The ABC Homeopathy Forum
CFS, IBS-D, hyperhydrosis, fevers, insomnia
I have a classic case of CFS. I've tested positive for reactivated Epstein-Barr, HHV-6 and Mycoplasma pneumonia. I also had extraordinarily high titres of Toxoplasma gondii, along with a Tricuria trichuris infection (whip worms). I also have adrenal fatigue and thyroid insufficiency and take medication for both. I had a large goiter removed 10/89 and I collapsed from adrenal fatigue about a year ago. I have not worked since October due to fatigue, dizziness, exhaustion, brain fog and chronic stomach aches (IBS).I did the Remedy Finder the other day and came up with a strong score for Arsenicum. I ordered three potencies: 30X, 30C and 200C. Now I'm reading up on IBS and the FODMAP diet (fructose malabsorption, etc.) and I think it's a fit. But I'd like to heal my gut so I was wondering what else to do. Also, it seems likely I have an enterovirus as these can cause malabsorption and small bacterial overgrowth with IBS symptoms of gas, bloating and low motility - all of which I have. So I'm going to try the FODMAP diet to give my gut a break - but what will cure it?
I did a herbal parasite treatment for the month of March and ended up very sick with fevers and sweats, brain fog, weakness and fatigue. After a few colonics, and some rest, I got a bit better and then I did a 2.5 week Toxoplasma treatment using Chinese herbs. This gave me fevers, chills and sweats, much worse than before. Toward
the end my chills abated but the fevers and sweats still bother me quite a bit, along with insomnia (not just my usual early morning waking, but frequent waking up sweating and hot, throwing off covers, getting too cold, putting covers back on). That's when I found Arsenicum.
I have a hunch whatever cures my gut will cure my CFS. LMK if you know something in addition, or better to what I have chosen, to more fully address the gut problems (which include constipation but mostly loose stools and diarrhea, particularly as the days wears on) and the sleep problem. Thanks and much love.
michele3d on 2012-06-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello Michele,
Please click on nawazkhan ( any post)
and see the intake form. Please fill
that out in the same order- and answer
all as best you can.
After that someone on here can work
with you on a course of treatment.
Or depending where you are the best
option is always face to face with a
good homeopath-if you want to do that
and need help in finding good people
I can also help you there.
Best wishes to you for total healing.
Please click on nawazkhan ( any post)
and see the intake form. Please fill
that out in the same order- and answer
all as best you can.
After that someone on here can work
with you on a course of treatment.
Or depending where you are the best
option is always face to face with a
good homeopath-if you want to do that
and need help in finding good people
I can also help you there.
Best wishes to you for total healing.
♡ simone717 last decade
Pl take
1. Merc Sol-200 (200c) 6 pills 2 times a day
2. Natrum Phos-6x 3 pallets immediately before and after meals
R.P. Tamhankar
[message edited by shouse_nsk on Sat, 16 Jun 2012 01:28:04 BST]
1. Merc Sol-200 (200c) 6 pills 2 times a day
2. Natrum Phos-6x 3 pallets immediately before and after meals
R.P. Tamhankar
[message edited by shouse_nsk on Sat, 16 Jun 2012 01:28:04 BST]
shouse_nsk last decade
michele3d last decade
michele3d last decade
Hi Michelle
that is on a thread on today called Monsoon rain- If you look where your name is on this post- then look at other
posts and see Nawazkahn? all those posts
have the intake form.
Also the prescription by RP above this?
his user name is Shouse- click on that
you will see his email- you might want
to send him an email and ask more
things about his ideas for you. You
are new to forum and you can click on
anyones user name and see their profile and email if they list it.
Best wishes,
that is on a thread on today called Monsoon rain- If you look where your name is on this post- then look at other
posts and see Nawazkahn? all those posts
have the intake form.
Also the prescription by RP above this?
his user name is Shouse- click on that
you will see his email- you might want
to send him an email and ask more
things about his ideas for you. You
are new to forum and you can click on
anyones user name and see their profile and email if they list it.
Best wishes,
♡ simone717 last decade
Hi Michelle,
I hope this e-mail reaches you. I have a few suggestions ..... these are suggestions only but they have worked for me.
Homeopathy is amazing and ABChomeopathy are the best.
I would start with Ultraclear by Metagenics for 10 days following their program and then do a homeopathic intake of your symptoms.
Arsenicum Album is a generic for chronic fatigue but one must exhibit the mentals , physicals and generals in order for it to work.
I would not buy into the virus load/titer, in choosing a remedy.... a homeopathic remedy choice has to be on symptom picture
I think you are correct with your observation of your G.I problem, all go hand in hand .
I have a couple of questions if that is O.K.
I wish you well .... if I can help with a remedy please get it at ABC
I hope this e-mail reaches you. I have a few suggestions ..... these are suggestions only but they have worked for me.
Homeopathy is amazing and ABChomeopathy are the best.
I would start with Ultraclear by Metagenics for 10 days following their program and then do a homeopathic intake of your symptoms.
Arsenicum Album is a generic for chronic fatigue but one must exhibit the mentals , physicals and generals in order for it to work.
I would not buy into the virus load/titer, in choosing a remedy.... a homeopathic remedy choice has to be on symptom picture
I think you are correct with your observation of your G.I problem, all go hand in hand .
I have a couple of questions if that is O.K.
I wish you well .... if I can help with a remedy please get it at ABC
marlinstorm last decade
Hi Marlinstorm,
Thanks for your email. I decided to try RP's advice, and the Mercuris helped my fevers and sweats right away. I still have temperature fluctuations, but they are not nearly as bad. However, the fatigue is still truly awful - I'm mostly housebound and very frustrated. Just a few months ago I was able to go to school but now I spend most of my time reading or lying down.
Does Arsenicum help more with fatigue? I remember it fit my symptoms really, really well, and I already bought it from abchomeopathy.
P.S. What are the mentals, physicals and generals for Arsenicum? I couldn't find them.
[message edited by michele3d on Mon, 02 Jul 2012 03:59:00 BST]
Thanks for your email. I decided to try RP's advice, and the Mercuris helped my fevers and sweats right away. I still have temperature fluctuations, but they are not nearly as bad. However, the fatigue is still truly awful - I'm mostly housebound and very frustrated. Just a few months ago I was able to go to school but now I spend most of my time reading or lying down.
Does Arsenicum help more with fatigue? I remember it fit my symptoms really, really well, and I already bought it from abchomeopathy.
P.S. What are the mentals, physicals and generals for Arsenicum? I couldn't find them.
[message edited by michele3d on Mon, 02 Jul 2012 03:59:00 BST]
michele3d last decade
Michele. You can look them up on
abc remedies, click on A and read
the materia Medica they are using for
this site, But you cannot prescribe
for yourself.
RP has been on forum helping for quite
awhile. These things go in layers- so
however long he told you to do your
prescription, then you report back what
is going on after the amount of days
and he will then re do the prescription.
This is Marlinstorms first post on
this forum.
abc remedies, click on A and read
the materia Medica they are using for
this site, But you cannot prescribe
for yourself.
RP has been on forum helping for quite
awhile. These things go in layers- so
however long he told you to do your
prescription, then you report back what
is going on after the amount of days
and he will then re do the prescription.
This is Marlinstorms first post on
this forum.
♡ simone717 last decade
Thanks, Simone. I will see what RP says after I complete the course of treatment he prescribed. I'm glad to hear there will be more suggestions.
While I was planning on getting back to RP anyway, I like hearing different points of view - because with ME/CFS, no one has all the answers, so you learn to listen to everybody.
[message edited by michele3d on Mon, 02 Jul 2012 04:28:42 BST]
While I was planning on getting back to RP anyway, I like hearing different points of view - because with ME/CFS, no one has all the answers, so you learn to listen to everybody.
[message edited by michele3d on Mon, 02 Jul 2012 04:28:42 BST]
michele3d last decade
Yes, you report in feed back and then
next set is prescribed to address where
you are at until you are cured.
next set is prescribed to address where
you are at until you are cured.
♡ simone717 last decade
Hi Simone,
I haven't heard back from Ram since we first discussed remedies. He hasn't responded to a question about how to take them nor has he responded to my 15 day report. I'm still having severe problems with insomnia, sinus congestion, and dryness at night (eyes and mouth). What should I do?
I haven't heard back from Ram since we first discussed remedies. He hasn't responded to a question about how to take them nor has he responded to my 15 day report. I'm still having severe problems with insomnia, sinus congestion, and dryness at night (eyes and mouth). What should I do?
michele3d last decade
Just wanted to post it here for the record:
Mercuris solubilis 200C - 3 pellets morning and evening
Arsenicum album 200C - 6 pellets daily at bedtime
Mercuris solubilis 200C - 3 pellets morning and evening
Arsenicum album 200C - 6 pellets daily at bedtime
michele3d last decade
Hi Michelle,
Hope this e-mail finds you a little better than the other day. With reference to the mental picture of Arsenicum Album any materia medica will give you an Idea. The problem with
Polycrests ( all big remedies ) are that the symptom pictures are very vast and Arsenicum is one of the largest
The mental picture as I understand it is: Anxious especially in the early stages, irritability, critical and discontented.
There can be a very pronounced fear of death. Anxiety can very often be around health issues.
Dependent on a strong support network especially their doctor and family members.
There can be a fear of poverty. Also compulsive behaviors.
As you can see there are many aspects
to a remedy, and different people see different things. As per Simone's posting, it would be prudent to find a homeopath in your area so that a THOROUGH case taking can done. It is often through the ' peculiars ' of a case that the true remedy can be found
One of the first rules of homeopathy is to remove the exciting cause ( if one knows it! ) GI issues can be a major
cause and or contributor to CFS.
The reason I suggested the Ultra Clear by Metagenics was I suffered with CFS for 12 years and spent a lot of money trying to get it cleared up.
This product was really the first thing I did that helped and then got me onto other things that eventually helped me get better
Hope this e-mail finds you a little better than the other day. With reference to the mental picture of Arsenicum Album any materia medica will give you an Idea. The problem with
Polycrests ( all big remedies ) are that the symptom pictures are very vast and Arsenicum is one of the largest
The mental picture as I understand it is: Anxious especially in the early stages, irritability, critical and discontented.
There can be a very pronounced fear of death. Anxiety can very often be around health issues.
Dependent on a strong support network especially their doctor and family members.
There can be a fear of poverty. Also compulsive behaviors.
As you can see there are many aspects
to a remedy, and different people see different things. As per Simone's posting, it would be prudent to find a homeopath in your area so that a THOROUGH case taking can done. It is often through the ' peculiars ' of a case that the true remedy can be found
One of the first rules of homeopathy is to remove the exciting cause ( if one knows it! ) GI issues can be a major
cause and or contributor to CFS.
The reason I suggested the Ultra Clear by Metagenics was I suffered with CFS for 12 years and spent a lot of money trying to get it cleared up.
This product was really the first thing I did that helped and then got me onto other things that eventually helped me get better
marlinstorm last decade
Hi Marlinstorm,
That description actually fits me perfectly. The RemedyFinder also recommended it. So I'm very happy to take R.P.'s recommendation, and the first remedy he recommended worked fantastically.
I checked out MetaClear, and I do think it's a good product. Right now, though, I'm working with the Simplified Methylation Protocol and like the Mercuris solubilis, it's changed my life overnight. In fact, I have so much energy I'm going to cut back on my cortisol dose so I can get some sleep. The basic idea is that some people can't utilize methyl B12 or regular folic acid due to lack of intrinsic factor and other problems with the folate cycle. This leads to problems with the methylation cycle and ATP cycle, and wreaks havoc on our systems. In my case, adrenals seemed to be particularly affected, but once I took just the smallest dose of hydroxyB12 and folinic acid they seemed to bounce back.
If you want to know more, there's an interesting discussion here:
and I'll be sure to check out MetaClear again in the future.
That description actually fits me perfectly. The RemedyFinder also recommended it. So I'm very happy to take R.P.'s recommendation, and the first remedy he recommended worked fantastically.
I checked out MetaClear, and I do think it's a good product. Right now, though, I'm working with the Simplified Methylation Protocol and like the Mercuris solubilis, it's changed my life overnight. In fact, I have so much energy I'm going to cut back on my cortisol dose so I can get some sleep. The basic idea is that some people can't utilize methyl B12 or regular folic acid due to lack of intrinsic factor and other problems with the folate cycle. This leads to problems with the methylation cycle and ATP cycle, and wreaks havoc on our systems. In my case, adrenals seemed to be particularly affected, but once I took just the smallest dose of hydroxyB12 and folinic acid they seemed to bounce back.
If you want to know more, there's an interesting discussion here:
and I'll be sure to check out MetaClear again in the future.
michele3d last decade
Hi Marlinstorm,
I looked at the ingredients in Metagenics UltrClear, and they are very similar to the Neurological Health Formula used in the Simplified Methylation Protocol. An important difference is the inclusion of trimethylglycine in the NHF. That is a key ingredient for restarting the methylation cycle and getting phase II detox working again. On the other hand, Ultra Clear has more potassium in it but I supplement with that separately.
Since NHF is what they are using in the SMP, and it contains a few more different things, I'm going to stick with what I'm doing so I can continue to get guidance from people in the know about this. But thanks for mentioning it. I am glad to know that what worked for you is similar to what is working for me.
I looked at the ingredients in Metagenics UltrClear, and they are very similar to the Neurological Health Formula used in the Simplified Methylation Protocol. An important difference is the inclusion of trimethylglycine in the NHF. That is a key ingredient for restarting the methylation cycle and getting phase II detox working again. On the other hand, Ultra Clear has more potassium in it but I supplement with that separately.
Since NHF is what they are using in the SMP, and it contains a few more different things, I'm going to stick with what I'm doing so I can continue to get guidance from people in the know about this. But thanks for mentioning it. I am glad to know that what worked for you is similar to what is working for me.
michele3d last decade
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