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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Alot of hair loss, resulting in hair thinning. Please help‏

Hello Joe De Livera,

I think it is by pure chance that i stumbled across ABC Homepathy. I was looking for Arnica Montana essential oil to add to some base oils, as suggested to me by a herbal doctor because i am suffering from a lot of hair loss. but i discovered there is no such thing as arica montana essential oil but there is mother tincture. he suggested i use equal amounts of almond and jojoba base oil with 3-5 drops of arnica montana and lavender essential oils. apply it to my scalp twice a week. do you think this is just as good as your remedy?

A brief history.

I am 36 years old, of indian origin but born and brought up in england.
Married but now divorced (97-2004). no children
took contraceptive pill from july 97 to july 2002.
no major accidents or traumas.
depressed in 2005. took medication for it from june 2005 - jan 06. Prothiaden.
out of work from june 2005- till now.
blood tests done in sept 2007
sex hormones - normal
iron - low so put on ferrous sulpahte from sept 2007 till date.

you could say my hair began to fall out when i was about 21/22yrs old. Usually when i washed my hair and then detangled it. Each strand is fine, so there was never alot of density, but now i have about 1/10th of what i had when i was 21. but as the hair loss was not so much i never payed any attention.
Real hair loss began in 2006 when i was 32. i noticed that more than usual was falling out, but didn't know what to do about it.Then in june 2007 i went to india for 2.5 months and i lost more than 1/2 the amount of hair i had before i went to india. It was terrifying. i didn't know what to do. it was comming out in strands and strands. when i washed it, combed it or just ran my fingers thru it. it was as if my hair had become week at the roots and and anything made it drop out. i was scared and depressed to even wash or comb it. when i returned to the uk, i had blood tests done. everything was normal except i was low on iron so my doc put me on iron supplements. i still take about 1 or 2 a week to keep my levels up. my doc said there is nothing that can be done as it is female patterned baldness. my mums hair is also thin and sparse but she is now 65 and it was never thick. At its peak i was loosing more than 500 strands a day. now i loose about 100-150 a day but when i wash my hair i loose about 500-600. although some new hair is coming back it is much finer than old hair and falls out when it reaches about 3 inches long.
i have noticed more hair falls out when my hair is oily and and my hair becomes oily after 2 days of washing it. ends are dry. my hair has thinned out a lot, i hate looking at myself. you can see lot of scalp, esp at the back of head, middle parting and and front of head.

i want to try your remedy
Get a vial of Arnica 30c and a 10ml bottle of Arnica Q or Mother Tincture.

Insert 3 pellets of Arnica 30c into a 50 ml bottle of spring water from your nearest supermarket and shake in hard to ensure bubbles. Sip a teaspoonful thrice daily for the first month reduced to twice daily thereafter. Shake the bottle hard every time you sip your teaspoonful.

Mix the Arnica Q to make a 20% solution with virgin Coconut Oil and shake it to ensure that it is mixed in completely. Apply a few drops on your finger tips to the area in the scalp or even all over and massage it into the scalp.

1 where do i get the ingredients from. i live in london
2 what is a vial of arnica 30c?
3 the mother tincture. what potency do i get. 10, 33 0r 50%
4 is spring water the same as still mineral water
for how long must i take arnica and water sloution? 6 months, a year or for life?
5 how do i make a 20% solution?
a lady called zuummaa (http://abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/49406) used 20ml of the arnica tincture and 80ml of cocunut oil. can i also do this. is this the same os 20% solution?

I hope you can help me. I just want my hair fall to stop and some to grow back. will that ever happen? its's so thin that you can see thru it.

i eagerly await your response. and i thank you in advance for just taking the time to read this email. i can imagine you must be so bz. also where can i get colourless iodine from in london?

Kind regards

  savvy100 on 2010-09-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
To Savvy

I am glad to note that you have already read my therapy for Hair Loss from one of my older posts on this Forum.

Answering your questions:

1 You can contact the following suppliers in London.



Hahnemann Laboratories


2 Order Arnica 30c in the Ethanol pack as I have since amended my therapy and eliminated pellets which are not as effective as the remedy in Ethanol.

3 Ask for Arnica Q and they will supply the Mother Tincture which is always in Ethanol. You will then mix 2ml Arnica Q with 8ml Olive Oil and apply it to your hair roots daily.

4 Spring water is sold in all Supermarkets. You can also use water from the mains but it must be boiled to release the chlorine.

5 See above.

Forget what the lady who experimented with the iodine as this can make a bad situation worse.

Report progress monthly.
Joe De Livera last decade
hi Joe De Livera

i am using your Arnica 30C water therapy since one month, till now i have not observed any results. how many days i need to use this to observe results.

i observed hair loss, is it like first old hairs falls and then new hair will come??

please suggest
p_balu999 last decade
Are you using any drugs for any ailment?

If so, this is the reason for your not observing any difference in your Loss of Hair.

You must also start on the massage with the Arnica Q emulsion on your hair daily.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you for getting back to me so promptly Dr Livera. I have one question though, the Arnica 30c in ethanol packs. what does that mean? if it means that it is in liquid form in alcohol, then it is most probable that i will not be able to use it for religious reasons. can i then use the pellets?
savvy100 last decade
Savvy, Arnica 30 c liquid dilution usually comes in 5ml or 15 ml vials. This,like thousands of other drugs in this world has ethanol in it.

About Arnica Mother Tincture - i haven't have had much luck in finding this product yet.

A question to Joe , What is the difference between Arnica 30c and Arnica Montana?
z992764 last decade
To Savvy

I note that your religion prohibits alcohol and as the member s992764 rightly pointed out to you, 'This,like thousands of other drugs in this world has ethanol in it. '

You must also be informed that the pellets were originally activated with the remedy in Ethanol and they are therefore banned.

It is obvious that your religion therefore prohibits you to use ALL homeopathic remedies.
Joe De Livera last decade
To z99............

Arnica is Arnica Montana. Do not however use the Arnica Montana Radix which is the root of the plant. We use the flower.

You can order Arnica Q from



Hahnemann Laboratories


Homeopathy Overnight

Natural Health Supply

Natural Living Products--Bengal Allen remedy kits


Washington Homeopathics
1 800 336 1695
Joe De Livera last decade
Dr Livera,

Once i obtain the arnica 30c in ethanol, how do i make up the solution.
do i still use 50ml spring water? how many drops do i need to add to the 50ml spring water? and do i use this solution until it finishes and then make it up again? also i would like to know that are there any special dietry requirements i need to observe. also what times do i take it and is it before or after food and if before food how long after can i eat?

also the oil for the hair, once i massage into my hair, do i need to wash it after a certain number of hours or can i leave it in for a few days but reapply the oil everyday?
savvy100 last decade
Dr Livera,

I am eagerly waiting for you reply, so then i can go ahead, order the medicines and start your treatment.

waiting your response. thank you sooo much for all your help so far.
savvy100 last decade
To Savvy

I have patiently answered all your queries in my previous posts which have given you comprehensive replies to all your questions.

You fail to realize that we the consultants on this Forum do a service to suffering humanity completely free of charge purely for the satisfaction that we get from helping anyone in distress.

I am 82 years of age and although I am a very patient person by nature, I must admit that I am irritated by your never ending questions which you are posing daily without even ordering the remedies that I have prescribed.

I regret that I cannot waste any more time in repeating this process again.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dr Livera,

I am extremely dissapointed that you feel this way and i too am very hurt by your comments. It is not and never was my intention to waste your time at all, but my questions are legitimate and i have not asked you the same question over and over for you to become irritated.
i appreciate and value that you are offering your knowledge, services and time purely to help those in distress but you must also appreciate that the remedy i asked you about contained pellets. never once have you told me how to make up the solution with the ethanol packs or explained how and when the medicine should be taken.
whilst this must be very routine to you, you must appreciate and understand that i am completely new to this. I want to take the medicines the right way to obtain the maximum benefits.
I apologise if i have offended you, as this was not my intention and i hope you will still offer to help me.
savvy100 last decade

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