The ABC Homeopathy Forum
10month old, teething, fever, cough (vomiting) Page 5 of 5
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Just seen photo, but do not read mail as i am rather busy.
Check back here later at night for my reply.
Check back here later at night for my reply.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
She was sneezing since morning (accompanied with efgg-white discharge) which got progessively worse by by evening she has an almost runny nose. ALso spotted a boil (size of earlier boils) on one of her fingers.
Since you mentioned you wd be late while replying today, gave her a dose of merc sol.
Since you mentioned you wd be late while replying today, gave her a dose of merc sol.
Indu04 last decade
You should give her 3 dose daily i.e. morning, evening, and night.
You can decrease frequency when you see marked improvement otherwise no.
If no improvement then she needs additional medicine which will depend on symptoms.
You can decrease frequency when you see marked improvement otherwise no.
If no improvement then she needs additional medicine which will depend on symptoms.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Today no improvement in sneezing & runny nose. Also today there was another boil (big sized) on the arm.
Her boils continue to come..what do you think is the reason ..pls let us have your thought process as we are getting a bit anxious.
Appreciate your guidance..
Her boils continue to come..what do you think is the reason ..pls let us have your thought process as we are getting a bit anxious.
Appreciate your guidance..
Indu04 last decade
Just to add, when she was on merc sol, the boils had gone smaller in size (like the one on the face). After I discontinued merc sol (july 18) two boils that came subsequently (on finger and now arm) are bigger in may be as u suggest she needs to be on merc sol a little longer..
Indu04 last decade
Yes child was in and is need of frequent dose of Merc Sol and more aggressive approach in regards to treatment, but you did not give Merc Sol for any reason.
When there is indication of high grade infection or where environment is unhealthy one should use repeated medicines.
Please visit this link and tell what symptoms she is having.
When there is indication of high grade infection or where environment is unhealthy one should use repeated medicines.
Please visit this link and tell what symptoms she is having.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
She definitely has E(disharge from right nostirl), I(discharge both evening and night), Q(discharge is copious), S(keeps dribbling the whole day). Probably has J, Z (always sweats more, so difficult to say). She got tonsured on sun and cold started on wed. Also very cranky today.
Indu04 last decade
Give her Arsenic Album 30C three dose today night at 10 minute interal i.e. three doses with half hour.
Also note, i am sorry to say that once again i will be out of reach to computer so cannot reply.
Please start a new thread for your child or go to any pediatrics near by you thanks.
Also note, i am sorry to say that once again i will be out of reach to computer so cannot reply.
Please start a new thread for your child or go to any pediatrics near by you thanks.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
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