The ABC Homeopathy Forum
male43 on 2012-03-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
x and c are roman representation of numbers ... means x=10 and c=100
so 30x means 30 times 10
1/1000000000000000000000000000000... like wise .. not sure about this . you will get information through google.
x 1/10
c 1/100
m 1/1000
lm 1/50,000
pawan wairagade
[message edited by Pawan Wairagade on Thu, 22 Mar 2012 07:36:49 GMT]
so 30x means 30 times 10
1/1000000000000000000000000000000... like wise .. not sure about this . you will get information through google.
x 1/10
c 1/100
m 1/1000
lm 1/50,000
pawan wairagade
[message edited by Pawan Wairagade on Thu, 22 Mar 2012 07:36:49 GMT]
Pawan Wairagade last decade
You know you are not clear about potency then why you posted unclear text? It is not wise Mr. Pawan Wairagde
male43 last decade
Yes that was a very strange explaination.
X stands for the Decimal potency. This means that each step of making the remedy involves diluting 1 part medicine into 10 parts water/alchohol.
C stands for the Centesimal potency, where the medicine is made by diluting 1 part into 100 parts water/alcohol.
Dilution is only one part of the process, and it ensures less toxicity. Succussion is the other part of the process (hitting of the bottle or vial against an elastic surface a certain number of times) and this unlocks the energetic healing potential of the substance, increasing it with each potency step.
So 30c is more powerful a healing tool than 30x. However potency must be matched to the individual situation, you cannot just give the highest potency.
X stands for the Decimal potency. This means that each step of making the remedy involves diluting 1 part medicine into 10 parts water/alchohol.
C stands for the Centesimal potency, where the medicine is made by diluting 1 part into 100 parts water/alcohol.
Dilution is only one part of the process, and it ensures less toxicity. Succussion is the other part of the process (hitting of the bottle or vial against an elastic surface a certain number of times) and this unlocks the energetic healing potential of the substance, increasing it with each potency step.
So 30c is more powerful a healing tool than 30x. However potency must be matched to the individual situation, you cannot just give the highest potency.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
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