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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

trying adel 9- CRI Regen for hair loss, need advice Page 3 of 4

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like I dont want to argue, get into conflict and problems. I want to stay clear of problems. I am peace loving and like peaceful environments. not just myself but also I do no like other people arguing quarelling. I like issues getting resolved fast. everyone careing for each other and not trying to hurt. I sometimes try and help people resolve their issues.
ritu131 last decade
Ok interesting, that does give me an idea for the next remedy should Sepia not work out as well as we would like.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
so i should keep taking sepia for some more time?
ritu131 last decade
It is still unclear if it is right or not, until it is clear then yes. The worst thing practitioners do is jump around from remedy to remedy everytime a new idea occurs to them. That is a mistake I see students make all the time - need to persist until a remedy it is obvious that it is not working.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
hmm ok I was going through the description in Sepia, so many things match except for a few so I thought I will mention them here.
1. absence of / scanty period. Mine are quite heavy and with clots.
2. indifferent to loved ones. I am the opposite. I am very close to my family and care a lot for them,
3. female; pain; labour pains; excessive. I had to go for a c section because my labour pains never really increased, even after inducing artificially. Its more like I dont get labour pains.
[message edited by ritu131 on Mon, 30 May 2011 09:42:52 BST]
ritu131 last decade
Hi David,
I have stopped the dose for 2 days now. Just wasnt feeling too good.
Will wait and see.Let me know what you think.
ritu131 last decade
Hi David,
I have started sepia again, so far so good, been 2 doses.
ritu131 last decade
By the way you don't have to have every symptom of a remedy. But the remedy should cover the symptoms you have. Many of our remedies have thousands of symptoms - you cannot have all of them.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok got it.
My concern was, if Sepia is indicated for scanty periods and mine are too heavy, it might make it worse? Or maybe homeopathy works differently....
ritu131 last decade

[message deleted by ritu131 on Thu, 02 Jun 2011 06:53:00 BST]
ritu131 last decade
Hi David,
am still on Sepia and the extreme tiredness lethargy is back, I just dont feel like moving. Plus I have gained 1.5 kgs too.:(. My legs feel heavy and tight.
It seems Sepia is just not for me. Please help.
ritu131 last decade
What do you mean still on Sepia? How many doses have you had?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I started again on 29/05. One dose a day, as you prescribed. one drop in a glass of water, taken only 1 teaspoon and threw the rest. So 1 dose every day for 5 days now.
ritu131 last decade
When did the symptoms worsen?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
first 2 days i did not notice much but past 2 day they got worse.
ritu131 last decade
Any advice David??
ritu131 last decade
Is there no medicine for me? I am desperately looking for a cure for my hairloss . I have tried sepia on and off for a month now. It's just not for me.
ritu131 last decade
I agree Sepia is not correct.

Also, once you get an aggravation of symptoms you need to stop the medicine right away. Even if this is only after 1 dose.

You can trust your feelings on this. If the remedy feels like it is working against you, always stop taking it.

I will examine the case again.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Just checking, you did stop the Sepia didn't you?

I am also wondering if the 30c is just too low for you. When the potency is too low people can aggravate more - it becomes like an irritation rather than a balm for them.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Yes stopped it. It was just making me worse and worse
ritu131 last decade
waiting for a reply.
If you can let me know which medicine I should be taking soon , I can ask my friend to bring it for me. My friend is traveling and coming back today, we do not get all medicines here. Please also let me know it should be liquid or pills?
ritu131 last decade
Sulphur actually comes up very strongly for many of your symptoms. Can you get hold of 30c?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
ok, in liquid form?
ritu131 last decade
Hi David today I went to see a derm as I have 3 small White patches. And she diagnosed as vitiligo :(.as if the hairloss and weight issues were not enough. I wanna ask if sulphur still remains my remedy also could this be due to the meds I took - cri regen(see 1st post) As I noticed these soon after. Also I am going through a lot of stress.
ritu131 last decade
Vitilgo doesn't change the prescription, it is just a name of a complaint. Any remedy can cure any named condition - it is the specific and peculiar symptoms of the patient that matters.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I am mansoor from pakistan.
I am 6'3, 18 year old, 75kg.
I m losing alot of hair please recommend some treatment.
Max 93 last decade

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