The ABC Homeopathy Forum
home remedy for tonsil stones
I've had problems with those nasty tonsil stones for as long as I can remember. As a child, I remember spitting them out in a napkin and wondering what they were. Although I hate it for my fellow soldiers who have to deal with the yucky critters, I take comfort in that I'm not alone. In the past few years, they have become more numerous, along with my allergy problems. I often get sinus/ infections and now am seeing an ENT. Every doc. I talk to won't remove my tonsils, although I have large craters and tonsil stones. I've tried everything from toothpicks tio q-tips to get these monsters out and what I have found to be most effective is to use the back of my tongue depresser stick. It is plastic with a rounded end. It isn't as irritating and I can gently push on my tonsils and large stones come popping out. Gross huh? Try pushing in different directions. In the larger craters, I can even "pull them out". Now when I feel that pressure/glob even before I see it, I can push and out they come. Also near where the tonsils connect with the side of my throat, I'll push and they'll pop out and I feel much better. A nurse told me it was "okay" to push these out but to be careful b/c you have blood vessles behind that can create bleeding. Since I've done it this way, I have not had any bleeding. I also scrape my tongue, and floss/brush regularly. I'm going to try some of those gargling techniques too, to see if they help. I hope you'll find using the back end of the tongue depresser helpful, I just rinse it off when I'm done. Of all the things I've tried to do to get them out, this has definitly worked the best!jonesa7 on 2006-01-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ deoshlok last decade
I'll be out and about today... I'll try the Nit acit 200 and get back with you on the results. Thanks so much!
jonesa7 last decade
couldn't find Nit acit 200... I wanted to read more on it. Where can I find it and what results should I see? Thanks
jonesa7 last decade
I'm glad to see so many viewers. In re-reading, I realized I kept calling it a tongue depresser... I meant I use the back end of the tongue scraper.
jonesa7 last decade
I suffered from tonsil stones for over 3 yrs. So I completely know how everyone feels in this forum.
Ive tried everything, my doctor initially thought it was an infection and prescribed me antibiotics. That didnt help at all. I then went to see a Throat Specialist, he told me tonsil stones are very common. Most people have got them, but they dont notice it because they just swallow it. The reason why people get the balls stuck at the back of your throat, is because when you eat, food gets stuck in the tiny holes called the tonsil crypts.
So over time, the tiny holes (tonsil crypts) in your tonsils get filled up with bacteria and food particles which then become smelly. There is one way of removing the balls in your throat, use a water jet syringe and squirt the water onto the white ball. But thats only a temporary relief, because it will grow again.
Ive seen 2 naturopaths and 1 homeopath about my problem, but they couldnt help either. I have to say I have spent almost $800, just seeing naturopaths and specialists.
A few months ago, a friend introduced me to this berry juice called the Himilayan Goji Juice. Ive been taken it for a few months now, and my tonsil stones have completely gone! Its just unbelievable, the juice is made up of a berry called Goji (Lycium Barbarum). You may not have heard of Goji before, but it has been used in traditional Asian medicine remedies for generations.
What encouraged me to give it a try is that it is formulated by the Nutritionist Dr Earl Mindell, the man who wrote the Vitamin Bible, which sold more than 10 million copies worldwide.
I really think you should try this juice, as it has certainly helped me. I drink 30mls everyday in the morning. Here is the website, give it a try.
world wide web.everlasting.freelife dot com
Let me know if it helped you too!
I suffered from tonsil stones for over 3 yrs. So I completely know how everyone feels in this forum.
Ive tried everything, my doctor initially thought it was an infection and prescribed me antibiotics. That didnt help at all. I then went to see a Throat Specialist, he told me tonsil stones are very common. Most people have got them, but they dont notice it because they just swallow it. The reason why people get the balls stuck at the back of your throat, is because when you eat, food gets stuck in the tiny holes called the tonsil crypts.
So over time, the tiny holes (tonsil crypts) in your tonsils get filled up with bacteria and food particles which then become smelly. There is one way of removing the balls in your throat, use a water jet syringe and squirt the water onto the white ball. But thats only a temporary relief, because it will grow again.
Ive seen 2 naturopaths and 1 homeopath about my problem, but they couldnt help either. I have to say I have spent almost $800, just seeing naturopaths and specialists.
A few months ago, a friend introduced me to this berry juice called the Himilayan Goji Juice. Ive been taken it for a few months now, and my tonsil stones have completely gone! Its just unbelievable, the juice is made up of a berry called Goji (Lycium Barbarum). You may not have heard of Goji before, but it has been used in traditional Asian medicine remedies for generations.
What encouraged me to give it a try is that it is formulated by the Nutritionist Dr Earl Mindell, the man who wrote the Vitamin Bible, which sold more than 10 million copies worldwide.
I really think you should try this juice, as it has certainly helped me. I drink 30mls everyday in the morning. Here is the website, give it a try.
world wide web.everlasting.freelife dot com
Let me know if it helped you too!
Tiffany23 last decade
I've been suffering from tonsil stones for 5 years now. Even after a good few months of drinking the goji juice, I started to see my tonsil stones appear again.
I never knew why I was getting tonsil stones, until I started to do some research on the internet. I found this book called Tonsil Stones Remedies. I thought if I was already spending so much money seeing ENT and specialist doctors. I might as well give this book a try, I have to say I was a big sceptical at first.
However, after reading this book, I found the information to be incredible. This book was the answer to what I have been looking for 5 years. This book teaches you how to Prevent and Get rid of tonsil stones, not for a short amount of time, but for ever. It is a home remedy treatment to getting rid of tonsil stones. After trying it for 2 months, there has been no reoccurrence of my tonsil stones at all. I wanted to say thanks to the author of this book, you are really a life saver! If you want to check this boo out, go to:
w w w. t o n s i l s t o n e s r e m e d i e s. c o m
I never knew why I was getting tonsil stones, until I started to do some research on the internet. I found this book called Tonsil Stones Remedies. I thought if I was already spending so much money seeing ENT and specialist doctors. I might as well give this book a try, I have to say I was a big sceptical at first.
However, after reading this book, I found the information to be incredible. This book was the answer to what I have been looking for 5 years. This book teaches you how to Prevent and Get rid of tonsil stones, not for a short amount of time, but for ever. It is a home remedy treatment to getting rid of tonsil stones. After trying it for 2 months, there has been no reoccurrence of my tonsil stones at all. I wanted to say thanks to the author of this book, you are really a life saver! If you want to check this boo out, go to:
w w w. t o n s i l s t o n e s r e m e d i e s. c o m
Tiffany23 last decade
If you have tonsil stones you may want to read another forum also...
and google Christine Wicks Queen Elizabeth Hospital
and google Christine Wicks Queen Elizabeth Hospital
justmebyanyname last decade
For a long time I thought I was the only one with these confidence destroyers.I always thought I was a lady's man and used to wonder why they would lose attraction after the first close contact like dancing,kissing or talking very close up. In the past I searched the net without results. I also went to an ENT because I also have sleep apnea. His suggestion was to gargle with warm saline solution which of course did not work. I purchased a rinse called 'sweet breath' that helps but not does not eradicate them. I will be trying some of the other methods mentioned and will let evryone know how it goes.
titanapollo last decade
Tiffany 23
So GOji is what you say works .My cousin owns a health food store i am going to have to try that. How long would you say it took to be gone? Also have you ever developed an infection after picking the stones out. I have had the stones forever but this time i am in a lot of pain and everytime i swollow i feel like something is lodged in my left side of my throat. Please help
So GOji is what you say works .My cousin owns a health food store i am going to have to try that. How long would you say it took to be gone? Also have you ever developed an infection after picking the stones out. I have had the stones forever but this time i am in a lot of pain and everytime i swollow i feel like something is lodged in my left side of my throat. Please help
necce88 last decade
Hmm... I would never go the route of having my God-given tonsils yanked out. I did actually consider it my junior year of college when I started amassing gigantic white stuff on my tonsils. Luckily I was able to figure out what they were from these boards.
I ended up using GSE and a waterpik that I got off of amazon to get rid of these guys once and for all. After consistently rinsing for about a month or so I haven't gotten these nasty smelly balls in the back of my throat at all...
These things made my life so miserable that I even made a site dedicated to combating their very existence (haha... yeah they affected my life that much...bad breath...)
I ended up using GSE and a waterpik that I got off of amazon to get rid of these guys once and for all. After consistently rinsing for about a month or so I haven't gotten these nasty smelly balls in the back of my throat at all...
These things made my life so miserable that I even made a site dedicated to combating their very existence (haha... yeah they affected my life that much...bad breath...)
whitestuffontonsil last decade
I have had my tonsils out when I was 4 and I am now 40. I started getting tonsil stones about 10 years ago. Any answers to this one since removing tonsils did not cure for me in the long run. They only come on one side.
noopie last decade
I'm a gagger, I have a really bad gag reflex. So I hope this helps any of you who have the same issue and can't really just stick a cue tip down your throat and get these out.
So eventually I was able to push on my tonsils with the cue tip, then I used the idea someone else had to get a suringe and flush the area with salt water. I did this numerous amounts of time then all of a sudden it pushed it out.
I have also read that one way to get it from coming back is to continue to flush the area with salt water. So I'm going to do this and I will let you know how is goes
So eventually I was able to push on my tonsils with the cue tip, then I used the idea someone else had to get a suringe and flush the area with salt water. I did this numerous amounts of time then all of a sudden it pushed it out.
I have also read that one way to get it from coming back is to continue to flush the area with salt water. So I'm going to do this and I will let you know how is goes
rogersfam last decade
Hi there,
This is for noopie. Have you figured out a cure? How is it possible to have tonsil stones when you don't have tonsils. This makes no sense?
This is for noopie. Have you figured out a cure? How is it possible to have tonsil stones when you don't have tonsils. This makes no sense?
Tgirl333 last decade
Had tonsil stones - they went away when I took extract of oregano on/under my tongue for a few days. I bought wild oregano extract. $33, tastes pretty intense, but stones gone!
Julies1225 last decade
I am 61 and had my tonsils removed when I was 6. For the past 20 years I have had tonsil stones intermittently. Even my ENT doc didn't know what they were! Three years ago an oral surgeon easily figured it out. He said there is a bit of one tonsil remaining. I guess there is just enough there to have the crypts in which the stones form. I just removed several this afternoon. Within a few hours I had a whole new batch. They don't hurt, but they certainly are disgusting!
justweenus last decade
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