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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

asthma problem my mother

hi all doctor my mother before had rhematism pain all body taking arnica she has cure from body pain but asthma no reduce her age 45 years so if help any doctor
  nurnabi on 2010-12-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What triggers the Asthma?

What makes it better?

What makes it worse?

What does she do to get relief?

gavinimurthy last decade
Does she get feeling of nausia too?
nawazkhan last decade
To Numabi

I was interested to learn that your mother's Rheumatism and body pain were helped by Arnica.
'my mother before had rhematism pain all body taking arnica she has cure from body pain'

This is the first report I have had that Arnica has helped a patient to overcome these problems which are not easy to cure.

Can you please give more details of the potency of Arnica used and for how long she used it?
Joe De Livera last decade
arnica is very good drug my mother was pain a lot of alapathy not help for her aftertime i search internet i saw arnica is very good to cure rheumatism and HBP so i gave arnica 30c wet dose now BP ormal pain has finished but problem has heart weak, asthma her pilpitation more if she walk a litle i feel she will die
nurnabi last decade
You can't expect any help unless you answer the questions one by one elaboratively.

gavinimurthy last decade

'i gave arnica 30c wet dose now BP ormal pain has finished but problem has heart weak, asthma her pilpitation more if she walk a litle i feel she will die'

I wonder if the patient is suffering from Cardiac Asthma and her lungs are slowly filling with plasma which restricts her ability to breathe. The Palpitation she suffers from is also symptomatic of Cardiac Asthma.

Do you think that she should be advised to go to Hospital immediately where they can give her strong Diuretics and Steroids to help her heart which will help to clear the edema in her lungs?

I am copying some notes on Cardiac Asthma below from


Cardiac asthma is wheezing due to congestive heart failure and in the true sense it is not asthma. Clinically it is a condition caused by severe reflexive blocking and or by edema of the lungs. It is an asthmatic-type breathing caused by sudden blockage of the pulmonary circulation. The bronchial spasm in cardiac asthma is caused by back pressure from the left side of the heart to the lungs. Symptomatically cardiac asthma is quite similar to lung asthma.

Patients with heart failure or heart valves that do not open properly experience shortness of breath not necessarily accompanied by wheezing, coughing, increased rapid and superficial breathing, increased blood pressure and heart beat rate and a feeling of uneasiness. Symptoms usually occur with exercise or at night after going to bed. Cardiac asthma is usually due to a major mechanical fault of the heart. The reduced pumping efficacy of the heart leads to a build up of fluid in the lungs. This build up of the fluid causes the air passages to narrow up and eventually cause wheezing and other related symptoms. It is a life-threatening condition and one must seek medical advice immediately on experiencing any symptoms.

The key to effective management of cardiac asthma is right diagnosis, which includes differentiation between patients who wheeze only due to acute heart failure and those who wheeze from other disorders, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia or acute respiratory distress syndrome. Treatment is directed at improving the pump function of the heart along with medications.

Treatments mainly focus on controlling the night coughs, control of the edema, control of inflow load and the amount of residual blood in the left ventricle. Diuretics (water pills) free the lungs of excess fluid and other medications such as morphines, nitrates help the heart muscles pump more effectively. The wheezing gradually stops when the heart failure has been well controlled.

In some patients who suffer from asthma and heart failure simultaneously, treatment is required for both conditions. A combination of bronchodilators, supplementary oxygen is generally effective in controlling the asthmatic symptoms in addition to treating heart failure in such patients. Corticosteroids are prescribed only when the patient with acute cardiac asthma has not responded well to initial therapy. Corticosteroids usually take long hours to give peak effect. If the asthma is caused by a heart valve that is not working properly or a hole between the heart chambers, surgery or other procedures may be suggested.

Joe De Livera last decade
Those symptoms, around the heart - are they new to her? When did they develop?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
And does she have rheumatoid arthritis?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
no she feel good only proble asthma
nurnabi last decade
Hi Nurnabi

For any meaningful reaction from the homeopaths, you need to answer Gavini's questions.
Niel Madhavan last decade
Hey, why aren't you answering Q's? I hope and pray that you love and respect your mother's disease.

Does she get feeling of nausia too?

What triggers the Asthma?

What makes it better?

What makes it worse?

What does she do to get relief?
nawazkhan last decade
breathing problem when she sleeping time do sound breathing when she walk some more her heart pilpitation increase more not take any homeo drug without arnica 30c i wanted to give inhaller but without Dc advice ...
nurnabi last decade

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