The ABC Homeopathy Forum
tonsil stones
hi alli have been on a diet for almost 2 months now to get rid of tonsil caffiene; absolutely no dairy; less sugar; lots of veggies and fruits...i have even stopped eating meat hoping that the scent and bad taste would stop.before this i tried antbiotics; cotton name it!!! i can safely say i have had this for about 7 years now but to me the bad breath have grown worse....IS THIS POSSIBLE?? i went to an ent.....he said i had nothing in my tonsils.....2 days before and after my visit like magic they popped!!! aA couple months before this i visited my family doc anf she told me that i had tonsil stones and explained that i have many grooves in my thrat where foodstuff is getting caught.
here's my problem though....since i started the diet i saw no more of these in the mouth. however i STILL suffer from the chronic BAD BREATH and taste!!!! can the tonsil stones be there still without me actually SEEING IT??????
any help would be greatly appreciated
badbreathinfinity on 2011-03-10
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