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fistula (anal fistula) - the badguy Page 185 of 190

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Nawaz sir

Fistula is stable. No discharge or pain.
I had completed three doses of Nit Acid for the fissure I suspect inside. The pain is less and is mainly after the bowel movement. It stays for about 1 hr. please advise what can I take for the fissure.

munish9jain 8 years ago
Dear Patka, Pl repeat Merc Sol. 1m asap. Take only one dose.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Dear Jain,

Please take One dose of Lycopodium 1m.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Dear Nawaz,

I took Berberis 1x, 3 days. 5 days passed.
Last 2 days discharge from fistula external opening is mainly 2-3 drops watery blurry pink, seems pink blood mixed with yellow watery discharge

It had been more than 3 weeks I had Merc Sol 1M.

Best regards,
[message edited by scorpion73 on Mon, 20 Feb 2017 17:47:51 UTC]
scorpion73 8 years ago
Dear Scorpion, Please take One Dose of Merc Sol 1m asap.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Dear Nawaz,

It had been 12 days I took Merc Sol 1M.
Discharge from fistula external opening is less, watery transparetlnt sometimes with 1 drop pink and sometimes 1-2 drops watery yellow.
Today there is pain, urge to go to stool very often even none or very less stool. I ate some egg in the morning.
Now I started to eat bread made of almond to prevent gas problems.
I'm under stress about business.

Best regards,
[message edited by scorpion73 on Sun, 05 Mar 2017 14:20:07 UTC]
scorpion73 8 years ago
Dear Scorpion, AoA,

Sorry to miss your post.

What are the current symptoms in detail?

You needed Nux Vomica 200C. Did you take?

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Dear Nawaz,
Nux Vomica C200, 3 doses as always?

Best regards.
scorpion73 8 years ago
Complain list:i am suffering from burning pain after boil movement from last 6 months.it is happening after my pilesoperation last year.i feel my anus has become little tight/narrow after operation.recently i went to a doctor who told me now i have fistula in my anus and i have to go for fistula operation after checking me.but i have not much symptoms of fistula like puss passage,blood passage,pain.i feel only like burning and pain after leaving stool in morning,even pain & burning lasts for some hours.

10.about 7-8 months.
15.i think normal,not check for last few month.
16.burning and pain start just after boilmovement in the morning and lasts for few hours.and fistula but i saw no puss passage still.just some moisture i anal area.
17.very painful and dissapointing.
18.after piles operation.
19.like chilly burning.
20.i am not interested in surgury further so want to take homeopath treatment.
21.i can not start my morning happily because of cntinuous burning and pain.

27.Student.studying in BSc.
31.i m very simple,not so angry,felling very pain for this diseases.
34.in anal area.
36.all is normal.not any problem or difference.

1.Burning and pain start after BM and lasts for few hours and decrease slowly.
2.I dont see pus still but little wattery in anal area.
4.discharge of blood not seen after piles operation.but i just noticed blood with my stool a few times.
5.yes i have constipation and for this i eat vegitables and isabgul.
6.not much itching but much burning.
7.energy lvel is normal mind is anaxious about the sufferings.
8.i feel like i have lesion from whhich i feel burning just my assumption.i also feel pain after leaving stool.

so pls help me.
Sourav Biswas1 8 years ago
AoA Scorpion, Yes, it is 3 doses, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Aslamo Alekum, brother nawaz and all.
BRO i need your help. my name is ahmad, i am suffering from anal fistula. its been almost six months. first i did not know that what it is. i thought it is just some kind of wound. then i came to know that it is anal fistula. i was worried and did not know what to do, i google it and i find this site is very helpful. my age is 25. i dont know what is reason tha i have fistula. some month ago i was going somewhere on bike and i realise the slight pain area n near anal. i want get rid of this agony desease for permanently, is it possible?. and i dont want any surgery. two days i met a doctor who is a homepath in fact. i told him my case and he gave me some homeopathic medicine, i asked what are the names of these he did not tell me, i think he dont know there names, which worries me that i am not at right place, the med he gave are some white little sweet pills in two small bottles and two liquid syrup kind a things also in small bottles, one's color is like water and other is like mild red. he advise me to take all 3 times a day. i dont believe in his meds. as he dont even know there names, SO PLEASE NAWAZ BHAI help suggest me some meds, two heal fistula ASAP. my fistula condition, pus comes frequently, sometimes with blood, no pain at all while sitting and doing other stuff,
Ahmad375 8 years ago
pardon my english is not GOOD.
Ahmad375 8 years ago
Dr Nawaz,

It is now two weeks I took another dose (3rd one) of Merc Sol. 1m and before this I took one dose of Thuja 1m.
Now feeling better - less discharge and only sometimes yellow color stool (very less amount) comes out. Feeling like inside sore is getting cured. Still two small holes are visible from outside.
I have Thuja 1m and Merc Sol 1m - please advice.
patka 8 years ago
Dear Patka, Please take One dose of Merc Sol 1m asap.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 8 years ago
Dear Nawaz, AoA

After Nux Vomica C200 for 3 days, the day later I took Merc Sol 1M. Today, Monday, it had been 11 days after Merc Sol 1M.

Last Tuesday to Saturday, five days I had fever afternoons to nights, upto 38.8 degC. Now fine

About fistula, Even I eat very less and take care about pus and gas forming food discharge from fistula external wound is 10-15 drops creamy green-yellow from morning to night, night to morning. I have difficulty during BM, stool come in very tiny parts or none. I feel gas forced to fistula external wound. And maybe because of this sometimes discharge is 5-6 drops yellow pus with very tiny undigested parts.
Today there is constipation which make me afraid. I'm afraid could be blocked because of inner wound make me afraid of turning back to very beginning :(

There is sensitivity around fistula and pain when sitting, even walking, which make me too much restless.
I took 2 days Hypericum C200 because of pain.

Mentally and physically not good. Stress and worry about this condition

Waiting your instructions urgent
Best regards,
[message edited by scorpion73 on Mon, 20 Mar 2017 19:30:10 UTC]
scorpion73 7 years ago
Nawaz Sir

It has been almost a month since I wrote to you. Things were very busy at home. Fistula was OK too. There was no discharge or pain for almost a month.
I can feel some pain now. Almost feels like as if the fistula tube is hurting. there is no discharge yet. minor swelling so far. pain is felt while sitting.

munish9jain 7 years ago
Dr Nawaz,

It is now two weeks I took another dose (4th one) of Merc Sol. 1m.
Situation is improved further - very less discharge (the place mostly remain dry) and only sometimes yellow color stool (very less amount) comes out.
I have Thuja 1m and Merc Sol 1m - please advice.
patka 7 years ago
AoA Scorpion, So, how do you feel now? Please submit all of your Mind and Physical symptoms?

Many prayers for your good health and happiness.
nawazkhan 7 years ago
Dear Jain,

Please take Calc Phos 200c, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 7 years ago
What is the real color of this less discharge, dear patka?
nawazkhan 7 years ago
Nawaz sir,

It is colorless-I wipe the pus/secretion with white cotton and don't see any color. It is now less smelling.

[message edited by patka on Thu, 30 Mar 2017 01:54:22 UTC]
[message edited by patka on Mon, 03 Apr 2017 00:47:21 UTC]
patka 7 years ago
Dear Nawaz,

It had been 13 days I took Merc Sol 1M. Discharge from fistula external opening is 2-3 drops watery very light yellow.

I'm mentally and physically fine.

Best regards,
[message edited by scorpion73 on Mon, 03 Apr 2017 20:42:37 UTC]
scorpion73 7 years ago

I am confused as to exactly what I have, possible fistula or abscess. About 3 weeks ago I awoke in the morning with intense pain around my rectum. At the time, I believed it was hemorrhoids. I took and used every OTC I could find. None worked and I could barely walk. I began going through my supplements and oils. I located my Arnica Montana. I decided to give it a try. I applied the oil (pretty much) to the entire area. I had immediate relief. I continued it until the pain resided. However, the pain has never completely gone and after investigation, I feel I may have more than a hemorrhoid.
I have a quarter size flat bumb about one inch from my rectum. This seems to change a bit daily. It can get quite painful and feels sometimes like a swollen vein moving toward my outer butt cheek.

I do not nor have I ever had any constipation. I have not had any puss, discharge or anything other.

Yesterday it began to get quite painful again. I began taking the following as I did the morning it first began.
Super Silica 1288mg (15 drops 3-4 times a day as directed on bottle)
Horse Chestnut 250mg (once daily)
Calendula 100mg (once daily)
I am also still applying the Arnica Montana oil topically, as it is truly great at stopping the throbbing and delivers pain relief almost immediately.
I also take Spirulina 500mg as a daily supplement.

Please let me know what you think this may be and how to proceed with a homeopathic remedy.
[message edited by Nola985 on Sat, 08 Apr 2017 03:27:54 UTC]
Nola985 7 years ago
1. ID:Nola985
2. Age 43
4. Marital Status MARRIED
5. weight 148
6. Height …. 5'0
7. country USA
8. climate HOT HUMID
9. List of your complaints: Flattened bump with seemingly elongated vein that is tender and painful - location: near anus

10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint? Its relatively new. Approximately one month.

11. non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt: I'll typically chose sweet over salty or sour but I love both. Honestly, I would not say that I have a desire of one over the other.
13. Thirst - I drink a lot. I drink tons of water daily.
14. Tongue and Taste - tongue is fine. Always wet. I never suffer dry mouth or anything of the sort. Taste is fine. If my allergies are bad, then it can throw my tastes off a bit.
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine) 76/117

16. What exactly is happening? Extreme pain in one sit on buttocks, about 1 - 1.5 inches from anus. Was very swollen and is now a flat bump. When inflamed it feels like it is elongated. I take hot baths to relieve it then apply Arnica Montana oil.

17. How do you feel? Fine with the exception of that. No fever or anything other.
18. How does this affect you? When it was bad, I could barely walk or sit. I had to sit on my left side.

19. How does it feel like? Hot, hard, very tender.
20. What comes to your mind? is this a boil? Is this a cyst? But it never looked like what I have seen online.
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you? my father passing away

22. How did that feel like? like the world ended
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation? depression

24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)? actions
25. Current medicines you are taking? horse chestnut and super silica

26. Family Background: heart disease, diabetes
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient: some college

28. Nature of work, what do you do for living? I own and operate 2 retail stores, run social media and a blog.

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food: I am a pescatarian. I consume no milk but some cheese. I love carbonhydrates.

30. Name of foods which increase your problem: fried foods but thankfully I eat very little of that.

31. I am determined, somewhat impatient, efficient minded. I am different in that I try to be open-minded and wiwigh both sides of an issue. However, I am strong willed and a bit bull headed. I would say that I am an introvert. I don't speak publically but I have and will if need be but I don't seek it. I rather operate behind the scenes.

32. Aggravation is easy for me. Particularly when allergy season is upon us, as it is now. Makes me very irritable.

33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)

34. Location of the disease- right buttock - close to anus
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body) Right

36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc. No secretions.Stool is fine most days. I do not suffer from constipation.I was diagnosed in my twenties with IBS which is one of the reasons (besides personal) that I stopped eating meat.

In order to find out that what miasm are you currently in, please answer the following Q's?

1. Please tell us about your pain, if any? How much is the pain and where? Very bad some days when the site is swollen. I cannot sit directly on it ever.

2. No pus, nothing of the sort

3. What is the color of your discharges, if any? None

4. How about the blood discharges, if any? Please describe the color of blood and its thickness? None

5. Please tell me about your constipation? None

6. How about the itching and burning in detail, if any? Yes, there was itching when it first began. Every now and then it itches but not too often.

7. How is your energy level and state of mind other than the one you already described? Energy level could be better but I attribute it to poor eating or rather eating the wrong things because I am always on the run.

8. Any other issues right now and in the past other than the one you have already described? no other issues

9. What are you taking at the moment (homoeopathic and allopathic) on daily basis? Super Silica 1288mg
Horse Chestnut 250mg
Calendula 100mg
Daily supplement - Spirulina 500mg
10. Any other additional information that you would like to mention that might be helpful? None that I can think of.
[message edited by Nola985 on Sat, 08 Apr 2017 11:54:44 UTC]
Nola985 7 years ago
Dear Patka, pl take one dose of Merc Sol 1m today.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 7 years ago
Dear Scorpion,

Please take one dose of Lycopodium 1m today.

Many prayers for your speedy recovery.
nawazkhan 7 years ago

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