The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Swollen gums
Dear doctors - my mother (age 56yrs) is currently suffering from swollen, painful lower gums. It was actually accompanied with an outbreak of mouth ulcers (with burning throat, mouth)and fever (101F). She took Merc Sol which helped her ulcers and also fever, but shooting pain in gums has actually increased significantly.Other complaints - High BP (generally 140/90) and insomnia (able to fall asleep only early morning).
Please suggest something..
Indu04 on 2010-06-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
day 1
three doses of Phosphorus 30c at a gap of 4 hours
day 3 to day 10
4 pellets of Calc Flour 6x thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours.
three doses of Phosphorus 30c at a gap of 4 hours
day 3 to day 10
4 pellets of Calc Flour 6x thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours.
♡ kadwa last decade
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