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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair Loss -Young women Please need help

Dear joedelivera,

I have read lot about you in this forum.First of all, i would like to appreciate the help that you have rendered to many people in this forum. Iam a female about 29 years old losing hair in crown of the head and top of my head.My hair has been thinning for few years now.i went one dermatologist and he diagonised me with AGA and other dermatologist with telogen effluvium.So i frankly dont know what condition i have.And iam really worried that i going to turn bald(actually i have turned bald in few places at the back and iam hiding that by my hair styles).Also iam married and iam trying to concieve and this is adding to my stress level. My mensturation is regular but with heavy flow for 2-3 days lasting 7 days.I dont have endometriosis or cysts according to my gynacologists.Also i have dandruff and itchyness in my hair(i was diagonised with Seborrheic Dermatitis) and hair becomes very oily after one day of washing my hair.I have acne all over face & body(especially during mensturartion its worse).So please help me with my hair loss
  helprt on 2010-09-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The standard therapy I have prescribed to many for Hair Loss is:

Arnica 30c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.
Arnica Q to be made into a 20% emulsion with Olive Oil (2ml Arnica Q mixed with 8ml Olive Oil) to be applied daily into the hair roots.

Arnica will also help with your Acne within a week.
It will also reduce the flow and pain during your periods.
Joe De Livera last decade
thank you very much for your prompt response. i will try the remedy and reply my progress
helprt last decade
To trace cause of your problem, your all internal organs and systems needs to be studied for which you have to provide the following:-

1. Your Name,
2.. Date of Birth
3.. Time of Birth and
4.. Place of Birth

You may visit the followiong links as well:



For your information:

DR. B.V. RAMAN writes :” In ancient times all doctors were expected to know Astrology and its relation to disease to know what diseases would be produced under different planetary conditions…,

First, a Medical Astrologer can indicate the client’s natural immunity, possible diseases indicators, weak points in the body and nutritional deficiencies.

Then the medical astrologer may be called upon to interpret the chart of a person with serious illness or health disorder so as to furnish extra information to aid in determining severity and duration of the condition.

It is also to explain an illness that traditional medicine has been unable to diagnose or cure.

A step further Astrologiccal Homeopathy (World's No. 1 ) suggests the remedies which are linked to planets for that possible ailments and also deficient salts for correcting So please inform your birth details as above.

RSGUPTA last decade
iam not sure if i have heard of this method before.But iam willing to try.

name:i dont not wish to disclose here
time: 7:32 pm or 7:36 pm either one of them

please Let me know the diagnosis
helprt last decade

Did you find out a remedy for me??

Thanks in advance!!
helprt last decade

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