The ABC Homeopathy Forum
simple tip for hair loss
For those who suffer from hair loss here is a simple tip that can be use for everyone who doesn't take any strong allopathic medicine: Fill half a glass of water (125ml) and add two or three branches of fresh RUE and let it be for 5 minutes.The water must be used in natural temperature. IT CAN'T BE HOT.
Than with the help of a piece of cotton, moist your scalp and let it be for 5 minutes.
Than you can wash your hair with a good shampoo.
You have to do it and wait 15 days to do it again, otherwise it can produce the opposite effect.
Think about it as a plant fertilizer: if you put too much, you can also kill the plant.
As everyone is unique, I think 15 days is just to have an idea.
Observe the effects. Do it once and realize when you need another dose: after the first application, It will get better, but probably it wont solve the problem. So, after 15 days observe if it is under the effect of RUE or if it is back to fall as it used to be. If it is bad again, repeat the procedure. If it is still better wait. The condition will improve every time you apply another dose.
cavicchioli on 2011-04-12
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