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Doc Rahiq/Doc Nawazkhan Pls take my case :--Sudden hair loss..brisbanehomoeopath, pls help Page 11 of 20

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No doctor.It is not an old symptom.Rather i do not remember if i ever i had a sore in last 3-5 years.Shall i repeat the remedy like the first dose or increase the number of hits to 4?
Please guide.
And today morning before reaching office i was getting late for office and the hurried feelings were at a high level.
Also please tell can homeopathy take care of hormonal imbalances also?Just curios to know.
sumedh last decade
Please reply doctor.
About whether i have mouth soar of mouth ulcer can you give me some tips to identify why a soar and what a ulcer look like.In my case it is on the inside skin below the lower lip on the soft skin which almost touches to teeth in lower jaw.It is white in color and looks like some white fluid is filled in it and the white inflated area is surrounded by a circular pink/red circle.
Also Please suggest how the second dose shall be taken?Any changes in the way i took the first dose?
sumedh last decade
Doctor i observed it more closely.It does not seem there is any fluid filled in it.It is a flat thing and with in center and reddish on circumference.
sumedh last decade
It does sound like an ulcer.

I would retake the remedy exactly as the first time.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I took the second dose of arg-nit(one spoon after 2 hits, 1 drop in 125 ml water)on 15 october.
My observations after 24 hours:
There is no aggravation in anxiety or hairfall during combing of otherwise.

Current symtptoms
Anxiety tries to come up from centre of my chest.
Hair fall exists and more than normal
Sneezing due to exposure to cold air after getting up in the morning and after taking shower
I have observed the muscles of fingers of my foot remain strechted like my fingers are in folded position and i realise when they stay in folded position for a while.This is involuntarity.Similarly my teeth also involuntarily press each other with upper jaw teeth pressing lower jaw teeth.I have developed this symptom after taking the first dose of arg-nit and it still persists after second dose of arg-nit.
Please reply what does this mean.Thanks
sumedh last decade
Hello Doctor,
Please tell if any of my symptoms in my last post indicate if the medicine is working of not working.As of today there are changes in observations than yesterday
sumedh last decade
Describe more on 'anxiety comes up from the chest'

I don't understand quite what is happening with the fingers. How are the muscles stretched, but the fingers are folded? Do you mean the muscles are contracting and pulling your fingers in?

What changes have happened today from yesterday?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Describe more on 'anxiety comes up from the chest' - I mean that the start of feeling of hurriedness lies in the center of my chest like something which starts from center of chest and forces me to do things hurriedly.

I don't understand quite what is happening with the fingers. How are the muscles stretched, but the fingers are folded? Do you mean the muscles are contracting and pulling your fingers in?
Bingo. I mean that muscles are contracting and pulling finger in.

What changes have happened today from yesterday?
No change in hair fall
No its evening time and i think there is a marginal reduction in anxiety.In the morning today the anxiety was as it was yesterday.
No change in sneezing due to cold
sumedh last decade
I am very concerned about the fingers - are you saying that the Arg-nit has caused this, from just one dose?

That seems extraordinary. While possible to see a proving symptom like this, it appears to be a very extreme one and highly unusual.

Just describe the sensation in the chest, in more detail.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I still remember there was extreme anxiety for two days.During these 2 days(12 and 13 th october) the problem of fingers folding in was very prominent/recurring.This actually occurred 4 days after taking the first dose of arg-nit.(I took first dose on 8th october)The problem of fingers folding in has now subsided and it is very less and also anxiety levels are also not so high as it were on those 2 days.
About anxiety levels coming out from the chest : It is like a hurried feeling like i can compare it to the speed and collisions of a whirlpool.It seems like so many forces fighting against each other and not able to decide a winner.This actually pushes me to do so many things at one time and not able to do anything calmly and also i can feel the blood circulation flowing in my feet sometimes during anxiety.e.g. if i start brushing my teeth and hurried force tells me to go out and take breakfast quickly and it also tells me to choose clothes at the same time.I am trying to give example that so many forces telling me to do different things at one time and ultimately it kills me.Will this explaination work
or shall i try more?Pls suggest.
sumedh last decade
Hello Doctor,
I am relieved of anxiety today.It is less today and i feel better today.There was hair fall today as usual.
Is it the remedy working inside me ? or am i just confused with the symptoms? seems like there is no linear relationship between remedy and cure of disease.
sumedh last decade
What do you mean by no linear relationship?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I am feeling better doctor.Less anxious but hair fall still exists.Please suggest what shall be done now.If you recommend we can restart and i can prepare the list of symptoms and feelings i have.
Please suggest.
sumedh last decade
Better in what way? Better than before you started the remedy, or is it that you have gone back to exactly how you felt before the remedy?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I am exactly where i was before i took arg-nit.I still remember the gravity of anxiety and hurried feeling which i felt after taking arg-nit. It was too much and it was such than i have not felt in 2 months.Those 2 days were terrible days.
sumedh last decade
So now the question is are you just coming out of a homoeopathic aggravation, which will mean there will be further improvement? We should wait a few more days to see what happens.

It is important not to jump from remedy to remedy too quickly, when there has been some kind of reaction.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok Doctor.Actually this spike in anxiety occurred 4 days after taking the first dose of arg-nit.Is it possible that a dose causes aggravation after 4 days?I am just curios to know as in earlier remedies you told me that if aggravation would occur it would occur within 24 hours after the dose.
sumedh last decade
No aggravations will typically happen in the first 3-5 days. Most people will see an aggravation start within 3 days, and peak at 3-5 days, tapering off after about 7 days (this can be shorter or longer). The symptoms that appear in the beginning of the aggravation will often change as the aggravation progresses, so it might start with a headache, then become anxiety, then become a skin eruption (as examples).

It just seems to be me strange to get such a strong aggravation if the remedy is wrong.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok.So apart from the height of aggravation i had developed a soar/ulcer in my mouth.Wish my body has got its like now.
sumedh last decade
Hello Doctor,
Theres no new symptom.
The level of anxiety remains the same from last 3-5 days days.
I must admit one thing that has changed after taking pulsatilla 200c.I think my metabolism has improved.Due to office work i have not been able to exercise for last 20 days.I am really happy to see that my stomach does not feel heavy due to not exercising.Earlier (before taking pulsatilla)whenever i used to leave exercise for 15 days or more i could feel some burden in my stomach like i am carrying a stone in it.That is really a wonder that i do not get that stone carrying feeling.Thanks for getting me through that.I am just waiting for the day when i would see all the fallen hair grown back.
sumedh last decade
Hello Doctor,
I have observed my symptoms for another 7 days from 23rd october to 30th october.There is reduction in anxiety.Infact the arousal of anxiety has become conditional.By conditional i mean it occurs only is certain conditions.For example if i am getting late to reach some place then i get the hurried feeling.When i feel that i am killing time and have nothing to do then i get the anxious feeling to start something and not kill time.Another symptom is related to sneezing.When i get up i morning as soon as i open my eyes lying on bed i see that my body feels cold and i can feel mucus accumulating in my nose and feel little cold.And if i wash my face and hands with cold water after getting up then i start sneezing at sneeze at least 20-25 times before stopping.
And the actual problem of hair fall exists.
There is improvement in my metabolism.Earlier my body had a tendency to deposit fat very quickly on my stomach front and sides but now the rate of fat deposition has reduced.
sumedh last decade
hello doctor
please suggest something.
sumedh last decade
I need to explore the feeling of the anxiety more. We are just giving remedy after remedy for symptoms, and there is no understanding on my part of the state you are in.

Describe more on 'Whirlpool'

Describe more on 'many forces fighting against one another'

Describe more on 'a force that tells me to...'

Describe more on how 'ulimately it kills me'

I believe by looking at this language I was mistaken in giving you plant and mineral remedies.

What problems have you had with people in your life?

What is your attitude to getting promotions or advancements at work?

What was your relationship like with your siblings?

What problems do you you have with friends?

What problems do you have with your superiors?
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Mon, 31 Oct 2011 09:27:24 GMT]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok doctor this time i shall try to explain in detail.
sumedh last decade
Hello Doctor,
Please let me know if i need to explain more about anything.I understand the importance that i should be able to communicate you the exact condition as it determined the remedy to be used.

I need to explore the feeling of the anxiety more. We are just giving remedy after remedy for symptoms, and there is no understanding on my part of the state you are in.

For explaining pupose the meaning of anxiety and hurried feelings is same.
I think I can give the best explaination about symptoms by telling you my daily routine and when is anxiety aroused.

When i get up in the morning i feel cold. If the fan is on then i can feel mucus accumulating
in my nose which i think is due to cold.If i take off the blanket from my body i start sneezing as well.
Sneezing also occurs due to washing hands or face in tap water.I get relief from cold or sneezing
if i stand under sun for some time as it raises my body temperature.

Now when i am awake and for example i have less time to get ready for office, by just looking at
the wall clock i get kind of terrified that i should hurry up else i will get late for office.
So i start to do things quickly and start thinking in my mind where i can save time.
During this time i start doing multiple things like grab my toothbrush and while brushing my teeth i just think that i should brush quickly and then do other things to get ready.While i am not done with brushing my teeth i start looking out for clothes and also looking out for razors to shave etc.I think at that time i would want all my body parts to help me get ready like hands/eyes to look out for things and feet should keep moving.

Important anxiety tells me to do these things in parallet.It is not true to say that multiple jobs create anxiety but truth is anxiety creates the urge to do multiple things..

This hurried feeling is something which causes trouble and does not let me do anything correctly.I try to calm this hurried feeling by taking long breaths and it gives some relief but temporary.
Also suppose my supervisor assigns me some work and i have very less time to it so while doing work i encounter this turbulence or hurried feeling.

Now this turbulent feeling comes up when i have less time to do a particular thing and also when i dont find any work to do.
For example on weekends if i do not have anything to do then the hurried feeling comes up.By anything i mean i dont have anything to study or to play or any household work i enounter this feeling.
At this time when i have the hurried feeling i start looking around for something i can do like if i get newspaper i start reading it.During reading i am not able
to read the news completely.Not because i dont want to read the news but it is involuntarily.Supoose there is a particular headline 'Europe able to save economic woes' During
the hurried feeling inside me i am not able to read the full headline and i just jump to next headline before completing first and repeat the same behavior with it and jump to next headline.
Even if i try to control the hurried feeling and compell myself to read an article i would not understand the article and just read the words.So my mind stops working virtually or you can say my mind loosed control due to hurriedness.

I have also noticed that my walking speeds up while this anxiety is working inside me and sometimes i can feel the blood circulation speeding up in my legs during anxiety time.

Describe more on 'Whirlpool'

By whirlpool i mean that if i imagine how the hurried feeling in my chest would look like (if i take it out from my chest) it would look like turbulent waters of a whirlpool.

Describe more on 'many forces fighting against one another'
By many forces fighting inside me i mean that the same as with the turbulence of hurried feelings.

Describe more on 'a force that tells me to...'
By this i mean one force tells me to brush my teeth then another thought comes up that i am getting late so i should select the clothes to be worn today then another force tells me to look out for razor.Remember i mentioned that hurried feelings causes multiple works and not viceversa.
All these forces or thoughts create confusion and turbulence and ultimately i end up doing things in a clumsy way that doing each thing neat and tidy if done one at a time.

Describe more on how 'ulimately it kills me'
It means with so many things to be done in parallel i end up doing things in a clumsy way that doing each thing neat and tidy if done one at a time.Also as i told this hurried feeling
is like another thing which my mind has to manage it kills me because i gets control over me and irritates me and i cant stop it.By taking long breaths i mange it but that is temporary.

What is your attitude to getting promotions or advancements at work?
I think my current attitude towards promotions is set according to my current mindset.
For example i work in information technology sector and as one gets promoted the number of available posts reduces like the pyramid structure
So i want to stay abreast with latest offerings in my domain.This feeling is due to insecurity and less number of jobs available at higher positions and not due to love and passion for the technology.
If I compare myself with peers and when i see my peers getting promoted and i am not only then i think of alternates to get promoted which could be by changing the company.Otherwise i am just ok i my comfort zone.

Consider a case if there is just one person to be promoted after a year and it is clear that it would be me and also i dont have any peer in competition in that case i will never think of changing my company and moving out
even if a little better position is offered.So i am comfortable in a position if i advance slow and steady.If i see fierce competion and less chances to succeed only then i
would look for alternates

What was your relationship like with your siblings?
When i was graduating i was not much emotionally attatched to my sibling.Even we resided in same city but met very rarely.My sibling was busy with studies and i was busy with mine
Only when our parents visited we met or when either of us needed help to do some work etc.
After graduating we worked in the same city and i was more involved with my frends and met my sibling only seldom.Even on weekends i used to go around with frends even if my sibling wanted to make a plan to meet up i used to choose friends.
It was only when i realised that siblings are more important that friends so i started meeting and taking care of my sibling.My mom had made me realised while talking to me once and i also saw my frends taking
care of their siblings.After that i realised this we are good and talk everyday, discuss problems, suggest solutions and talk about our parents etc.

What problems do you you have with friends?
There was a time 10 years ago when i was influenced by my frends and i was not able to take independent decisions.Like i alsways thought a frend in need is a frend indeed and always used to extend help to my
frends when they needed.I never used to get so much help back from those frends.I was not able to realise this 10 years back that i help a lot and dont get help in return.After behaving like this for 5 years when i
encountered instances that people help only to a certain limit then onwards i help frends but only as far as possible.Earlier i used to do anything to help them even if that results in my loss but now i see what is
possible for me to do and act accordingly and i am happy living with this attitude.

I do not like when my frends ignoring me like once my frends planned a getogether and dint invite me.I dint like it as i thought they should have invited me.Although on a neutral front the reason they excluded me
was for the last 10 times when they asked me to go out with them i had refused.

Also I am more concerned about my belongings which some of my frend uses.For example if my frend damages my belonging while using it, it irritates me and i think he should pay me back somehow.

I dont like some of my frend acting over smart with me.For example one my frend borrowed some money from me and when i needed it back he stopped picking my call.That also irritates me as i feel
he is trying to make e a fool out of me and is trying to act oversmart.

What problems do you have with your superiors?
I admire if a superior has good knowledge of work but sometimes if a superior tries to teach me some basic thing in front of a junior then it irritates me as i feel it shown that i have less knowledge.Please note only if a superior tells a basic thing which
is very obvious.This means that i dont want to be projected as not having knowledge of fundamental things before a juinior.Other than that i dont have much problems with supervisors.

What problems have you had with people in your life?
I had some problems with attitude of my frends which i have answered in the question above.
I dont like if someone be it a frend misusing my belonging.If someone is utilising my belonging then I am ok.I also believe in help should come both ways like tit for tat rule
If i help someone that other person should also help me in return.
As i had told earlier also that i am not comfortable with violence or violent means to sort out problems.
So i dont like to be with people who use violent means to hadle situations.When i hear or think or try to be violent i dont end up using violence.A thought to
use violence or somebody using it against me also puts pressue on my chest at the same place where anxiety originates.I was not so much anti-violence before 5 years but i dont know
somehow this feeling has come in me.I want to get rid of this feeling.
sumedh last decade
Describing your day does not help me. I am trying to get you to stop thinking in terms of your daily affairs, and describe your disease in a more imaginative way, free from the rational explaination of triggers and expectations.

Just continuing to give symptoms does not help me to understand your state. Already we have used symptoms, and it is not curing you.

Let me try and pull out again the words that are more likely to lead me to the remedy.

Don't describe your life again, don't give me a description of your day, don't tell me how you operate in your tasks.

What does it mean to 'want all my body parts to help me'?

What is the experience of 'my feet keep moving' and 'speeding up my legs'?

Describe more on 'need to do multiple things'.

Describe more turbulence. Give other words, other images. Try to describe the sensation of 'turbulence'.

Describe 'many forces fighting against each other'. Don't just say 'like a whirlpool' - describe a whirlpool, and give me other images for it.

There are issues here of Speed, Control, Clumsy, Jumping, Fast movement, Doing many things at once, trying to use all your body parts - what is this state, that is the question. What is this all about?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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