion for which dr had prescribed an antibiotic..I forgot to mention, it had dried the day after we gave her Merc Sol.
However similar infection has now developed (on the knee) close to where the earlier was (shin). It start with a minor swelling like a mosquito bite, then fills up like a boil which bursts to resemble just like a ringworm wound - round bright pink with active edges which keep eating the skin. There is also a marked nucleus or a centre. the entire wound oozes liquid. Difficult to say that infection spread from the 1st wound as that dried up on Mon itself while this new one became a boil yesterday.. the wound grows rather fast. In a day it is size of a 50p coin. and today we have noticed a mosquito bite resemblance on her chest.
Is it that internal problems surfaced because of the homeo medicines she has been taking?
Her father has had similar skin eruptions as a child (6-6 yrs) and was put on topical steriods and oral antibiotics. He still suffers from skin wounds (had started a different thread for this)..Can this be hereditary?
PLs advice what to do.
(this one is a bit selfish ...she has had been a poor sleeper since she was born. ON this forum Dr rishimba guided us to Calc Carb which helped a lot. OWing to her health over the last month, her sleep has been really restless & broken. Yesterday though she was well, she kept waking up every hour and would sleep when patted for 2-3 mins. Can i give her calc carb for a day? Though shd mention that for two nights on Nux V, she slept much better.)
Indu04 last decade
Give Merc Sol 30C three doses at 10 minute interval in evening i.e. first 6pm second 6:10 and third 6:20.
For rest, I am unable to answer as feeling very sleepy due to poor sleep at night.
Check later.
For rest, I am unable to answer as feeling very sleepy due to poor sleep at night.
Check later.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
..There were a couple of more infected spots that we noticed by evening (on the thumb, behind the ear..all in the boil stage).all have almost dried up. Does merc sol need to be repeated?
She slept very well last night waking up just once..does merc sol also promote good sleep?
Can this be perhaps due to rainy season?
She slept very well last night waking up just once..does merc sol also promote good sleep?
Can this be perhaps due to rainy season?
Indu04 last decade
Child is getting one problem followed by another which is not good.
Before these illness she was doing well or having recurrent sickness?
Her current weight?
Give her today Merc Sol 30C dose in evening and before sleep.
What about her feeding and vaccinations?
Before these illness she was doing well or having recurrent sickness?
Her current weight?
Give her today Merc Sol 30C dose in evening and before sleep.
What about her feeding and vaccinations?
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Her current wt is 10 kgs.
Though weight gain wa never a problem, has always been ahead of the charts, she has been a very fussy baby.
She had never taken to solids, was surviving on milk till 8 months. Infact it is only now
After she got well that she has started well.
Health apparently was ok thus far. Had intermittent stomach issues. Teething delayed_cut two teeth in 10th month.only ones so far.crawling and moving about was also delayed.
it is only now that she is less fussy, happy playing with herself and wanting To be carried, eating well and sleeping somewhat better
Though weight gain wa never a problem, has always been ahead of the charts, she has been a very fussy baby.
She had never taken to solids, was surviving on milk till 8 months. Infact it is only now
After she got well that she has started well.
Health apparently was ok thus far. Had intermittent stomach issues. Teething delayed_cut two teeth in 10th month.only ones so far.crawling and moving about was also delayed.
it is only now that she is less fussy, happy playing with herself and wanting To be carried, eating well and sleeping somewhat better
Indu04 last decade
Knowing more about your girl as rather heavy 10-month-old girl with about 10 kg weight who has rather delayed dentition and some stomach issues.
She is muscular or flabby?
What about her complexion?
What about her stool usually well formed, loose, any particular smell like sour very offensive or undigested particle.
Give her daily one dose of Merc Sol 30C.
Knowing more about your girl as rather heavy 10-month-old girl with about 10 kg weight who has rather delayed dentition and some stomach issues.
She is muscular or flabby?
What about her complexion?
What about her stool usually well formed, loose, any particular smell like sour very offensive or undigested particle.
Give her daily one dose of Merc Sol 30C.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
She has been a chubby baby (has lost quite a bit of baby fat as she started moving about) though would say she is muscular than flabby.
Complexion - wheatish to fair. complexion of body is distinctly darker than the face.
Before Merc Sol stools were well formed (usually has motion once in the morning only), hard/dry. Occassionally smelly, not everyday. They often have remnants of what she has eaten the day before - so if she had papaya, they would be bright orange.
Now somewhat less dry with well-formed stools followed by softer unformed ones.
Complexion - wheatish to fair. complexion of body is distinctly darker than the face.
Before Merc Sol stools were well formed (usually has motion once in the morning only), hard/dry. Occassionally smelly, not everyday. They often have remnants of what she has eaten the day before - so if she had papaya, they would be bright orange.
Now somewhat less dry with well-formed stools followed by softer unformed ones.
Indu04 last decade
she is now 11months 10 days old.
Also, there were a couple of those eruptions, on the face - but these were smaller almost the size of a mosquito bite.
Also, there were a couple of those eruptions, on the face - but these were smaller almost the size of a mosquito bite.
Indu04 last decade
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
No runny nose or congestion.
Boils had burst to form lesion resembling ring worm. They have all dried up with Merc Sol (pls note when I applied a topical antiseptic, there was no change and the lesions continued to grow).
With Merc Sol - she is sleeping well, waking up just once.
Boils had burst to form lesion resembling ring worm. They have all dried up with Merc Sol (pls note when I applied a topical antiseptic, there was no change and the lesions continued to grow).
With Merc Sol - she is sleeping well, waking up just once.
Indu04 last decade
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
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