The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Enlarged prostate and lack of sex drive
I am 58 years old man . Weight : 68 kgs. My Prostate is moderately enlarged. I have no problem of Sugar/Pressure.The USG details for the bladder are as follows:
The Prevoid shows about 638 ml of urine .The post void residual volume of urin is 48 ml. Postrate measures 31 x 37 x 46 mms . Weight is 27 gram. PSA is 0.8 ng/ml.
My problem :
1) Frequency of urination is more, urgency for urination, feeble stream of urination, intermittent stoppage
2) Sex drive lost
3) Quantity of semen ejaculated is minimum.
4) Occasional back pain
5) I do not go for passing urine at night
6) At present I am on Urimax 0.4 .
Doctors are suggesting surgery , I am not interested in that as that is not a permanent solution. Success ratio is 50 % . I want some homeopathy treatment.
hatim25 on 2011-10-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Avena Stiva-Q (10 drops in a little warter three times a day) and report after 4 weeks.
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
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