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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Attn: Dr. Nawaz. Hives Itch and GERD from Allergy Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
'Can i take 1 dose Calc-carb 30 before sleeping '
No, Sorry.
nawazkhan last decade
AoA Dr. Nawaz

I am continuing with Ledum 30c and Nat Phos 6x as per your prescription.
About hives and itching.. I want to tell you that hives are 80% gone now, but they return if I am working outside in the sun, or even inside. The more I prespire the more hives appear. Itching in palms and soles is totally gone.. But its still itches on my neck, back wrists etc, But its not as bad and intense as it was before.
Regarding GERD. I felt pain after lunch today in my chest for half hour. And had cough too for 2 hours this morning when i woke up.
Left nostril and ear blocked the whole day.

Thanks and warm regards
abuhamza last decade
'I felt pain after lunch today in my chest for half hour'
You must get it checked at near by clinic asap.
nawazkhan last decade
Salam Dr. Nawaz.

I have completed 3 days dosage of ledum last night. The most positive effect is on soles of feet. There is hardly any spot /itch left. Whereas it has spread on other areas like my wrist, neck, back, torso and thighs. They were only at palms and feet when i started the treatment. I have also noticed that heat and perspiration aggravates the condition. Eating mangoes also increases both hives and itching so I am staying away from mangoes for the time being.
Regarding GERD, I am taking nat phos 6x after each meal and i have noticed very little positive affect. I'm also feeling that my problem is not GERD but LPR, as I have lots of post nasal drip and cough. The cough usually starts after 2 hours of eating and it gets bad when i lie down. It is accompanied with white mucous like expectoration which tastes like acid. I also feel constriction in my larynx area.. Taking a deep breath triggers the cough. And during a cough episode i feel shortness of breath and weezing.

Kindly suggest what to do next.
I am only taking nat phos 6x after meals currently.

abuhamza last decade

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