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Hair Loss



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Excessive Hairloss (Hair experts - plz help!!! 3



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

To all the Hair Loss experts.


I have been looking at some of the hair loss forums and hopeful to find out that may mine can be stopped/cured.

I am 30 year Male of Indian Origin. I live in US North East Coast. My hairs have became extremely thin on front side and its getting worst and worst. I have no family history of hair loss from both mom and dad's side. So still unable to find out whats causing the hair loss.

Can someone please help in discussing and hopefully recommending some medicines.
I am open to discussing my issues in detail.

Will appreciate for prompt reply.
  vrock80 on 2010-09-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Do u had any severe illness within past 6 months or blood loss
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade

Thanks for the reply.
No illness at all. I am very active and healthy too.

vrock80 last decade
R u facing/faced any stress tension grief over past 6 months do u take/n any medicine of any kind r u taking proper diet
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
So far there is no tension nor do I have taken any medication is past 6 months. The only medicines I have taken is for spring pollen allergies in Apr.

Also I am taking proper diet. I am pure vegeterian too and eating all green vegetables and fruits too.
vrock80 last decade
It seems that antiallergic medicine caused you to have hair thinning and falling.

Actually, people are not able to correctly trace what caused hair fall as hair tend to fall after long period exposed to causative agent i.e. if you had any severe illness you may notice hair fall after three months or so.

What medicine you had taken by the way.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
dr rakesh,
sorry for writing about the same problem from somebody else's thread...

what to do, i am not getting any reply to my post in this forum...


my question is

I came to know that baldness can be reversed through homeopathic medicines. Is it true ?

If yes, I want to ask about homeo medicines for my husband, who is just 35yrs old - ( i dont if i can call it premature greying )and the problem with his hair is two - fold:

1) He has baldness starting from front centrally till the middle of his head

2) His hairs near ears and at back side where shirt collar touches, have turned white. Another distressing things we have noticed is that even his beard hair while seen 5 days after shaving is White !! -- it is so embarassing !!

My husband is somewhat obese for his height with 85kgs weight, eats vegetarian diet, minimal exercise and eats curry leaves, salads and sprouts regularly in food. I am unable to stop him from eating junk food while at office. He does not have any acidity problem and is not taking medicines apart from daily multi-vitamins and garlic pearls.

We have tried our hands at all natural remedies since last 6 months like natural shikakai, medicated hearbal soaps (because of grey beard hairs) and regular oil massage on head with herbal oil prepared at home by boiling dried curry leaves and ginger in coconut oil.

Please suggest a good and speedy remedy to stop greying and regrowth of his bald hair !!
vinootha last decade
Hi Dr

I have pollen allergies since last 4-5 years in spring and I take either claritin or allegra for that. So dont undersatnd why is it causing now.

vrock80 last decade
Claritin has been linked with hair loss; however, one cannot be sure, but in your case no other cause seems reasonable.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
I have no idea. Can you advise for some medication
vrock80 last decade
U should avoid claratin read about Phosphorus and if u feel that there are lots of things that r true for u read and tell me and also about history of TB in u or family
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade

There is no TB history in my family, nor any other health issues. So do you recommend taking Phosphorus??

vrock80 last decade
Go this page http://www.homeoint.org/books/allkeyn/allkeyp.htm#Pho

and read about Phosphorus and report do you thinks there are lots of things that are present in you.

Tell what things are present in your case.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade

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