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Sebaceous Cyst



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sebaceous Cyst on Middle Back (Inflamed)

Hello, my husband has had a few small sebaceous cyst on his back over the years. One became inflamed a week ago and increased in size (size of fig), tender to the touch. I put iodine, castor oil, and a drawing salve on it at night. It leaked milky white puss from a couple pores once or twice a day for 3 days after doing so and hasnt suppurated since. Pain decreased, slightly smaller, but still inflamed, no open wound. Currently putting colloidal silver aloe to prevent further infection along with vitamin E to moisturize (iodine dried out his skin) and just started taking Norwegian kelp supplements. Stocky build, runs hot in temp, 46 year old white male. What can he do to help dissolve the cyst? Thank you for your help.
  Rosco on 2025-01-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Was he ever tested for blood sugar? Any history of diabetes in the family?
Does he have hurrying tendency?
What are his bowel habits like?
Is he in the habit of snacking often?
What kind of weather does he like?
Not a doc1 last month
Never tested for blood sugar. He doesn’t snack through the day but when he does snack it is usually after dinner and typically sweets. No history of diabetes in his family. No hurrying tendency but likes to stay busy/active. Normal/consistent bowel habits. Prefers cool weather over hot. Thank you
Rosco last month
Did he sustain any injury in the area of the cysts?
Not a doc1 last month
No injury in that area. It suppurated a little more today in the morning, milky white fluid, no offensive odor. Looks like it is getting slightly smaller but currently still inflamed.
[Edited by Rosco on 2025-01-31 02:27:22]
Rosco last month
Please give him a dose of SULPHUR 200 in the morning. He should not eat or drink anything both 30 minutes before and after taking medicine. All sour food and drinks to be avoided for atleast a week as they may antidote medicine. Do not use any external applications as they will also disturb the action of the medicine.
Not a doc1 last month
Thank you so much for the detailed information. I truly appreciate your help.
Rosco last month

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