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Stomach Worms


My 3 yr old daughter is having worm problems.She grinds her teeth at night in sleep...she also feels like itching are anal often...and also has very low appetite most of the times.Please suggest.
  divyashenoy on 2012-02-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Give her Cina 30c 1 dose per day at morning empty stomach 30 min before breakfast. Continue it till 7 days and thn report me here pls. I hope she will be cured. All of her symptoms will be subsided during this 7 days.

Two drops of medicine will be a dose for her but mix it with a cup of water before give her to drink.

Dr. Showrav
[message edited by Dr. Showrav on Mon, 06 Feb 2012 10:20:01 GMT]
Dr. Showrav last decade
Thanks Dr Showrav,

Please let me know if an adult can take the same medicine for similar problem..or the dose should be increased.
divyashenoy last decade
Cina 200c or Sentonine 3X or Teucrium 200c or Ratanhia 200c any one of them will be best for Adults.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
Hi I am an 36 yo female adult from the US who became ill after traveling to Ecuador 10 years ago, I could not get a clear diagnosis from the doctors at the time from a couple stool samples. I have developed food allergies (wheat and corn) and generally feel functional but struggle with my health and vitality. Recently I have been feeling better and made a break through using acupuncture and guided healing imagery. For the first time I can exercise and have much more energy. Anti parasite herbs have always made me very tired and never resolved the problem permanently. a couple weeks ago I became ill with a flu like stomach illness after eating bacon a couple times. It might have been undercooked or it might have been additives in the bacon, but bacon has upset my stomach before. I have a sensitive stomach. Ever since I have alternating diarrhea and constipation and very much low back ache, manic feelings, restlessnesss, fatigue, iritability, and nausea after eating. A while agao (2 yrs) n alternative MD diagnosed me with roundworm and giardia usin a machine. Last year I tried Cina once and it made me feel pretty bad. Just tried it again as you suggested above and at first I felt calmer, now I feel a bit manic again. Was planning to proceed with three days on 30C Cina twice a day, morning and evening and then if feeling better take the 200C doses afterward. If that doesn't work I was planning to do the Cuprum Oxydatum Nigrum alternated with nux vomica.. Any suggestions? I've had these parasites for a long time and have taken herbs and worm meds for them but I am still not better. I have some strange flat clearish white things that come out in my stool from time to time especially after I eat an anti-worm food like pumpkin or umeboshi plum.. These antiparasite foods make me feel terrible like I'm having a detox reaction. COnfused about how to get better. Sorry for the long email. Desperately hoping for some relief and a deeper cure.. Thanks much for any advice or guidance..
[message edited by samiami on Mon, 12 Mar 2012 17:21:24 GMT]
samiami last decade
Sorry that is 'antiworm' foods not 'anti-work' in my previous posting..
samiami last decade
So basically, got sick with roundworm and giardia 10 years ago.. Not diagnosed until 9 years later.. Herbs don't resolve it or worm meds. looking for advice on which remedy to take. Feel anxious, irritable physically, thirsty, hungry, low back ache relieved by defecation. Stiffness and restlessness. Recent stomach upset of diarrhea alternating with constipation won't resolve. Generally very healthy eater, light on meat, no processed foods, no wheat or corn, lots of fresh veggies. Exercise several times a week, yoga and cardio. Recently had some improvements with acupuncture and guided imagery but my system is acting up again and acupuncture and chinese herbs not helping. I've stop those for now.
samiami last decade

I told Cina 200c for adult not 30c. I really dislike those kinds of patients who do cleverly activities and experimentation with homeopathic medicine or with its potency regulation although having clear guidance from a Homeopath about that before. Who told u to take 30c..??

ur problem was not for Cina, Ur problem may have cured by Teucrium, Ratanhia, Santonine or Staphy sag. U r a patient of Lycopodium. The problem of urs is from the miasm of Psora. It may take take two months of time approximately to cure all ur problems forever. But the total treatment guidance is totally different from the normal and common worm problem.

So get permanent solution from Homeopathy expert and dont do self prescribing experiment with a serious medical issue.

u do not need the Cuprum ox nig and Nux vom. Dont take them. they might make the situation worse.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
Dr. Showrav,

I am sorry if I have frustrated you. I misunderstood.

Your description seems to make sense regarding the miasm of the psora. So at this point you suggest I go to see a homeopath. The last time I saw one she was a great lady, but she could not cure me and the only way I got relief was by finding my own cure as you mentioned. A few years later causticum brought me great relief. I have also had relief from nat mur, sepia, and nitricum for insomnia..

So at this point do you have any further advice? Should I stop the Cina? I've only taken one dose. Is it doing me harm? Also do you think homeopaths in the US would have experience in treating parasites?

[message edited by samiami on Mon, 12 Mar 2012 20:57:42 GMT]
[message edited by samiami on Mon, 12 Mar 2012 21:13:45 GMT]
[message edited by samiami on Mon, 12 Mar 2012 21:25:04 GMT]
samiami last decade
It is most common symptoms for treatment to the homeopaths to cure the parasites. So dont worry. I can guide u from here but it is hard for me to give u my time bcs I m so busy now a days with my own clinical practice. So please forgive me for inconvenience. U can go to another experienced homeopath for ur treatment or contract me for private appointment at net consultation by my gmail account of my profile.

take 7 Doses of Cina 30c continuously one dose per day.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
hello doctor,
m a homeopathy student of 1st year junior,my puppy recently had a worm infestation of GIT by tapeworms, he is being cured nw by a vet bt my mother worries that his worms could be carried to us from his stool or by any other means and could infest us too. i read about cina but since u recommend us not to try anythng v read pls suggest if required, a preventive. thanku so much :)
Priyanka motwani last decade
collect 500g of Bottle Gourd seeds intake with its cover wall. Then fry the seeds with no oil in a frying pen until the covers are hardened and colors a little brownish. Than uncover those seeds and take out the soft light green pulps inside them. Mash those pulps with a little date palm trees extracted sugar (patali gur)and store them in a air tight glass pot. Take a tea spoonful of those mixture every day at morning at empty stomach and drink a glass of water after that. Continue this 7-10 days. If any tape worm stays inside u, it will be get out from inside with stool.

If next time ur Puppy have the tape worm u can give this mix to him also for the same purpose. Cina is not appropriate for tape worm. It is effective only against smaller and weaker warms.

Dr. Showrav
[message edited by Dr. Showrav on Wed, 10 Oct 2012 22:47:02 BST]
Dr. Showrav last decade
thanku so much!! :)
Priyanka motwani last decade
I am 33 years male, indian. I went to doctor for my fatigue and anxiety and lack of focus.
3 months of tests and then i was diagnosed with “ deficiency of vitaminD and Calcium"
I know take tablets for vit D and calcium from a month.

I also have worms from childhood...
Symptoms :
1. elbendazole tablet gives me some relief for a month & then it reoccurs.
2. My nose itches
3. Anus also gives some biting feeling
4. Hunger is very very high
5. Hunger causes headache and gas
6. Loss of vitality
7. Urge for masterbation is more.

Plz advice and help.
maneeshaf 9 years ago

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