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Sebaceous Cyst



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sebaceous Cyst


I am a 22 year old female. I have had a Sebaceous Cyst on my nose for almost 8 to 9 years. I have suffered acne as a teenage girl and it was a pimple that started on my nose, I use to pick on it alot and it turned into a cyst. I have seen derm and plastic surgeon who don't recommend a surgery because it would look very bad and leave a deep scar.

I use to get it extracted esthetically but it seems never to go away. It does not hurt and releases white puss/fat when extracted.

Nobody in my family has it. and it does not hurt when i touch it. also, i tried heat padding it and it actually works. Like when I heat the cyst on my nose for an hour, the extra bulk or sebum melts but the cyst still remains and does not go. and when i wake up the next day its the same size as it always has been.

I have only performed heat padding for an hour but i think i need to take something that would allow the melted sebum to not come back.

Can you help? how can homeopathy treat this?

1) I don't have any kind of suffering. I have a cyst on the middle of my nose that causes a bit of self consciousness
2) none
3) none
4) I am hardly at my worst. But when somebody asks about the cyst and what is it, it makes me feel pathetic and low on self esteem, which otherwise i am not.
5) I was 10 or 12 when acne started and I had the first pimple on my nose. I use to pick on it alot not knowing what it was and it stayed their ever since
6)nothing particular. I am at my worst when i see nose in the mirror
7)nothing aggravates it
8)I had irregular periods for sometime but now its fine. and nothing external aggravates it either
9)all weathers are fine
10) I am very moody.
- nothing? never noticed
- yes
- yes
- no
- i feel that they are all very precious and should be valued
11) i dont have any fears and neither do i have repeated dreams
12) i crave for chocolate, and aversion is nothing in particular
18)normal; none
19)not married so does not apply
20)no i dont. I am very normal
21) I do not take medications for this. I only get it extracted esthetically which worked in the begining to clean my face off blackheads. but now it doesn't help
22) none
23) I am a pretty looking girl. No defects whatsoever. I suffered acne like normal teenage kids and now I have a cyst on my nose which is the only different thing
24) they are normal but before they were not not normal. there was no flow and i had to exercise to get the flow moving. but now its fine
25) none
  asmahakim on 2011-01-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Please take three wet doses of Baryta carb 200c separated by 3 hours each on a SINGLE day ONLY.

Put 2 pills/drops of the remedy in some 100 ml of mineral water. Allow to dissolve for ten minutes. Shake the bottle vigourously 10-15 times. One teaspoon from the solution is one dose.

Remember, three doses have to be taken on a single day only. No repetition after that.

Let me know of your condition 5 days after taking the remedy.

Niel Madhavan last decade
Hi Niel,

What are the uses of Baryta carb? i looked it up and it seems to deal more with personality disorders and less with a cystic problem.

I am perfectly normal and confident young woman, but my only drawback is the cyst on my nose. Nothing else about me worries me because I am perfectly fine.
asmahakim last decade
You wrote:

'What are the uses of Baryta carb? i looked it up and it seems to deal more with personality disorders and less with a cystic problem.'

Baryta carb is a medicine extremely rich in its patogenesis. There are thousands of symptoms it can produce and still cure (Homeopathy). In Homeopathy, if you try to fit a remedy to the patient, you will never succeed. You have to fit the patient to the remedy.

'I am perfectly normal and confident young woman, but my only drawback is the cyst on my nose. Nothing else about me worries me because I am perfectly fine.'

The remedy has been prescribed only for the list and the selection has been made on other details like personality factors mentioned by you.

Niel Madhavan last decade

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