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Sebaceous Cyst



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sebaceous Cyst Page 2 of 2

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Got it! Thanks
klk17 last decade
Well, the cyst is back to having a dip in the middle and being raised unevenly around, unfortunately. I have not noticed it draining, unless I missed it. I did notice a little while after I took the dose that the dip was very noticeable and my sinuses felt a lot clearer for a while.

My sinuses have gotten a little worse the past few days, but I have been doing a lot of cleaning and stirring up dust, etc.

klk17 last decade
Please take 5 doses of silicea 200. You should take one dose in three days. So 5 doses should be done in 15 days.
kadwa last decade
Okay-thanks so much!
klk17 last decade
Okay, it has been interesting! The 'dip,' which I think is where it was draining from, has felt very defined at times. Now, it is more difficult to feel it, but I can. It seems that whatever is in there has mostly moved to one spot. If you were looking at the back of my neck, there is now a small bump to the upper right of the dip. It feels hard but when I push on it it feels like I can make an impression in it. Thanks!
[message edited by klk17 on Sun, 09 Dec 2012 09:15:12 GMT]
[message edited by klk17 on Sun, 09 Dec 2012 09:16:00 GMT]
klk17 last decade
You may repeat a dose of Silicea 200 every week until total relief.
kadwa last decade

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