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Nail Fungus



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Nail fungus and decaying

Female, age-39
For 5 months nails in two fingers are afftected by fungus or anthing not sure. But symptoms are-

Half portion of each nail have decayed and gradully decying. No pain. yellow spot, like pus but not pus, not brittle, dry.Have tried by hepar sulph-200 no results. after that graphities-200 two times a day, then slight result. But now no improvement is seen. Presnet medicines taking Graphites-200, Silacea-12X and natrum sulph-12X for three days, but without results.
Pls suggest some good medicines.
  kamrul on 2010-07-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Once a week, chew off a small piece of pencil lead. If you see some effect in a week or rather in three days, then gradually increase the potency from the same pencil lead.

It usually works.
girilal last decade
For your quick reply. homeopathic graphites is as same as pencil lead? But the patient dont want to chew the lead of pencil. Pls suggest some homeopathic medicines. And its a problem to potentize the lead of pencil.
kamrul last decade
Antim Crud cm 1dose in 15 days
mazharmhm last decade

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