The ABC Homeopathy Forum
10 month old with wheezy cough
Hi allI was wondering if anyone could help me with a remedy for my 10 month old. He constantly seems to have a cough and a cold. As soon as he gets a cold the coughing starts. The cough sounds very chesty even though the doc says his chest is clear. He gets very wheezy and has been given an inhaler. The cough is worse when he has fallen asleep, but he wakes coughing and spluttering. He also has green discharge from his nose which alternates from running to dry and crusty. He does bring up phlegm but I can't see what colour it is.
He also perspires a lot, especially when he has a cough or cold. He can wake up in the night with his hair soaking wet. His hands and feet are clammy.
He is a very happy baby and is not afraid of strangers at all. He is quite a large baby for his age, big and chubby but not fat, with blue eyes and fair skin and hair.
Any remedy recommendations would be most helpful thanks!
shellnelliot on 2011-12-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
When did he start coughing like this? How long ago?
What are you giving him at the moment?
Many prayers for the beautiful soul.
When did he start coughing like this? How long ago?
What are you giving him at the moment?
Many prayers for the beautiful soul.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
He started coughing about 2 days ago. Hav given him a couple doses of aconite when it started but it's just getting worse
shellnelliot last decade
Please give him Antimonium Tartaricum 30C, 2 drops mixed in one teaspoon full of mineral water, 2 times a day, for 2 days.
Many prayers for his speedy recovery.
Please give him Antimonium Tartaricum 30C, 2 drops mixed in one teaspoon full of mineral water, 2 times a day, for 2 days.
Many prayers for his speedy recovery.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
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