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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair Loss and Balding

hi Joe De Livera

i am using your Arnica 30C water therapy since one month, till now i have not observed any results. how many days i need to use this to observe results.

i observed hair loss, is it like first old hairs falls and then new hair will come??

please suggest....

i am using following homeopathy drugs

1. Acid Phos - 2 drops on tongue first thing in the morning

2. Arnica 30C water therapy + 2 arnica granules

3. Fragaris Vesca - 5 drops in a spoon of water , 3 times a day

4. Nat Phos 6x for weight loss.

is that the reason iam not getting any improvement in my hair growing????????????
  p_balu999 on 2010-09-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
i am using these medicines with min of 30 min gap...between drugs

but i used to smoke
p_balu999 last decade
You will have to make up your mind as to which of your problems is the most important for you to cure. You have listed 4 remedies which I have not prescribed which you are taking today for ailments that you have not listed.

I note that you have not listed the most relevant of them for Hair Loss is:

Arnica Q in a 20% emulsion with Olive oil which is massaged into the hair roots daily.

I also note that you have not followed my protocol for making the Arnica 30c and you state:
'2. Arnica 30C water therapy + 2 arnica granules'

You have obviously read my therapy for Hair Loss and you are advised to follow my therapy precisely.

It is understood that you will stop all other remedies if you wish to regain your lost hair.

Smoking will antidote all Homeopathic Remedies.
Joe De Livera last decade

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