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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Stomach Worms

I am a 33 years male, indian. I went to doctor for my fatigue and anxiety and lack of focus.
3 months of tests then i was diagnosed with “ deficiency of vitaminD and Calcium"
I now take tablets for vit D and calcium from a month.

I also have worms from childhood...
Symptoms :
1. elbendazole tablet gives me some relief for a month & then it reoccurs.
2. My nose itches
3. Anus also gives some scratch & biting feeling
4. Hunger is very very high
5. Hunger causes headache and gas
6. Loss of vitality.
7. Physical weakness more in comparison to others
8. Sensitive to light
9. Urge for masterbation is more.

Plz advice and help.
  maneeshaf on 2016-01-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Did you get your stool checked for worms? if not get it tested.
fitness 9 years ago

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