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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

fistula (anal fistula) - the badguy Page 164 of 190

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Hi Nirvana,

Please go ahead and take Merc Sol. 1m. only 1 dose today.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Nawaz Sir

I have taken Alumen 30c for the last 4 days. I still have 2/3 drops of light green/ yellow discharge. Mentally and physically I am fine. I have some bloating.

munish9jain 9 years ago
Hi Jain,
Please take Arsenicum Album 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Dear Nawaz, Aoa

It had been 12 days I got Merc Sol. 1M
Discharge from fistula is only 1-2 drops light yellow watery, from morning to night and night to morning.

15 days ago I had Hamamelis 1x 5 doses and you asked me to stop (because of pain) and get Ferrum 30x. Now I received Ferrum 30x. Should I go for Ferrum 30X now?
scorpion73 9 years ago
Hi Dr Nawaz

I have taken merc sol 1m on 14 February

Current symptoms

1 today there was swelling and broke on its own by evening

I noticed light green color pus thick and creamy may be one drop

Please guide further

Nirvana64 9 years ago
"and you asked me to stop (because of pain) and get Ferrum 30x."

Please refresh my memory. When and where did I ask?
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Hi Nirvana,

Please take Arsenicum Album 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Dear Nawaz,

You asked me to get Hamamelis 1x, 3times a day for 4 days as I had blood from fistula ext. wound together with BM

"I get Hamamelis Virg. 1x since yesterday morning as instructed. After I get it I feel fullness at rectum which cause discomfort and even gives pain. Before Hamamelis there was 1 drop pink discharge. Now 4-5 drops drops watery pink (blurry) discharge"

"Dear Scorpion73,
Please stop the remedy and take Ferrum Metallicum 30C, 3 times a day, for 3 days."
scorpion73 9 years ago
So, I asked for Ferrum 30C not 30X. I hope and pray that you will get 30C asap. 30x will not do the job.

Many prayers for you Scorpion73.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Fri, 19 Feb 2016 10:08:59 UTC]
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Dear Nawaz,

Yes I got 30C, correct.
So, I go for it
scorpion73 9 years ago
"So, I go for it"
Yes, please go ahead.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Hi Nawaz Sir

I have started taking Arc Album 200 like 4 drops in 2 sips of mineral water.

Will update you in 3 days.

Nirvana64 9 years ago
Dear Nirvana,

Sounds like a plan.

Please come back with good health.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago

I have completed Calc Sulph 12x, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days.

There is no noticeable discharge in last 7 days so far.

sisir 9 years ago
Good Sisir.

What are the current Mind symptoms?

When was the Merc Sol 1m dose taken?
nawazkhan 9 years ago
I had taken Merc Sol 1m on 28th January.
Current mind symptoms are normal, relaxed. Bit of restlessness,
as because of work in last 3 days, so was not getting enough rest.

sisir 9 years ago
"I had taken Merc Sol 1m on 28th January. "

Please take One Dose today as before.

Many prayers for you Sisir.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Nawaz Sir

I have completed three days of ARS album 200c. Last couple of days there was no pus. Physically and mentally I am in good shape.

munish9jain 9 years ago
Great! Mr. Jain. Stay Blessed!
Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Hi Nawaz Sir

I have completed Arc Album 200c 3 days course.

Since last 2 days there is very little white color pus discharge like small patch on tissue. Slight watery discharge.

I have difficult in passing stool at start. looks like muscles are tight.

Nirvana64 9 years ago
Nawaz sir

There was again couple drops of light green/yellow discharge today. Do I need to take another remedy?

munish9jain 9 years ago
Hello Nirvana64,

Please take Natrum Phos 6x, 5 tablets, after each meal, for 4 days.

Also, take Rhus Tox 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Dear Jain,

What happened? What did you take for all meals, drinks and snacks?

What are the current Mind symptoms and all other Physical symptoms in detail?
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Nawaz sir

I have not changed anything in diet. I ate cereal with Almond milk. Lettuce some rice and black eye beans for lunch both days. Pineapple, half banana, some crackers. Cooked cauliflower just one cup. Mentally I am feeling good. Physically I feel some soreness in the lower right abdomen. Otherwise I am fine.

munish9jain 9 years ago
Hi Jain,
Please take Rhus Tox 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Nawaz Sir,

Its 6 days since i took merc sol 1m.
There is no noticeable discharge in last 10 days.
There is minor swelling currently and also the infected place feels hard.
Mind symptoms are okay.

sisir 9 years ago

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