The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Desparately need help with female hair loss
I am a 57 year old female and have been losing hair since I had menopause about 7 year ago. Hair loss is following male baldness, hair line has receded way back at the sides and on top of the temple in the front, all hair is gone, except very few thin and straw like patch. Have slight Thyroid problem and take small dose of synthroid. The way it is going, I will lose all the hair in the forehead very soon. Back hair seems to be fine and somewhat healthy. Tried many things, including Sepia 30. Use minoxidil which does not help much. I will greatly appreciate help. Take Biotin, Selenium, Zinc etc and multivitamin.tejaswi12 on 2011-06-28
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♡ kadwa last decade
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